457 research outputs found

    More converts into Rasmussen? Impact of a story-based animation on systems safety

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    More converts into Rasmussen? Impact of a story-based animation on systems safet

    Characterization of Adenocarcinoma\u27s Autofluorescence Properties Using Multiexcitation Analysis Method

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    General purpose of this research is to get an early cancer detection method based on the properties of optical analysis between normal and adenocarsinoma tissue using the multiexcitation autofluorescence method. Observation of autofluorescence properties was done on the biopsy sample of adenocarcinoma tissues, GR mice transplanted by adenocarsinoma, and cell culture SM 1. Excitation on tissue was done by using  the lamp Light Emitting Diode (LED) at some visible light wavelength range. This research obtained that the value of Intensity Auto fluorescence (IAF) at range red wavelength of cells and adenocarsinoma tissues tend to lower compared to the cells normal tissues if its were excited by blue LED. On the contrary, the value of IAF at infra red wavelength from cells and carcinoma tissues tend to higher compared to the cells and normal tissues if its were excited by red LED


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    <p>Primer sequences used in ā€œ<b>Analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequence and copy number variation across five high-altitude species and their low-altitude relatives</b>ā€ Rui Liu, Long Jin, Keren Long, Qianzi Tang, Jideng Ma, Xun Wang, Li Zhu, Anā€™an Jiang, Guoqing Tang, Yanzhi Jiang, Xuewei Li, and Mingzhou Li</p

    DRG neurons viability (compared with traditional method).

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    <p>Data are means Ā± SEM. (nā€Š=ā€Š5). No significantly difference was observed in cell viability between new method and traditional method. (Dunnett's test; P>0.05). At the end of 7 d culture period the vast majority of DRG neurons also remained viable, as evidenced by the high level of Trypan blue exclusion in all culture conditions.</p

    Searching the co-occurrence of pathogenic mutations for Leberā€™s hereditary optic neuropathy and hearing loss in more than 26,000 whole mitochondrial genomes

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    <p>The co-occurrence of pathogenic or candidate mutations for Leberā€™s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) and hearing loss has long been suggested to be a rare incident. The ā€œrareā€ is probably caused by inadequate database searches. In this study, we created and released a comprehensive database with detailed information of haplogroup, variants, coding sites, and potential pathogenic mutations for more than 26,000 whole mitochondrial genomes. We found the co-occurrence in more than 200 individuals including not only LHON or hearing loss patients but also individuals sampled from general populations with various haplogroup backgrounds. The results highlighted the significant importance of adequate database searching in the genetic analysis of mitochondrial disorders.</p

    Schematic diagram of the experimental procedure of the new method comparison with tradition method.

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    <p>(A) The new one time high dose impact treatment method, after 24 h in NG medium, DRG cultures were treated with NGF stock solution containing 20 ĀµM FUDR plus 0.5 ĀµM Ara C cocktail for 72 h, then switched to normal NG medium, at 7 day, a pure DRG neuron population (>99%) were obtained. At 10 day, these DRG neurons were ready for SC addition. (B) The classical multiple time treatment method, after 24 h in normal medium, DRG cultures were treated with NGF stock solution containing 10 ĀµM FUDR for 48 h, then switched to NG medium for 48 h, this cycle was repeated at least 3 times; then DRG culture were maintained in NG medium for 1 week with 3 times medium changes to obtain the pure DRG population and these cultures were ready for Schwann cell addition.</p

    Tested plants and their basic characteristics.

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    <p>Tested plants and their basic characteristics.</p

    The activity of urease (URE) and its influence on āˆ‘8PAHs degradation by five plant species over different time periods.

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    <p>The error bars indicate the standard deviation of the means (<i>n</i> = 3). Symbols *, ** and *** indicate significant differences at <i>p</i> levels < 0.1, 0.05 and 0.01, respectively. (Different letters denote different periods: 60 days (a), 120 days (b) and 150 days (c).)</p

    Phase contrast images of DRG purification and myelination.

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    <p>(A) DRG cultures at 24 h before adding antimitotic reagents cocktail, black arrow show DRG neurons, white arrowhead show non-neurons cells; (B) DRG cultures 72 h without high dose antimitotic reagent cocktail treatment, Schwann cell associated with neuritis (arrow) and other big flat non-neuron cells migrated out and grew between neuritis (arrowhead); (C) DRG cultures at 7 day without cocktail treatment, Schwann cell and other non-neuron cell formed a cellular lawn (white star) with DRG neurons sitting on them; (D) DRG cultures 72 h after cocktail treatment, abundant neurites and neurons were observed, dead non-neuron cell debris (black arrow) floating in the medium; (E) DRG cultures at 7 day after cocktail treatment, a pure DRG population without dead non-neuron cells established, single or small cluster of DRG neurons showed typical morphologies with no signs of damage, clean neurites without non-neuron cells (black star); (F) Cocktail treated DRG cultures 14 days after seeding Schwann cells and initiating myelination with ascorbic acid, abundant mature myelin had formed (arrow). Scale bar 50 Āµm.</p

    The removal rate of PAHs after 60 days, 120 days, and 150 days.

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    <p>The error bars indicate the standard deviation of the means (<i>n</i> = 3).</p
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