175 research outputs found

    Eficacia de la magnetoterápia en la consolidación de fracturas óseas. Revisión sistemática.

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    El trabajo de fin de grado realizado consiste en una revisión sistemática, tratando de al eficacia del aparato de magnetoterapia en relación a la consolidación ósea cualidad y tiempo. Para ello se utilizaron las bases de datos PubMed, ENFISPO, PEDro, la Biblioteca Cochrane de estudios publicados entre el periodo de año 2010 y 2015. Los resultados en relación a la consolidación ósea, ninguno de los tres artículos seleccionados obtuvimos resultados significativos. Aunque las pruebas de laboratorios disponibles indican que la estimulación con campos electromagnéticos puede ofrecer algún beneficio en la consolidación de fracturas óseas, a la hora de aplicarlo en seres humanos como posible tratamiento no es concluyente o suficiente para informar de su utilización en la práctica actual. Las conclusiones y resultados más definitivos o positivos, recomendando su utilización sobre el efecto en el tratamiento aguardan ensayos controlados aleatorios adicionales bien realizados

    The Number of correct detected frames with the three methods for the two groups of experiments on the USC sequence.

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    <p>For Group 1 experiments, the results of 5 frames are presented and 6 frames for Group 2. The numbers of missed frames of the three methods are also given.</p

    Sketch of the difference between conventional template matching and our template matching.

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    <p>Conventional template matching methods measure the similarity of the template and the sub-window; while our template matching method measures the similarity of the scene image; and the new scene image with the replaced window. All the scene images are from the LabelMe database <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0098447#pone.0098447-PASCAL1" target="_blank">[25]</a>, and the template is cropped from an image also in the LabelMe dataset.</p

    Evaluated items of the four datasets.

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    <p>Evaluated items of the four datasets.</p

    The object detection results of Group 1 on the USC sequence, using the three methods: template matching, local <i>Gist</i> based template matching and the proposed method.

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    <p>Five frames of test results are presented, which are Frame 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 of original sequence. (a) shows the query image in the experiments, which is cropped from frame 5; (b) shows the results of template matching; (c) shows the results of local <i>gist</i> based template matching; (d) shows the results of the proposed method. For (b), (c) and (d), each image is the detection result for a specific frame.</p

    Illustration of the variety of coarse scene layout (produced using Gaussian blur with ) by replacing object instances in the scene with templates (another object instance).

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    <p>All the scene images are from the LabelMe database <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0098447#pone.0098447-PASCAL1" target="_blank">[25]</a>. (a) and (b) are monitor and car templates respectively; (c) shows a scene which contains a monitor; (f ) shows the layout of scene shown in (c); (d) and (e) show the results after replacing the monitor in the scene with the two templates; (g) and (h) show the scene layouts corresponding to images with replaced instances.</p

    The object detection results of Group 2 using the three methods: template matching, local <i>Gist</i> based template matching and the proposed method.

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    <p>Six frames testing results are presented, which are Frame 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 of original sequence. (a) shows the query image in the experiments, which is cropped from frame 5; (b) shows the results of template matching; (c) shows the results of local <i>Gist</i> based template matching; (d) shows the results of the proposed method. For (b), (c) and (d), each image is the detection result corresponding to a frame.</p

    Car detection results with different challenges on the UIUC dataset.

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    <p>For the subfigures (b),(c), and (d), the left images are the result of template matching; the middle images are the results of local <i>Gist</i> based template matching; and the right images are the results of the proposed method.</p