13 research outputs found
Sustainable Livestock Development Strategy Through Artificial Insemination Evaluation In Nganjuk
This study aims to obtain the relationship between the breed and parity of fcattle against the success rate of AI in District Rejoso Nganjuk and to produce sustainable livestock development strategy through the application of AI technology in District Rejoso Nganjuk. This research conducted for 6 months in the District Rejoso Nganjuk Regency. The material used in this research is frozen semen (straw) from Limousin bull, female cattle as many as 45 cattle in different breed and parity namely Limousin cross, Simental cross, Ongole cross, and Brahman cross. This research method is survey. The research data are secondary data and primary data. The sample is determined by using purposive sampling method. The research variable is the success rate of AI calculated by knowing the value of S/ C (Service per conseption). The data obtained are analyzed descriptively and analytically. Statistical analysis by using logistic regression to determine the relationship between breed and parity with the success of AI. Descriptive analysis is used to explain that Artificial Insemination technology can be applied as one of sustainable livestock development strategy in Rejoso Sub-district of Nganjuk Regency, taking into account ecological, economic, socio-cultural, institutional, and technology and human resource aspects. The Brahman cross regression coefficient is 4,094 (p = 0.004) gives an interpretation that the success rate of 1 straw in the Brahman cross is higher and significantly different than that of the Limousin cross. Ongole cross regression coefficient is 1,628 (p = 0,148) giving interpretation that success rate with 1 straw on Ongole cross is higher but not significantly different compared to Limousin cross. Simental cross coefficient is 3.829 (p = 0.002) gives an interpretation that the success rate with 1 straw in the Simental crossd is higher and significantly different than the Limousin cross. So the results of comparison between four breeds, this success rate of pregnancy with 1 straw in sequence is the Brahman cross, Simental cross, Ongole cross and Limousin cross. Implementation of Artificial Insemination technology is very appropriately applied as one of sustainable breeding cattle breeding strategy in Nganjuk District because it fulfills the principles of relationship among ecological, economic, socio-cultural, institutional / institutional, and technology components. Key word: sustainable development, artificial insemination, service per conseptio
The aim of this reseach was to know the influence of soybean meal addition as a binder and cooking method to water content and protein content of chicken sausage. Variables in the study include: water content and protein levels in chicken sausage. The research method used was experimental using Factorial Random Design Randomized Design (RAL).The results showed that the average moisture content in the cooking method treatment from the smallest was the boiling method (66.27 ± 3.811) and the highest steaming method (68.93 ± 3.927), while the average protein content from the lowest was the steaming method (12.02 ± 1,058) and the highest method of boiling (13.68 ± 1.392). The average of water content in the treatment of soybean starch level from the lowest was 25% (62.36 ± 1.610), the level of 20% (68.23 ± 2.724), the level of 15% (68.85 ± 3.712), the highest was 0% (70.97 ± 1.282), while the average protein content from the lowest is 0% (11.88 ± 0.804), 15% (12.36 ± 0.690), 20% (12.99 ± 1.569), and the highest is 25% (14.16 ± 1.718).In conclusion of research, that the cooking method has a very significant effect on water content and chicken sausage protein level. The treatment of soybean starch level gave a very real effect to water content and protein content of chicken sausage. While the combination of treatment did not give effect to water content and protein content of chicken sausage
This study aimed to determine the effect of heating time duration on the organoleptic and physical quality of rabbit moringa bio supplement biscuits (BBCi). This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and six replications. The research treatments were the duration of time heating at a temperature of 100°C (P), namely P1= 45 minutes; P2= 60 minutes; P3 = 75 minutes; P4 = 90 minutes; P5 = 105 minutes. The research variables included an organoleptic test, density test, water absorption, and shatter test. The results showed that different heating times showed a highly significant effect (P0.01) on the density and shatter test of BBCi, while the variables of color, smell, texture, density, and water absorption showed no significant effect. (P0.05). The highest average density and shatter test (%) of BBCi were 3.50±0.55 (P4) and 86.04±6.65 (P5). Whereas the lowest average density and shatter test (%) of BBCi was shown in the P1 = 1.00±0.00 and 11.20±12.32. The conclusion was that the best BBCi density and shatter test values were found in the treatment with a duration heating time of 90 and 105 minutes
