3,478 research outputs found

    Automatic Mode Switching in Atrial Fibrillation

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    Automatic mode switching (AMS) algorithms were designed to prevent tracking of atrial tachyarrhythmias (ATA) or other rapidly occurring signals sensed by atrial channels, thereby reducing the adverse hemodynamic and symptomatic consequences of a rapid ventricular response. The inclusion of an AMS function in most dual chamber pacemaker now provides optimal management of atrial arrhythmias and allows the benefit of atrioventricular synchrony to be extended to a population with existing atrial fibrillation. Appropriate AMS depends on several parameters: a) the programmed parameters; b) the characteristics of the arrhythmia; c) the characteristics of the AMS algorithm. Three qualifying aspects constitute an AMS algorithm: onset, AMS response, and resynchronization. Since AMS programs also provide data on the time of onset and duration of AMS episodes, AMS data may be interpreted as a surrogate marker of ATAs recurrence. Recently, stored electrograms corresponding to episodes of ATAs have been introduced, thus clarifying the accuracy of AMS in detecting ATAs Clinically this information may be used to assess the efficacy of an antiarrhythmic intervention or the risk of thromboembolic events, and it may serve as a valuable research tool for evaluating the natural history and burden of ATAs

    Detrital events within pelagic deposits of the Umbria-Marche basin (Northern Apennines, Italy). Further evidence of Early Cretaceous tectonics

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    Re-sedimented deposits characterize different stratigraphical intervals in the pelagic successions of the Umbria-Marche-Sabina Domain (Central and Northern Apennines, Italy). Three stratigraphic sections of the Maiolica and Marne a Fucoidi Formations, characterized by breccias and calcarenites embedded in pelagic sediments, were sampled across the Mt. Primo area (Umbria- Marche Ridge, Northern Apennines). Facies analysis indicates a gravity-driven origin for the clastic levels, interpreted as debris-flows, or turbidity flows. The massive lensoid-to-tabular levels are composed of loose shallow-water benthic material, sourced from an unknown carbonate platform, associated with: i) lithoclasts made of Lower Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates; ii) Jurassic mudstones and wackestones referable to the pelagic succession; iii) calpionellid/radiolarian-rich soft pebbles (Maiolica-type facies). The compositional features of the studied detrital deposits imply submarine exposure and dismantling of portions of the stratigraphic succession older than the Barremian/Aptian, which had to be buried in the late Early Cretaceous. Such evidence led us to refer the investigated clastic event to an extensional tectonic phase. Our interpretation well fits with data coming from different geological settings of Italy, strongly suggesting the occurrence of a widespread extensional phase in the late Early Cretaceous

    New material of Alierasaurus ronchii (Synapsida, Caseidae) from the Permian of Sardinia (Italy), and its phylogenetic affinities

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    New characters of the giant caseid Alierasaurus ronchii are described here based on material recovered from the type locality in the Permian deposits of Cala del Vino Formation (Sardinia NW) and additional preparation of the previously collected material. All new described osteological elements are characterized by the same state of preservation and, given the absence of double elements and the total compatibility in absolute size, the new material can be attributed without doubt to the holotypic individual of A. ronchii. Highly diagnostic material includes a caudal neural spine with a broad bifid distal termination. This represents a synapomorphy characterizing the more derived caseids, thus fully confirming the attribution of the Sardinian specimen to Caseidae. Also the other vertebral material and newly collected ribs show a typical caseid structure, fully consistent with the previously published material. Despite the highly partial nature of Alierasaurus, the taxon was included in a recent phylogenetic analysis of caseids to investigate its phylogenetic position within the monophyletic Caseasauria. Alierasaurus falls as the sister taxon of Cotylorhynchus, and is autapomorphic in the general construction of MT-IV and proximal phalanx IV-I. The absolute size of the newly recovered material confirms a gigantic body size for Alierasaurus, comparable, if not greater, to that of the huge North American species Cotylorhynchus hancocki (up to 6 m in length). Such gigantic adult body size, closely correlated to its herbivorous lifestyle, must have been selected during evolution of caseids, leading to substantial advantages in terms of fitness

    A Framework to Adjust Dependency Measure Estimates for Chance

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    Estimating the strength of dependency between two variables is fundamental for exploratory analysis and many other applications in data mining. For example: non-linear dependencies between two continuous variables can be explored with the Maximal Information Coefficient (MIC); and categorical variables that are dependent to the target class are selected using Gini gain in random forests. Nonetheless, because dependency measures are estimated on finite samples, the interpretability of their quantification and the accuracy when ranking dependencies become challenging. Dependency estimates are not equal to 0 when variables are independent, cannot be compared if computed on different sample size, and they are inflated by chance on variables with more categories. In this paper, we propose a framework to adjust dependency measure estimates on finite samples. Our adjustments, which are simple and applicable to any dependency measure, are helpful in improving interpretability when quantifying dependency and in improving accuracy on the task of ranking dependencies. In particular, we demonstrate that our approach enhances the interpretability of MIC when used as a proxy for the amount of noise between variables, and to gain accuracy when ranking variables during the splitting procedure in random forests.Comment: In Proceedings of the 2016 SIAM International Conference on Data Minin

    Prevalence of hypertension: importance of epidemiologic studies and the need to spot undiagnosed cases

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    The actual prevalence and incidence of hypertension could have been higher and even more impactful on public health. Nonetheless, the work by Cegłowska et al. remains an important epidemiologic study, carefully conducted on nation wide scale. It demonstrates how arterial hypertension is extremely widespread, and highlights the need to improve blood pressure monitoring within a collaborative framework involving patients, general practitioners, and hypertension specialists, aimed at reducing the number of undiagnosed cases and improving patient management and public health. Moreover, since hypertension is becoming more prevalent in the elderly, efforts should be made to tailor health care to particular age groups

    La excepcionalidad del Otro

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    Este artículo es un viaje por un archipiélago conceptual, una práctica de nomadismo, una invitación a pensar sobre el otro, sobre lo social y el imaginario. Nuestro objetivo es desandar caminos, cuestionar verdades, obstaculizar la producción de conocimiento totalizante y depredador, en suma, propiciar la emergencia de intercambios, dudas y sospechas para con la producción de conocimiento científico y sus efectos en el imaginario social de la alteridad.This paper is a voyage in an archipelago of concepts, a nomadic journey, and an invitation to think about the other and about the social and the imaginary. Our objective is to step back, to question "truths", and to reject the production of absolute knowledge; and by doing so, to stimulate doubts and suspicions about the production of scientific knowledge and its effects on the social imaginary

    Improved iterative parallel interference cancellation receiver for future wireless DS-CDMA systems

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    We present a new turbo multiuser detector for turbo-coded direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems. The proposed detector is based on the utilization of a parallel interference cancellation (PIC) and a bank of turbo decoders. The PIC is broken up in order to perform interference cancellation after each constituent decoder of the turbo decoding scheme. Moreover, in the paper we propose a new enhanced algorithm that provides a more accurate estimation of the signal-to-noise-plus-interference-ratio used in the tentative decision device and in the MAP decoding algorithm. The performance of the proposed receiver is evaluated by means of computer simulations for medium to very high system loads, in AWGN and multipath fading channel, and compared to recently proposed interference-cancellation-based iterative MUD, by taking into account the number of iterations and the complexity involved. We will see that the proposed receiver outperforms the others especially for highly loaded systems