44 research outputs found
Additional file 2: Table S1. of Cortisol inhibits mTOR signaling in avascular necrosis of the femoral head
Antibodies list used for Western blot. Table S2. Oligonucleotides list used for real-time PCR. (DOCX 14 kb
Additional file 1: of Cortisol inhibits mTOR signaling in avascular necrosis of the femoral head
Raw normalized data of LncRNA microarray. (XLSX 25998 kb
Headspace Microextraction of Sulfonamides from Honey by Hollow Fibers Coupled with Ultrasonic Nebulization
A new method for the rapid simultaneous
determination of five sulfonamides
in honey was developed using ultrasonic nebulization-assisted extraction
coupled with hollow fiber liquid–liquid–liquid microextraction
prior to liquid chromatography. In the present method, the sample
solution was nebulized by ultrasonication. Sulfonamides in the aerosol
particles were extracted by 1-octanol impregnated in the pores of
a hollow fiber and further into the acceptor phase (acid solution,
pH 2.0) contained in the lumen of the hollow fiber. Several experimental
parameters that affect the extraction efficiency were optimized. The
present method provides good recoveries (88.9–114.2%) and acceptable
precision (<10.7%), indicating the effective extraction. The detection
limits were 4.6–6.8 μg/kg, lower than the maximum residue
limits of sulfonamides in honeys. Compared to the traditional extraction
methods, the present method requires less organic solvent and operation
time, demonstrating excellent cleanup ability and good enrichment
Study on the Absorption Coefficient of Reduced Graphene Oxide Dispersion
absorption of graphene
plays an important role in optoelectronic applications. In this work,
a series of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) dispersions containing flakes
with various configurations are prepared, and their optical absorption
coefficients are investigated. Our results suggest that the lateral
size distribution, the mean number of layers per flake and the functional
groups on RGO are all important factors influencing the absorption
coefficient. We find the dispersion with a larger amount of small
flakes (≤600 nm), as well as less layers per flake, gives a
smaller absorption coefficient at 660 nm. Essentially, functional
groups grafted on graphene flakes promote an eminent role in the absorption
Perovskite Single-Crystal Microarrays for Efficient Photovoltaic Devices
Hybrid perovskite single crystals
offer a great promise for optoelectronic
devices, and patterning is broadly required in industrialized applications
for functional purposes. However, established patterning techniques
meet their limitations when it comes to hybrid perovskite single crystals
with multilayered diode structures. In this work, an Ostwald ripening
assisted photolithography (ORAP) patterning process, which employs
wettability-assisted blade-coating and Ostwald ripening assisted crystallization,
is developed for fabricating patterned perovskite single-crystal microarrays.
Optoelectronic devices based on uniform perovskite single-crystal
microarrays with a multilayered diode structure can be constructed
through the ORAP process. To demonstrate the compatibility of the
ORAP process with the manufacture of optoelectronic devices, patterned
CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>ÂPbBr<sub>3</sub> single-crystal
microarray solar cells, which show enhanced performance than solar
cells based on CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>ÂPbBr<sub>3</sub> continuous
single crystals reported, were fabricated. With the development of
perovskite research, we are confident that the ORAP process opens
a new avenue to fabricate optoelectronic devices based on perovskite
Perovskite Single-Crystal Microarrays for Efficient Photovoltaic Devices
Hybrid perovskite single crystals
offer a great promise for optoelectronic
devices, and patterning is broadly required in industrialized applications
for functional purposes. However, established patterning techniques
meet their limitations when it comes to hybrid perovskite single crystals
with multilayered diode structures. In this work, an Ostwald ripening
assisted photolithography (ORAP) patterning process, which employs
wettability-assisted blade-coating and Ostwald ripening assisted crystallization,
is developed for fabricating patterned perovskite single-crystal microarrays.
Optoelectronic devices based on uniform perovskite single-crystal
microarrays with a multilayered diode structure can be constructed
through the ORAP process. To demonstrate the compatibility of the
ORAP process with the manufacture of optoelectronic devices, patterned
CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>ÂPbBr<sub>3</sub> single-crystal
microarray solar cells, which show enhanced performance than solar
cells based on CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>ÂPbBr<sub>3</sub> continuous
single crystals reported, were fabricated. With the development of
perovskite research, we are confident that the ORAP process opens
a new avenue to fabricate optoelectronic devices based on perovskite
Sulfur Vacancy-Rich Carbonaceous Co<sub>9</sub>S<sub>8</sub>‑ZnS Nanotubes for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
Metal sulfide electrocatalysts with high activity toward
the oxygen
evolution reaction (OER) are crucial for renewable energy technologies.
