8 research outputs found
Self-Supervised Audio-Visual Co-Segmentation
Segmenting objects in images and separating sound sources in audio are
challenging tasks, in part because traditional approaches require large amounts
of labeled data. In this paper we develop a neural network model for visual
object segmentation and sound source separation that learns from natural videos
through self-supervision. The model is an extension of recently proposed work
that maps image pixels to sounds. Here, we introduce a learning approach to
disentangle concepts in the neural networks, and assign semantic categories to
network feature channels to enable independent image segmentation and sound
source separation after audio-visual training on videos. Our evaluations show
that the disentangled model outperforms several baselines in semantic
segmentation and sound source separation.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 201
UAVM: Towards Unifying Audio and Visual Models
Conventional audio-visual models have independent audio and video branches.
In this work, we unify the audio and visual branches by designing a Unified
Audio-Visual Model (UAVM). The UAVM achieves a new state-of-the-art
audio-visual event classification accuracy of 65.8% on VGGSound. More
interestingly, we also find a few intriguing properties of UAVM that the
modality-independent counterparts do not have.Comment: Published in Signal Processing Letters. Code at
Contrastive Audio-Visual Masked Autoencoder
In this paper, we first extend the recent Masked Auto-Encoder (MAE) model
from a single modality to audio-visual multi-modalities. Subsequently, we
propose the Contrastive Audio-Visual Masked Auto-Encoder (CAV-MAE) by combining
contrastive learning and masked data modeling, two major self-supervised
learning frameworks, to learn a joint and coordinated audio-visual
representation. Our experiments show that the contrastive audio-visual
correspondence learning objective not only enables the model to perform
audio-visual retrieval tasks, but also helps the model learn a better joint
representation. As a result, our fully self-supervised pretrained CAV-MAE
achieves a new SOTA accuracy of 65.9% on VGGSound, and is comparable with the
previous best supervised pretrained model on AudioSet in the audio-visual event
classification task. Code and pretrained models are at
https://github.com/yuangongnd/cav-mae.Comment: Accepted at ICLR 2023 as a notable top 25% paper. Code and pretrained
models are at https://github.com/yuangongnd/cav-ma
C2KD: Cross-Lingual Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation for Multilingual Text-Video Retrieval
Multilingual text-video retrieval methods have improved significantly in
recent years, but the performance for other languages lags behind English. We
propose a Cross-Lingual Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation method to improve
multilingual text-video retrieval. Inspired by the fact that English text-video
retrieval outperforms other languages, we train a student model using input
text in different languages to match the cross-modal predictions from teacher
models using input text in English. We propose a cross entropy based objective
which forces the distribution over the student's text-video similarity scores
to be similar to those of the teacher models. We introduce a new multilingual
video dataset, Multi-YouCook2, by translating the English captions in the
YouCook2 video dataset to 8 other languages. Our method improves multilingual
text-video retrieval performance on Multi-YouCook2 and several other datasets
such as Multi-MSRVTT and VATEX. We also conducted an analysis on the
effectiveness of different multilingual text models as teachers
Learning Audio-Video Language Representations
Automatic speech recognition has seen recent advancements powered by machine learning, but it is still only available for a small fraction of the more than 7,000 languages spoken worldwide due to the reliance on manually annotated speech data. Unlabeled multi-modal data, such as videos, are now increasingly available in many different languages and provide opportunities to scale speech technologies. In this thesis, we introduce models and datasets for learning visually grounded spoken language from raw audio in videos. We propose a self-supervised audio-video model that learns from the English narration naturally present in instructional videos to relate spoken words and sounds to visual content. Our model can recognize spoken words and natural sounds in audio queries to retrieve relevant visual clips, supporting its application to video search directly using audio and spoken queries, without needing to transcribe speech to text. We further demonstrate that our model can learn multilingual audiovideo representations and can successfully perform retrieval on Japanese videos. Since our approach only requires audio-visual data without transcripts, we believe it is a promising direction to enable novel speech processing tools.M.Eng
Spoken ObjectNet: A Bias-Controlled Spoken Caption Dataset
Visually-grounded spoken language datasets can enable models to learn cross-modal correspon- dences with very weak supervision. However, modern audio-visual datasets contain biases that un- dermine the real-world performance of models trained on that data. We introduce Spoken ObjectNet, which is designed to remove some of these biases and provide a way to better evaluate how effec- tively models will perform in real-world scenarios. This dataset expands upon ObjectNet, which is a biascontrolled image dataset that features similar image classes to those present in ImageNet. We detail our data collection pipeline, which features several methods to improve caption quality, including automated language model checks. Lastly, we show baseline results on image retrieval and audio re- trieval tasks. These results show that models trained on other datasets and then evaluated on Spoken ObjectNet tend to perform poorly due to biases in other datasets that the models have learned. We also show evidence that the performance decrease is due to the dataset controls, and not the transfer setting.This material is based upon work supported by the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM), funded by NSF STC award CCF-1231216
The Sound of Pixels
We introduce PixelPlayer, a system that, by leveraging large amounts of unlabeled videos, learns to locate image regions which produce sounds and separate the input sounds into a set of components that represents the sound from each pixel. Our approach capitalizes on the natural synchronization of the visual and audio modalities to learn models that jointly parse sounds and images, without requiring additional manual supervision. Experimental results on a newly collected MUSIC dataset show that our proposed Mix-and-Separate framework outperforms several baselines on source separation. Qualitative results suggest our model learns to ground sounds in vision, enabling applications such as independently adjusting the volume of sound sources. Keywords: Cross-modal learning; Sound separation and localizationNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant IIS-1524817