20 research outputs found

    Seleksi dan indeks sensitivitas cekaman kekeringan galur-galur padi sawah tadah hujan

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    Cekaman kekeringan hampir terjadi setiap tahun pada sawah tadah hujan. Salah satu teknologi untuk mengatasinya adalah dengan penanaman padi toleran kekeringan. Perakitan varietas toleran kekeringan terus dilakukan dengan mengevaluasi galur-galur yang ditujukan untuk stress kekeringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyeleksi, mengevaluasi penurunan hasil, dan mengetahui indeks sensitivitas cekaman kekeringan pada galur-galur tadah hujan hasil seleksi generasi lanjut. Percobaan seleksi cekaman kekeringan dilakukan pada Maret – November 2016 dengan materi genetik sebanyak 135 galur dan Cek Mekongga yang ditanam pada kondisi stress kekeringan (61-72 centibar/Kpa) dan evaluasi galur – galur terseleksi dilakukan pada Februari – Juli 2017 dengan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok 3 ulangan. Hasil kegiatan seleksi memperoleh sebanyak 19 galur terbaik memiliki toleransi terhadap stres kekeringan untuk dilanjutkan pada kegiatan evaluasi lebih lanjut di kondisi sawah tadah hujan kondisi optimum. Hasil penelitian evaluasi 19 galur menunjukkan sebanyak 4 galur toleran yaitu BP17586-2-0-JK-3-IND-2-SKI-10-PWK-1-SKI-2 (ISK 0.49), BP18354-1-2-JK-3-IND-1-SKI-3-PWK-1-SKI-1 (ISK 0.49), BP18360-2-3-JK-1-IND-1-SKI-7-PWK-2SKI-1 (ISK 0.16), dan BP18406c-JK-1-IND-0-SKI-3-PWK-2-SKI-1 (ISK 0.1). Galur BP18354-1-2-JK-3-IND-1-SKI-3-PWK-1-SKI-1 (Y = 4,77 ton ha-1) adalah galur terbaik yang memiliki potensi hasil tinggi lebih baik dari cek Inpari 38 Tadah Hujan dan memiliki toleransi terhadap cekaman kekeringan. Galur ini potensial untuk diuji lebih lanjut dan dikembangkan di sawah tadah hujan.                                                     ABSTRACTDrought stress almost occurs every year in rainfed rice fields. One of the technologies to overcome is by planting drought tolerant varieties rice. Therefore, the assembly of drought tolerant varieties is carried out continuously by evaluating lines intended for drought stress. This study aimed to select, evaluate the decline in yield, and determine the drought tolerance index of rainfed lines resulting from advanced generation selection. Study-1 of drought stress selection experiment was carried out in WS 1 2016 (March – November) with 135 genetic lines and Mekongga as susceptible checks and Inpari 38 as resistant check planted in drought stress conditions (61-72 centibar / Kpa), and study-2 was an evaluation of selected strains carried out in WS 1 2017 (February – July) with 19 selected lines and 3 checks (Mekongga and Ciherang as susceptible check and Inpari 38 as resistant checks) by using a randomized block design with 3 replications. The results of the selection activities (Study-1) obtained as many as 19 of the best lines which had tolerance to drought stress and these lines were continued in further evaluation activities in rainfed lowland with optimum conditions (Study-2). The results showed that 4 of 19 lines were tolerant namely BP17586-2-0-JK-3-IND-2-SKI-10-PWK-1-SKI-2 (DSI - drought stress sensitivity index = 0.49), BP18354-1 -2-JK-3-IND-1-SKI-3-PWK-1-SKI-1 (DSI 0.49), BP18360-2-3-JK-1-IND-1-SKI-7-PWK-2SKI-1 (DSI 0.16), and BP18406c-JK-1-IND-0-SKI-3-PWK-2-SKI-1 (DSI 0.1). The BP18354-1-2-JK-3-IND-1-SKI-3-PWK-1-SKI-1 (Y = 4.77 tons ha-1) line was the best strain that had the potential for high yield better than the Inpari 38 Rainfed Check and had tolerance to stress. This strain has the potential to be further tested and developed in rain-fed rice fields

    Keragaman Morfologi Daun Padi Lokal Indonesia dan Korelasinya dengan Ketahanan Penyakit Hawar Daun Bakteri