Korelasi Antara Jumlah False Mounting Dan Produksi Semen Kambing Kacang
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Desember 2019 sampai dengan 10 Pebruari 2020 di kandang percobaan yang terletak di Jalan Sumber I No 16 Desa Ngronggo Kelurahan Ngronggo Kota Kediri. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui adakah korelasi antara jumlah false mounting dengan produksi semen kambing kacang
Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data proses penampungan semen pejantan kambing kacang yaitu jumlah false mountng dan data hasil evaluasi kualitas semen pejantan kambing kacang yang meliputi pemeriksaan makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey kemudian data dianalisa secara deskriptif dan analitis menggunakan program SPSS untuk mengetahui koefisien korelasi antara jumlah false mounting dengan produksi semen yang meliputi total spermatozoa dan total spermatozoa motil. Adapun bentuk hubungan antara variabel penelitian dianalisa dengan analisa regresi untuk mendapatkan persamaan regresinya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rata-rata volume semen (cc), konsentrasi (x 106), dan motilitas (%) secara berturut-turut adalah 0,52±0,25 ; 4063,16±496.20 ; 84,21±8,014. Rata-rata jumlah false mounting 2,76±1,324, rata-rata total spermatozoa (x 106) 2177,95±1160,80 dan rata-rata total spermatozoa motil (x 106) 1836,4±974,023. Berdasarkan analisa regresi dan korelasi hubungan antara jumlah false mounting dengan total spermatozoa kambing kacang maka diketahui terdapat hubungan yang sangat nyata (P= 0,01) dengan nilai R2 = 0,170 (r = 0,330) dan persamaan regresi eksponensialnya adalah Y=1034,388(2,7140,210 X). Analisa regresi dan korelasi hubungan antara jumlah false mounting dengan total spermatozoa motil kambing kacang maka diketahui terdapat hubungan yang sangat nyata (P= 0,00) dengan nilai R2 = 0,175 (r = 0,361) dan persamaan regresi eksponensialnya yaitu Y=844,283(2,7140,220 X).
Kesimpulan hasil penelitian adalah bahwa total spermatozoa dan total spermatozoa motil dipengaruhi oleh jumlah false mounting yang dilakukan sebelum penampungan semen, dan sebaiknya false mounting dilakukan 2-3 kali sebelum penampungan semen agar meningkatkan libido pejantan kambing kacang.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Desember 2019 sampai dengan 10 Pebruari 2020 di kandang percobaan yang terletak di Jalan Sumber I No 16 Desa Ngronggo Kelurahan Ngronggo Kota Kediri. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui adakah korelasi antara jumlah false mounting dengan produksi semen kambing kacang
Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data proses penampungan semen pejantan kambing kacang yaitu jumlah false mountng dan data hasil evaluasi kualitas semen pejantan kambing kacang yang meliputi pemeriksaan makroskopis dan mikroskopis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey kemudian data dianalisa secara deskriptif dan analitis menggunakan program SPSS untuk mengetahui koefisien korelasi antara jumlah false mounting dengan produksi semen yang meliputi total spermatozoa dan total spermatozoa motil. Adapun bentuk hubungan antara variabel penelitian dianalisa dengan analisa regresi untuk mendapatkan persamaan regresinya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rata-rata volume semen (cc), konsentrasi (x 106), dan motilitas (%) secara berturut-turut adalah 0,52±0,25 ; 4063,16±496.20 ; 84,21±8,014. Rata-rata jumlah false mounting 2,76±1,324, rata-rata total spermatozoa (x 106) 2177,95±1160,80 dan rata-rata total spermatozoa motil (x 106) 1836,4±974,023. Berdasarkan analisa regresi dan korelasi hubungan antara jumlah false mounting dengan total spermatozoa kambing kacang maka diketahui terdapat hubungan yang sangat nyata (P= 0,01) dengan nilai R2 = 0,170 (r = 0,330) dan persamaan regresi eksponensialnya adalah Y=1034,388(2,7140,210 X). Analisa regresi dan korelasi hubungan antara jumlah false mounting dengan total spermatozoa motil kambing kacang maka diketahui terdapat hubungan yang sangat nyata (P= 0,00) dengan nilai R2 = 0,175 (r = 0,361) dan persamaan regresi eksponensialnya yaitu Y=844,283(2,7140,220 X).