However, it remains challenging to rationally design and synthesize
metal sulfides integrated with high conductivity and rich porosity
to achieve a superior activity. Herein, we report a brand-new, carbonaceous
Co9S8-ZnS nanotube (Co9S8-ZnS/NTC) electrocatalyst synthesized via a two-step procedure including
zinc-trimesic acid (ZnBTC) fiber nanocrystallization and its assembling
with ZIF-67 before solid-state transformation (including sulfuration,
gas-phase ion exchange, and carbonization). It is found that rich
sulfur vacancies (point defect) and a hollow cavity (3-dimensional
defect) are integrated into the resulting carbonaceous Co9S8-ZnS nanotube, originated from the non-equilibrium interdiffusion,
which could facilitate electron transfer and OH– transport during the oxygen evolution. As expected, the designed
Co9S8-ZnS/NTC delivers a low overpotential of
290 mV, a Tafel slope of 69 mV–1, an electrical
resistance of 44 Ω for OER at 10 mA cm–2 in
alkaline media, and a high electrochemically active surface area and
turnover frequency of 12.2 mF cm–2 and 0.70 O2 s–1, respectively, at 1.50 V, superior
to single-component electrocatalysts of Co9S8 and ZnS anchored on N-doped carbon. Density functional theory calculation
demonstrates that the sulfur vacancy in Co9S8-ZnS/NTC delivers the decreased theoretical overpotential (1.29 V)
and the enhanced activity of its neighboring Co sites, which was also
beneficial to OER kinetics. Sulfur vacancy reparation results in a
much lower electrocatalytic activity (overpotential, 465 mV) for Co9S8-ZnS/NTC, indicative of its critical role in
OER. The concept demonstrated in this study paves the avenue to design
other high-performance non-noble electrocatalysts for OER
Perovskite Single-Crystal Microarrays for Efficient Photovoltaic Devices
Hybrid perovskite single crystals
offer a great promise for optoelectronic
devices, and patterning is broadly required in industrialized applications
for functional purposes. However, established patterning techniques
meet their limitations when it comes to hybrid perovskite single crystals
with multilayered diode structures. In this work, an Ostwald ripening
assisted photolithography (ORAP) patterning process, which employs
wettability-assisted blade-coating and Ostwald ripening assisted crystallization,
is developed for fabricating patterned perovskite single-crystal microarrays.
Optoelectronic devices based on uniform perovskite single-crystal
microarrays with a multilayered diode structure can be constructed
through the ORAP process. To demonstrate the compatibility of the
ORAP process with the manufacture of optoelectronic devices, patterned
CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>ÂPbBr<sub>3</sub> single-crystal
microarray solar cells, which show enhanced performance than solar
cells based on CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>ÂPbBr<sub>3</sub> continuous
single crystals reported, were fabricated. With the development of
perovskite research, we are confident that the ORAP process opens
a new avenue to fabricate optoelectronic devices based on perovskite
Global DNA methylation trend and distribution.
<p>(A) Global DNA methylation trend and repeats density distribution at chromosome scale. X-axis presents length of sheep chromosome 12. Three contexts of mC density at 100 kb windows were profiled in normalized smoothed lines (red line stands for CG context methylation density, yellow line stands for CHG and green line stands for CHH). All mC density at 10 kb windows of both strands was profiled with blue scatter plots and repeats density at 10 kb windows was profiled with gray scatter plots. Black triangles indicate the variant regions that CG methylation shows different with non-CG methylation. Regions highlighted within semitransparent red boxes showed the negative correspond distribution of mC density and repeats density. (B) Logo chart shows the preference of the sequences that proximal to sites with mCHH and mCHG in sheep <i>LD</i> muscle methylome. (C) Relative CG methylation level (red bars) of sheep <i>LD</i> methylomes in functional genomic regions include upstream 2 kb of gene, 5’UTR, coding sequence (CDS), intron, 3’UTR, downstream 2 kb of gene, repeat sequence, gene body, intergenic region that contains repeats and up & downstream of gene, and all means the whole genome scale. Relative methylation level is calculated as total methylation level divides all considered mC numbers in target region. (D) Relative non-CG methylation levels (green bars for CHG, yellow bars for CHH) of sheep <i>LD</i> methylomes in different functional genomic regions.</p
KEGG annotation and significantly enrichment terms of DMR-containing genes.
<p>KEGG annotation and significantly enrichment terms of DMR-containing genes.</p