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    Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) is one of the major diseases of rice plants mainly in irrigated rice caused by pathogenic bacteria Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). Leaf morphology becomes an interesting character to be investigated due to its relationship with the intensity of BLB disease, because the leaf is the part of plant which is infected by the bacteria. The purpose of this research was to obtain information on the variability of leaf morphology and its correlation with BLB diseases, to support plant breeding program of BLB disease-resistant rice varieties. A total of 25 local rice accessions were characterized phenotypically. Leaf morphological characters were examined without replication, while in Xoo resistance (pathotype IV) test was done by using randomized block design with three replications. Characterization on leaf morphology indicated that all local rice accessions had green collar, transparent auricle color, white ligule color, and 2-cleft ligule shape. In four weeks after inoculation, four accessions (Ketan Lomah Hitam, Bumbuy Inih, Gonggoi, and Waren) showed disease severity percentages of BLB diseases on the range between 13-16%. These observations indicated that these accessions had slightly sussceptible response to BLB diseases wich were better than the other accessions. Leaf-surface morphology was positively correlated with BLB disease. The four accessions were feathery or slightly hairy with a short-sized leaf. The results of this research could be used as a reference for developing of BLB resistance rice varieties

    Penampilan Agronomis dan Pendugaan Parameter Genetik 100 Galur Padi Generasi Lanjut pada Kondisi Cekaman Kekeringan

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    The condition of rice field without any irrigation is one of the problems in the rainfed land. This rice field only relies on the existence of water during the rainy day. This causes the limitation of water availability which affect plant growth. This study aimed to know the performance of the rice advance lines, estimated the value of genetic parameters and obtains the best line on drought condition. As many as 100 advance lines (> F8) for drought tolerant were tested using Augmented Design in five blocks. A total of six-check varieties were included in the experiment. The research was conducted at Dry Season of 2015 in ICRR-Sukamandi Experimental Field. The result showed that on the drought condition gained the average value for plant height as 103,44 cm, number of productive tillers as 12 tillers, percentage of filling pine grains reached 60,46%, leaf color index as 39,37, and weight of 1.000 grains averaged as 26,34 g, while weight grain per 5 clumps as 166,34 g. Yield trait was converted to hectares as 3,77 t ha-1 in drought conidition. Almost all characters had wide variability, high heritability values and high percentage of expected genetic advance except the number of filling grains per panicle trait. Lines BP17572c-SBY-1-CRB-2-SKI-1-3-PWK-2, ZX115-SKI-0-IND-2-SKI-1-PWK-2, BP30104e, BP17572c-SBY-1-CRB-2 -SKI-1-4-PWK-2, and BP17554-1c-SBY-1-CRB-8-SKI-1-6-PWK-2 provided the best performance with higher yield potential than the best check i.e. Inpari 13. There are ten promising lines which can be continued to the preliminary test for the assembly of rainfed rice varietie

    Heritabilitas, Sumber Gen, Dan Durabilitas Ketahanan Varietas Padi Terhadap Penyakit Hawar Daun Bakteri

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    Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) disease is one of the obstacles in increasing of rice production. The use of resistant varieties is an effective and easy to implement for farmers. This paper discusses the heritability and source of resistance genes of rice varieties against the BLB disease and strategies to maintain the durability of resistant varieties as one of the control efforts through plant breeding to supports the increasing of rice production. Assembling and development of resistant varieties play an important role in controlling BLB disease because it has a genetic resistancemechanism that can be inherited to progeny level. Varieties with vertical resistance are easily broken by pathogens, so it is necessary to assembling of varieties with horizontal resistance. To obtain the resistant progeny to BLB disease in the assembly of varieties, the position of the resistant varieties should be played as a female parent that has a high specific joining power. The nature of resistance to BLB is from a population whose parent genes are derived from multiple cross results has higher heritability. The populations derived from a double-cross have multigenic resistance and have the potential to produce recombinant individuals resistant for prolonged periods (durable). The availability of durable resistant varieties become a key requirement in sustainable BLB disease control. This matter can be done by improving the resistance of varieties through the assembling of varieties with various sources of resistance such as wild rice, local rice, and introduced rice.Keywords: Rice, varieties, resistance, bacterial leaf blight, durability, heritability ABSTRAKPenyakit hawar daun bakteri (HDB) merupakan salah satu kendala dalam peningkatan produksi padi. Penggunaan varietas tahan merupakan cara pengendalian yang efektif dan mudah diterapkan petani. Tulisan ini membahas heritabilitas dan sumber gen ketahanan varietas padi terhadap penyakit HDB dan strategi mempertahankan durabilitas varietas tahan sebagai salah satu upaya pengendalian melalui pemuliaan tanaman mendukung upaya peningkatan produksi padi. Perakitan dan pengembangan varietas tahan berperan penting mengendalikan penyakit HDB, karena memiliki mekanisme ketahanan genetik yang dapat diwariskan kepada keturunannya. Varietas dengan ketahanan vertikal mudah dipatahkan oleh patogen, sehingga perlu upaya perakitan varietas dengan ketahanan horizontal. Untuk memperoleh keturunan tanaman padi yang tahan terhadap penyakit HDB dalam perakitan varietas, posisi tetua tahan sebaiknya diperankan sebagai tetua betina yang memiliki daya gabung khusus yang tinggi. Sifat ketahanan HDB dari populasi tetua yang mengandung gen dari hasil silang ganda memilliki heritabilitas lebih tinggi. Populasi turunan dari silang ganda memiliki ketahanan multigenik dan berpeluang menghasilkan individu rekombinan tahan untuk periode yang lama (durable). Ketersediaan varietas tahan yang durable menjadi syarat utama dalam pengendalian penyakit HDB secara berkelanjutan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan perbaikan ketahanan varietas melalui perakitan varietas dengan berbagai sumber ketahanan, di antaranya padi liar, padi lokal, dan padi introduksi.Kata kunci: Padi, varietas, ketahanan, hawar daun bakteri, durabilitas, heritabilita


