124 research outputs found

    Field-induced quantum disordered phases in S=1/2 weakly-coupled dimer systems with site dilution

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    In the present paper we discuss the rich phase diagram of S=1/2 weakly coupled dimer systems with site dilution as a function of an applied uniform magnetic field. Performing quantum Monte Carlo simulations on a site-diluted bilayer system, we find a sequence of three distinct quantum-disordered phases induced by the field. Such phases divide a doping-induced order-by-disorder phase at low fields from a field-induced ordered phase at intermediate fields. The three quantum disordered phases are: a gapless disordered-free-moment phase, a gapped plateau phase, and two gapless Bose-glass phases. Each of the quantum-disordered phases have distinct experimental signatures that make them observable through magnetometry and neutron scattering measurements. In particular the Bose-glass phase is characterized by an unconventional magnetization curve whose field-dependence is exponential. Making use of a local-gap model, we directly relate this behavior to the statistics of rare events in the system.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Comment on "Feshbach-Einstein Condensates" by V. G. Rousseau and P. J. H. Denteneer

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    In a recent paper (Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 015301 (2009), arXiv:0810.3763) Rousseau and Denteneer claim that an unconventional "super-Mott" (SM) phase is realized by bosons trapped in an optical lattice close to a Feshbach resonance with a molecular state. The supposed SM phase, observed via quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations of an atom-molecule Bose-Hubbard model, is an incompressible phase developing spontaneous atomic/molecular supercurrents which are perfectly anticorrelated. Here we show that the identification of this phase is based on a misinterpretation of the estimators of superfluidity in QMC, which break down in the presence of coherent atom/molecule conversion. Our conclusion is that the supposed SM phase is in fact a fully normal insulator.Comment: 1+epsilon page, 1 figur

    Dirty-boson physics with magnetic insulators

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    We review recent theoretical and experimental efforts aimed at the investigation of the physics of interacting disordered bosons (so-called dirty bosons) in the context of quantum magnetism. The physics of dirty bosons is relevant to a wide variety of condensed matter systems, encompassing Helium in porous media, granular superconductors and ultracold atoms in disordered optical potentials, to cite a few. Nevertheless, the understanding of the transition from a localized, Bose-glass phase to an ordered, superfluid condensate phase still represents a fundamentally open problem. Still to be constructed is also a quantitative description of the highly inhomogeneous and strongly correlated phases connected by the transition. We discuss how disordered magnetic insulators in a strong magnetic field can provide a well controlled realization of the above transition. Combining numerical simulations with experiments on real materials can shed light on some fundamental properties of the critical behavior, such as the scaling of the critical temperature to condensation close to the quantum critical point

    Probing correlated phases of bosons in optical lattices via trap squeezing

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    We theoretically analyze the response properties of ultracold bosons in optical lattices to the static variation of the trapping potential. We show that, upon an increase of such potential (trap squeezing), the density variations in a central region, with linear size of >~ 10 wavelengths, reflect that of the bulk system upon changing the chemical potential: hence measuring the density variations gives direct access to the bulk compressibility. When combined with standard time-of-flight measurements, this approach has the potential of unambiguously detecting the appearence of the most fundamental phases realized by bosons in optical lattices, with or without further external potentials: superfluid, Mott insulator, band insulator and Bose glass.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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