Kesimpulan hasil penelitian adalah bahwa total spermatozoa dan total spermatozoa motil dipengaruhi oleh jumlah false mounting yang dilakukan sebelum penampungan semen, dan sebaiknya false mounting dilakukan 2-3 kali sebelum penampungan semen agar meningkatkan libido pejantan kambing kacang
Effect of Adding Coconut Water (Cocus viridis) on Liquid Semen Quality of Kacang Goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) Stored at 4-5° C
The best semen quality is necessary for successful Artificial Insemination. Increasing population of Kacang goat, which is a native Indonesian goat breed can reach with the application of AI technology. It can support the suffice of national meat demand. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding coconut water (CW) in the Skim Yolk Diluent (SYD) and storage time at a cold temperature of 4-5 C on the quality of liquid semen of Kacang goat. The research material was four Kacang goats aged 1 - 1.5 years, SYD, and coconut water. The research method was an experiment with a factorial randomized block design (RBD) consisting of two factors. The first factor is the addition of coconut water in SYD (D), namely D0 = 100% SYD + 0% CW; D1= 30% SYD + 70% CW; D2= 20% SYD + 80% CW; D3= 10% SYD + 90% CW. The second factor is the storage time of liquid cement at a temperature of 4-5°C (H), namely H0 = 0 days; H1= 1 day; H2 = 2 days, and H3 = 3 days. The treatment was repeated 10 times. Data were analyzed by Anova and further test using Duncan's multiple distance test. The results showed that the combination treatment showed a significantly different interaction effect (P<0.05) on the percentage of motility and abnormalities and the highly significant different interaction effect (P<0.01) on the percentage of spermatozoa viability. The best mean of motility, viability and abnormality was found in the D3H0 treatment. The conclusion is that the addition of coconut water in SYD can be done up to 90% with the time storage at 4-5ºC cold for 3 days because it is still able to maintain the quality of the Kacang goat liquid semen with a motility percentage more than 40%
Enclosure is one of the success factors in a poultry farm. Closed house enclosure is a modern enclosure that has many advantages ranging from labor efficiency, temperature and humidity that can be adjusted, without being affected by the temperature from outside the enclosure. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lamp coloring on the performance of the chicken phase layer in the closed house cage system. The study was conducted in July 2018 on the farm owned by Mr. Rudyanto Margadji located in Balapan Village, Sukorejo District, Blitar Regency. Data obtained from farms is processed using unpaired t test. The variables observed included feed consumption (feed intake), daily egg production (Hen day), feed conversion (FCR). The results showed that the level of consumption of feed on red lights averaged = 120.3 g, whereas for yellow lights = 120.2 g, for Hen Day on average = 92.33% for red lights and for yellow lights = 86.22%. The FCR value at the red light indicates an average of 2.04 and for the yellow light is 2.13.Kandang merupakan salah satu faktor keberhasilan dalam suatu usaha peternakan unggas. Kandang closed house adalah kandang modern yang memiliki banyak kelebihan mulai dari efisiensi tenaga kerja, suhu serta kelembapan yang dapat disesuaikan, tanpa terpengaruh suhu dari luar kandang.
Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pewarnaan lampu terhadap performa ayam fase layer pada sistem kandang closed house. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2018 di peternakan milik Bapak Rudyanto Margadji yang terletak di Kelurahan Balapan, Kecamatan Sukorejo, Kabupaten Blitar. Data yang diperoleh dari peternakan diolah menggunakan Uji t tidak berpasangan. Variabel yang diamati meliputi konsumsi pakan (Feed Intake), produksi telur harian (Hen day), konversi pakan (FCR).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat konsumsi pakan pada lampu warna merah rata – rata = 120.3 g, sedangkan pada lampu kuning = 120.2 g, untuk Hen Day rata-rata = 92.33% untuk lampu merah dan untuk lampu kuning = 86.22% . Nilai FCR pada lampu merah menunjukkan rata-rata sebesar 2.04 dan untuk lampu kuning sebesar 2.13
Anthelmintic effects of Podang mango (Mangifera indica) fruit peel waste extract through in vivo application on Indonesian Etawa goat production and health
Background and Aim: The continuous use of anthelmintic drugs has led to global issues of resistance. One breakthrough to address this problem is the utilization of bio-anthelmintics derived from active compounds in agro-industrial waste. This in vivo study investigated the effectiveness of Podang mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit peel waste extract for anthelmintic purposes, using concentrations up to 5%.
Materials and Methods: This study included 28 Etawa crossbred goats aged 17 months. Goats were randomly assigned to four groups: A negative control, an aqueous fruit peel extract (AFPE) group at 2.5%, another AFPE group at 5%, and a positive control receiving ivermectin. Goats chosen had egg per gram (EPG) counts surpassing 1000 before exposure to Haemonchus contortus. For 7 days within a 9-week study, AFPE from Podang mangoes was given. On the 7th day, the positive control group was administered ivermectin. AFPE dosage relied on the average abomasum fluid per kilogram of animal weight. The feeding regimen consisted of concentrate and Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott is customized for the nutritional needs of livestock. Data on feed consumption, digestibility, average daily gain, percentage reduction in fecal egg count, body condition score, and clinical parameters were collected throughout the study.
Results: At higher treatment levels (AFPE), there was a greater reduction in both EPG and fecal egg counts. The expected and normal ranges were maintained for consumption and digestibility. While body weight increased, FAMACHA parameters showed a decrease. Compared to the negative control group, substantial disparities (p < 0.05) existed for hemoglobin, red blood cells, and hematocrit in both the positive control and the treatment groups. Blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, indicative of liver and kidney health, were within normal ranges.
Conclusion: At a concentration of up to 5%, Podang mango waste extract (AFPE) can function as a substitute for traditional helminth medicines or bio-anthelmintics in goats, enhancing their production
Pengaruh Kombinasi Fitobiotik dan Probiotik dengan Penambahan Zn-EM4 terhadap Produktifitas dan Kualitas Telur Ayam Ras
Antibiotic Growth Promotor (AGPs) yang dipai untuk ternak memiliki dampak buruk bagi kesehatan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan alternatif AGP sebagai penggati seperti antibiotik probiotik, fitobiotik atau kombinasi keduanya untuk meningkatkan produktifitas ternak. Tujuan enelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi fitobiotik dan probiotik dengan penambahan seng oksida (ZnO) terhadap produktifitas dan kualitas telur ayam petelur. Rancangan yang digunakan ialah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan berupa kombinasi pemberian kunyit, sambiloto dan larutan Zn-EM4. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa kombinasi fitobiotik dan probiotik dengan penambahan seng oksida (ZnO) tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata (P>0,05) pada variabel produksi telur harian, konversi pakan, bobot telur, presentase cangkang telur, albumin dan kuning telur. Hasil rataan konsumsi pakan 119,77 g - 122,89 g/ekor/hr, produksi telur harian 83.66% - 91.61%, konversi pakan 2,25 – 2,38, bobot telur 63 - 63,75 g/butir, persentase bobot cangkang telur 13,47 - 13,74 %, persentase bobot albumin 59,16 - 60,54 % dan persentase kuning telur 24,38 - 25,41 %. Pemberian fitobiotik dan probiotik dengan penambahan seng oksida (ZnO) dengan dosis yang berbeda tidak berpengaruh terhadap produktifitas ayam petelur