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    Resistance traits to brown planthopper on rice varieties are controlled by dominant and recessive genes called Bph/bph. Bph17 is one of dominant genes that control rice resistance to brown planthopper.  Marker of Bph17 allele can be used as a tool of marker assisted selection (MAS) in breeding activity. Association of Bph17 allele and resistance to brown planthopper in Indonesian landraces and new-improved varieties of rice is not clearly known. The study aimed to determine the association of Bph17 allele in landraces and new-improved varieties of rice resistant to brown planthopper. Twenty-one rice genotypes were used in the study, consisting of 13 landraces, 5 improved varieties, 3 popular varieties and a check variety Rathu Heenati. Two simple sequence repeat markers linked to Bph17 allele were used, i.e. RM8213 and RM5953. The results showed that association of Bph17 allele in landraces and new-improved varieties of rice resistant to brown planthopper resistance was very low (r = -0.019 and -0.023, respectively). The presence of Bph17 allele did not constantly express resistance to brown planthopper. The study suggests that Bph17 allele cannot be used as a tool of MAS for evaluating resistance of landraces and new-improved varieties of rice to brown planthopper. Further research is needed to obtain a specific gene marker that can be used as a tool of MAS and applicable for Indonesian differential rice varieties.

    Evaluasi Ketahanan Galur International Rice Bacterial Blight terhadap Hawar Daun Bakteri dan Identifikasi Patotipe Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Provinsi Jawa Tengah Berdasarkan Galur IRBB

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    Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is the major disease in rice plants causing considerable economic losses. The objective of the study was to evaluate the resistant International Rice Bacterial Blight (IRBB) lines against bacterial leaf blight and the identification of Xoo pathotype from Central Java Province as the basis recommendation of the resistant varieties assembly with the background of resistant genes to overcome BLB disease. The evaluation of Xoo isolates from 22 districts in Central Java Province on IRBB lines was conducted in the rainy season 2016-2017 using split plot with three replications. The main plot was 15 IRBB lines, while the subplot was 110 Xoo isolates. Among 15 lines of IRBB, there were 10 lines have functioned as pathotype examiner of Xoo. The results obtained 6 lines were reacted resistant, namely IRBB5, IRBB7, IRBB8, IRBB57, IRBB64, and IRBB66. The IRBB66 line can be used as a resistant elder for the assembly of BLB resistant varieties because it has a combination of pyramiding resistant genes that were effective against BLB in some areas of Central Java Province. Pathotype IX was only found and dominant in Pemalang. Pathotype X was obtained in six districts of Tegal, Brebes, Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Purworejo, and Grobogan. Pathotype XII was the most dominant prototype in 15 districts. Assembling of resistant varieties with resistant gene backgrounds based on the existence of a specific Xoo pathotype in the field can reduce the severity of BLB disease


