58 research outputs found
Father Knows Best
In his essay, Althusser\u27s Mirror, Carsten Strathausen reveals the paternal politics inherent to any gesture of appropriation. Molding Lacan to an Althusserian mirror, Strathausen demonstrates parallels between Lacan\u27s mirror stage and Althusser\u27s interpellated subject. The resemblance, created through what Strathausen suggests is Althusser\u27s mis-reading of Lacan, reveals their mutual influence. The question of influence, however, becomes an issue of tradition Althusser links to a politics of legitimacy and right he associates with a figure of paternity. While the process of filiation would seem to extend from Lacan to Althusser in the logic of the mirror employed by Strathausen to renew Marxist thought, Althusser also situates himself as the father to a Lacan he is attempting to salvage from the ignominy of illegitimacy
Investigating the Special: The Symbolic Function of the Independent Counsel
Symposium on Law, Morality, and Popular Culture in the Public Sphere at the Indiana University School of Law-Bloomington, April 6, 2001
Investigating the Special: The Symbolic Function of the Independent Counsel
Symposium on Law, Morality, and Popular Culture in the Public Sphere at the Indiana University School of Law-Bloomington, April 6, 2001
Juvenile Cosmology; Or Richard Powersâ Post-Global Doughnut
Le roman de Richard Powers, Operation Wandering Soul (1993), prĂ©sente le lien subtil qui associe un mondialisme dĂ©jĂ usĂ© et vieillissant Ă lâenfant perçu comme catĂ©gorie dominante. Comme les faces serpentines dâun ruban de Möbius lovĂ© autour de lâillimitĂ© et de lâintemporel, le texte, tendu entre ses deux infinis â lâunivers et lâenfant â rĂ©vise la portĂ©e, la conception, la structure et le style du genre romanesque. DĂ©laissant Aristote pour Einstein, Operation Wandering Soul se place sur le terrain de la cosmologie. Le rĂ©cit, qui rassemble la kyrielle des grands ralliements juvĂ©niles et leurs vains pĂšlerinages, concentre lâespace-temps dans une prĂ©sentation qui Ă©voque la « somme des histoires » de Richard Feynman. La contraction de lâespace-temps opĂ©rĂ©e par le roman ne fait pas de celui-ci un hymne simpliste au global (catĂ©gorie dĂ©jĂ aussi datĂ©e que celle des malheureux vĂ©tĂ©rans du Vietnam), mais capte au contraire la conscience grandissante dâune existence sans origine qui sâĂ©tend Ă perte de vue au-delĂ de ses coordonnĂ©es supposĂ©es. Le roman sâenroule sur lui-mĂȘme tout en sâĂ©panchant au dehors, boucle ses cadres et ses dĂ©tours tout en desserrant leur emprise. Il fait tourner la roue de ses rĂ©cits comme des planĂštes en rotation, la ronde dâun systĂšme solaire, le tourbillon dâune galaxie. La conscience que prĂ©sente Operation Wandering Soul ne se rĂ©sume donc pas au seul point de vue de lâĂąme errante quâest le personnage de Kraft, mais consiste en la somme de tous les temps et de tous les lieux, de leurs strates accumulĂ©es comme une conscience en acte, complexe et tissĂ©e de rĂ©seaux, qui nâappartient Ă personne et est partagĂ©e par tous. Cette accumulation organise le jeu des perspectives multiples qui instaurent lâacte de lecture et sont instaurĂ©es par lui. Ă cet Ă©gard, lire constitue ici une physique des oubliĂ©s.Richard Powersâ novel Operation Wandering Soul (1993) enacts the canny link between an already jaded and out-dated globalism and the child as an ascendant category. Two sides of a snaking moebius enwrapping endlessness and timelessness, the novelâs tailing infinitiesâthe universe and the childârecalibrate the scope, conception, narrative structure, and style of the novel as a genre. Moving from the Aristotelean to the Einsteinian, Operation Wandering Soulâs terrain is cosmological, while its narrative collapses time/space into an exhibition of something like Richard Feynmanâs âsum over the historiesâ made up of proliferating versions of juvenile massings and vain pilgrimages. The novelâs collapse of time/space is not a simplistic paean to the global (a category already as out-dated as hapless Vietnam vets), but instead bags the gathering consciousness of an originless existence forever extending beyond its supposed coordinates. The novel wraps both inward and out, framing its frames and detours while loosing them. It spins tales like a revolving planet, wheeling solar system, or careening galaxy. The consciousness enacted by Operation Wandering Soul is not defined, thus, only as the perspective of its wandering soul surgeon protagonist Kraft, but as the accruing of all time and place, layered as an enactment of a complex and networked consciousness belonging to no one and everyone. Such accrual is a multi-perspectival echoing instigated by and instigating the act of reading, where reading itself constitutes the physics of the forgotten
Narrative and Normative Disjuncture: A Queer World-Literary Reading of May-Lan Tanâs âDate Nightâ
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Wasafiri on 29 May 2019, available online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02690055.2019.158003
âOlder-wiser-lesbiansâ and âbaby-dykesâ: mediating age and generation in New Queer Cinema
Representations of intersections of gender, age, and sexuality can reveal deep-rooted cultural anxieties about older women and sexuality. Images of lesbian ageing are of particular interest in terms of alterity, as the old/er queer woman can combine layers of othernessânot only is she the cultural âotherâ within heteronormativity, but she can also appear as the opposite of popular cultureâs lesbian chic. In this article, a cultural analysis of a range of filmsâIf These Walls Could Talk 2 (dir. Anderson, Coolidge, and Heche 2000), Itty Bitty Titty Committee (dir. Babbit 2007), The Owls (dir. Dunye 2010), Hannah Free (dir. Carlton 2009), and Cloudburst (dir. Fitzgerald 2011)âconsiders diverse dramatisations of lesbian generations. This article interrogates to what extent alternative cinemas deconstruct normative conceptualisations of ageing. Drawing on recent critiques of post-feminist culture, and a range of feminist and age/ing studies scholarship, it suggests that a linear understanding of ageing and the generational underlies dominant depictions of oppositional binaries of young versus old, of generational segregation or rivalry, and the othering of age. It concludes that non-linear understandings of temporality and ageing contain the potential for New Queer Cinema to counteract such idealisations of youthfulness, which, it argues, is one of the most deep-rooted manifestations of (hetero)normativity
The Subject of Denegation The âSpeakingâ Subject âI Am Notâ
Samuel Beckettâs play Not I enacts the process of negation by which subjects continually produce themselve
Investigating the Special: The Symbolic Function of the Independent Counsel
Symposium on Law, Morality, and Popular Culture in the Public Sphere at the Indiana University School of Law-Bloomington, April 6, 2001
West of Beckett
Archeologies are stories we tell about unsorted detritus abandoned midlunch. The perpetually-sorting organizational impetus, the compulsively arranging intelligence, hovers shamanistically over a scattering of cultural objets petits a, significant in their survival and recall, significant in their witness to the quotidian, significant in their connotative capacitiesâat least in so far as these shiny objects catalogue themselves in our consciousness. The only self-conscious archaeologist of ou..
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