Serum Biochemical Indices Of Rabbit Doe Fed Biscuit Diets Containing Moringa Oleifera Lamm Based On Urban Organic Waste
The aim of this study was to determine the serum indices of rabbit doe fed biscuit diets containing Moringa oleifera lamm based on urban organic waste. A total of 25 rabbits doe were used divided into 5 groups based on body weight with 5 treatments in each group. T0 was the control diet while T2, T4, T6, and T8 received additional 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% moringa leaf meal, respectively. The treatment was given during pregnancy until the kit was 21 days old. Blood samples collected from rabbits does on the last day of study and evaluated for serum biochemical indices, data obtained were analysed statistically. The variables observed were cholesterol, glucose, total protein, albumin, globulin, creatinine, and urea. The results showed that cholesterol, total protein and albumin in the blood serum of rabbit doe were significantly different (P<0.05) while glucose, globulin, creatinine, and urea were similar (P>0.05) between the groups. Giving Moringa leaf meal up to 8% in biscuit diet was able to reduce cholesterol content in the blood from 75.10 mg/dl to 58.20 mg/dl. Total protein in blood serum increased from 6.94 g/dl to 8.24 g/dl. This increase in total protein seems to be influenced by a significant increase in albumin from 4.08 g/dl to 5.58 g/dl. The other variables still have values in the normal level such as controls
Uji Sifat Fisik dan Organoleptik Biskuit Pakan Kelinci Berbasis Limbah Organik dengan Perekat yang Berbeda
ABSTRACT. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sifat fisik biskuit pakan kelinci berbasis limbah organik dengan perekat yang berbeda. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen laboratorium dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah P1: Perekat molases 5%, P2: Perekat molases 10%, P3: Perekat tepung tapioka 5%, P4: Perekat tepung tapioka 10%, P5: Perekat tepung gaplek 5%, P6: Perekat tepung gaplek 10%. Variabel yang diamati meliputi organoleptik, daya serap air, kerapatan dan ketahanan terhadap benturan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perekat molases P2 memperoleh skor warna (3,75) dan aroma (4,00) yang lebih tinggi (P0,05) dibanding perekat lain. Tepung tapioka sebagai perekat (P4) memiliki tekstur biskuit yang lebih kompak (4,50) dibandingkan perlakuan lain sedangkan kepadatan pada biskuit dengan berbagai perekat yang digunakan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata (P0,05). Daya serap air berkisar antara 83,81% sampai dengan 114,92% juga tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata (P0,05). Kerapatan dan ketahanan biskuit terhadap benturan menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata diantara perekat yang berbeda (P0,05). Kerapatan tertinggi terdapat pada P4 yaitu 0,44 g/cm3 sedangkan ketahanan benturan dimiliki oleh P6 dan P2 yaitu 94,56% dan 92,23% secara berurutan. Kesimpulan perekat molases memiliki skor organoleptik dan ketahanan benturan lebih baik dibandingkan perekat yang lain.(Physical test and organoleptic of rabbit feed biscuit based on organic waste with different binding agent)ABSTRAK. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical properties of organic waste-based rabbit feed biscuits with different binding agent. The method used is a lab experiment method with 6 treatments and 4 replications. Factor P = Binding agents, The treatments were P1: 5% molasses, P2: 10% molasses, P3: 5% tapioca flour, P4: 10% tapioca flour, P5: 5% cassava flour, P6: 10% cassava flour. Variables observed were organoleptic, water absorption, density and impact resistance. The results showed that the P2 obtained a higher color score (3.75) and aroma (4.00) (P0.05) than other as binding agents. Tapioca flour P4 performed more compact biscuit texture (4.50) than other treatments, while the density of all binders did not show a significant difference (P0.05). Water absorption ranged from 83.81% to 114.92% also did not show a significant difference (P0.05). The density and resistance of biscuits to impact showed significant differences between different binders (P0.05). The highest density is found in P4 which is 0.44 g/cm3 while the impact resistance is owned by P6 and P2 which is 94.56% and 92.23%, respectively. Based on results, it can be concluded molasses binder has better organoleptic score and impact resistance than other binders