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    More than 80 high yielding varieties of rice have been released nationally by IAARD to support acceleration of national rice production. Inpari 13 was the one of some new variety that has been released at 2011 and have superior trait i.e early maturity and high yielding. Inpari 13 and some another new variety would disseminated at ICM program at this year. That variety needed to evaluated on Display Area and cultivated by using ICM technology and its compared with old variety as well as Ciherang. This study was to evaluate performance and yield of some new varieties compared old varieties specifically in Dem area. The experiment was conducted in West Java AIAT Dem Area, District Jayakerta, Karawang. The study was done on DS 2011 (Mei 2011-Januari 2012) by using randomized block design with 3 replications. Six varieties were tested i.e Ciherang, St. Bagendit, Inpari Inpari-7, Inpari-10, Silugunggo and Inpari-13. Integrated Crop Manajemen system i.e legowo 2:1, optimal fertilization, and IPM were used at this research. The results showed that there were signifant differences between varieties in all characters except leaf color index. Ciherang has the highest plant height (97,59 cm). Inpari-7 has the highest number of productive tillers and 100 grains weight (25 tillers/clump and 2,8 grams) and the least number of empty grains (7 grains/ panicle). St. Bagendit has the highest number of pithy grain (183 grains/panicle). Silugonggo was the early maturity but it’s resistant to stems brown planthopper (almost had a crop failure). The highest dry grain harvest was owned by Situ Bagendit (8,10 t.ha 1) followed Ciherang (8,08 t.ha-1), Inpari-13 (8,07 t.ha-1), Inpari-7 (7,52 t.ha-1), Inpari-10 (6,71 t.ha-1), and Silugonggo (2,05 t.ha-1)


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    INDONESIA Varietas unggul baru merupakan salah satu teknologi utama dalam penerapan PTT yang paling dominan digunakan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas padi serta paling cepat diadopsi oleh petani. Beberapa upaya dalam program diseminasi telah dilakukan oleh BPTP untuk memperkenalkan varietas unggul baru secara langsung kepada responden (petani dan penyuluh) sehingga dapat mengetahui kualitas dari varietas yang baru dikenal. Preferensi responden terhadap VUB sangat penting diketahui sehingga BUMN/UPBS produsen benih VUB dapat menentukan target produksi benih yang akan diperbanyak dan disebarkan kepada petani. Pengkajian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan responden terhadap keragaan tanaman, gabah, beras, dan nasi beberapa varietas padi sawah yang sedang dikembangkan Litbang. Pengkajian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Oktober 2012 di Kabupaten Karawang – Jawa Barat. Responden yang terlibat sebanyak 50 orang yang terdiri dari kepala BP3K dan ketua KTNA se Kabupaten Karawang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan alat kuisioner. Media dan materi yang dijadikan bahan studi display VUB pada gelar teknologi BPTP, gabah padi VUB yang sudah dibersihkan, dan nasi dari masing-masing varietas sebanyak 5 VUB (Inpari 13, 14, 15, 20, sidenuk) dan Ciherang Jumbo sebagai kontrol. Hasil pengkajian menunjukan bahwa keragaan tanaman yang banyak disukai oleh responden adalah Inpari 14. Inpari 20 paling banyak disukai untuk karakter bentuk gabah, Inpari 15 untuk karakter warna gabah, dan Ciherang untuk karakter ukuran gabah dan ukuran beras. Responden menyukai semua kualitas nasi dari semua varietas yang diujikan. Pemilihan varietas yang memiliki bentuk beras yang disukai responden dapat ditentukan berdasarkan bentuk gabah yang disukainya. Sedangkan pemilihan varietas berdasarkan karakter nasi tidak dapat diduga oleh penilaian karakter yang ada pada gabah maupun beras.INGGRIS

    Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Microgreens Beberapa Varietas Tanaman Caisim (Brassica juncea L.) pada Berbagai Jarak Tanam

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    The diminishing amount of land available for agriculture and the growing demand for nutritious food have made it necessary to find alternative sources of fresh vegetables. Urban farming, especially the cultivation of microgreens, can help meet this demand. Microgreens offer several advantages, such as time and cost savings, and they require minimal space while growing quickly. However, the optimal spacing for different types of microgreens is not extensively documented, as research on microgreens is still limited in Indonesia. The Brassicaceae family is one of the most commonly cultivated families for microgreens. This study was carried out at Room A, Faculty of Agriculture, Singaperbangsa Karawang University, Campus 2. The experimental method used was a factorial randomized block design (RBD Factorials) with two treatments for varieties and three for spacing, repeated five times, resulting in 30 experimental units. Factor I, Varieties, consisted of v1 (Tosakan) and v2 (Shinta). Factor II, Spacing, consisted of j1 (1 cm x 1 cm), j2 (1 cm x 2 cm), and j3 (2 cm x 2 cm). The data were analyzed using an analysis of variance (Uji F) at a 5% level. If the results of the analysis of variance were significantly different, the study continued with a multiple range test (DMRT) at a 5% level to determine the best-performing treatment. There was an interaction between the treatments for microgreen varieties and spacing on parameters such as plant density, dry weight of the plant, and fresh weight. There was a significant effect of the variety on the parameter of chlorophyll content, and a significant effect of spacing on the parameters of plant growth rate and the age of leaf appearance. Additional types of plants are needed to determine significant differences related to spacing and their interactions