8,582 research outputs found
Generalized Paxos Made Byzantine (and Less Complex)
One of the most recent members of the Paxos family of protocols is
Generalized Paxos. This variant of Paxos has the characteristic that it departs
from the original specification of consensus, allowing for a weaker safety
condition where different processes can have a different views on a sequence
being agreed upon. However, much like the original Paxos counterpart,
Generalized Paxos does not have a simple implementation. Furthermore, with the
recent practical adoption of Byzantine fault tolerant protocols, it is timely
and important to understand how Generalized Paxos can be implemented in the
Byzantine model. In this paper, we make two main contributions. First, we
provide a description of Generalized Paxos that is easier to understand, based
on a simpler specification and the pseudocode for a solution that can be
readily implemented. Second, we extend the protocol to the Byzantine fault
Proposição do sipa - sistema de interação patrimonial auxiliar
TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental.Este trabalho aborda a proposta de criação de um sistema auxiliar para gestão dos bens móveis permanentes pertencentes ao patrimônio da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). O Sistema de Interação Patrimonial Auxiliar – SIPA foi proposto como um ente independente, mas ligado ao sistema principal de gestão de patrimônio universitário - SIP, sendo capaz de enviar e receber dados de acordo com as permissões do usuário. O sistema auxiliar visa diminuir a geração de resíduos através da descentralização de processos cotidianos de gestão patrimonial permitindo que bens atualmente sem uso sejam destinados rapidamente a locais que os necessitem. Suas funções básicas são: permitir o cadastro dos bens móveis permanentes; disponibilizá-los em uma plataforma online de acesso comum a comunidade acadêmica; iniciar os processos de movimentação destes bens e/ou sua manutenção caso necessário. Os agentes patrimoniais, servidores que realizam os procedimentos de gestão de forma descentralizada em conjunto com o Departamento de Gestão Patrimonial (DGP), são os responsáveis por controlar a entrada e saída de informações do SIPA, bem como zelar pela segurança e eficiência do sistema. Uma vez implementado e tendo uma boa aceitação pelos servidores da UFSC, o SIPA terá um grande potencial de crescimento, visto que mais funções poderão ser acrescentadas e as existentes poderão ser evoluídas a fim de acompanhar as mudanças legislativas e dos processos de gestão de patrimônio da UFSC
The Milnor number of a hypersurface singularity in arbitrary characteristic
The Milnor number of an isolated hypersurface singularity, defined as the
codimension of the ideal generated by the partial derivatives of a
power series whose zeros represent locally the hypersurface, is an
important topological invariant of the singularity over the complex numbers,
but its meaning changes dramatically when the base field is arbitrary. It turns
out that if the ground field is of positive characteristic, this number is not
even invariant under contact equivalence of the local equation . In this
paper we study the variation of the Milnor number in the contact class of ,
giving necessary and sufficient conditions for its invariance. We also relate,
for an isolated singularity, the finiteness of to the smoothness of
the generic fiber . Finally, we prove that the Milnor number coincides
with the conductor of a plane branch when the characteristic does not divide
any of the minimal generators of its semigroup of values, showing in particular
that this is a sufficient (but not necessary) condition for the invariance of
the Milnor number in the whole equisingularity class of .Comment: 20 page
9/11 and the International Media: A Cross-Cultural Analysis
The purpose of this study was to find how socio-political and cultural aspects influenced international media representation of the September 11 terrorist attacks to the United States. The study compared the results of textual analysis of newspaper editorials from five different countries. Using Worthington (2001) protocol of political activism framing by print media, it was found that the September 11 terrorist attacks were represented distinctively by each of the five newspapers investigated. The underpinning of the theoretical framework for this study is Stuart Hall\u27s encoding and decoding communication model. Stuart Hall (1979, 1980a, 1980c, 1993) postulates that in the communication process, the moments of encoding and decoding of a message are influenced by ideology. Ideology, as defined by Luis Althusser (1971), is a representation of the imaginary relationships of individuals and reality, therefore encapsulating cultural and socio-political aspects. The results of the qualitative textual analysis undertaken showed that issues such as identity, contextual information, visual aspects and sourcing were utilized distinctively by the editorials of the five newspapers to frame the discussions regarding the September 11 terrorist attacks. The September 11 terrorist attacks to New York and Washington D.C. were a timely event where one has to discuss history before and after it. The historical importance of the attacks is a reflex of its international reach, which was only attainable due to the international media coverage. The media-centric nature of the September 11 events calls for a detailed examination of the relationship between media, terrorism, culture and politics in contemporary society. This study found that politics and culture are prominent influences in the way international media encoded the events of September 11
The Milnor Number of Plane Branches With Tame Semigroup of Values
The Milnor number of an isolated hypersurface singularity, defined as the
codimension of the ideal generated by the partial derivatives of a
power series that represents locally the hypersurface, is an important
topological invariant of the singularity over the complex numbers. However it
may loose its significance when the base field is arbitrary. It turns out that
if the ground field is of positive characteristic, this number depends upon the
equation representing the hypersurface, hence it is not an invariant of the
hypersurface. For a plane branch represented by an irreducible convergent power
series in two indeterminates over the complex numbers, it was shown by
Milnor that always coincides with the conductor of the
semigroup of values of the branch. This is not true anymore if the
characteristic of the ground field is positive. In this paper we show that,
over algebraically closed fields of arbitrary characteristic, this is true,
provided that the semigroup is tame, that is, the characteristic of the
field does not divide any of its minimal generators.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1507.0317
Small animal clinic and surgery
As part of the last step in concluding the Master’s degree in veterinary medicine, the
current report was carried out. It is divided in three parts. The first part includes statistics
regarding pathologies or symptoms of animals brought to Priory Veterinary Surgeons during the
traineeship, with brief detailing of a disease or procedure relevant to each clinical and surgical
area of small animal medicine. The second part is a review of available literature regarding
canine non-Hodgkin lymphoma addressing its aetiology, diagnosis, immunophenotypes,
presentations, therapeutics and prognosis. The third and last part is a description of a canine
lymphoma case in a 9-year-old border collie with data regarding the diagnosis, management
and the treatment protocol; Resumo: Clínica e Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais -
O seguinte relatório foi elaborado como parte da última etapa para completar o
mestrado em medicina veterinária. Está dividido em três partes. A primeira parte inclui a
estatística das patologias ou sintomas dos animais que foram levados à Priory Veterinary
Surgeons durante o período de estágio curricular, com um abreve revisão de uma doença ou
procedimento relevante a cada área da clínica e cirurgia de medicina de animais de
companhia. A segunda parte é uma revisão da literatura disponível sobre linfoma não-Hodgkin
canino abordando a sua etiologia, diagnóstico, imunofenótipo, manifestação clínica, tratamento
e prognóstico. A terceira e última parte é uma descrição de um caso de linfoma não Hodgkin
canino de um border collie de 9 anos com dados sobre o diagnóstico, acompanhamento e
Edx participants’ profile: analysis of the factors that lead to the search for certification
Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) are freely accessibleonline courses with open registration. This term was first coined in 2008when professors of University of Manitoba (Canada) started an onlinecourse free and open to anyone. In 2012, two platforms were launched, EdXand Coursera. Until now, these two platforms remain as the most popularMOOCs providers in the world attracting universities from all of thecontinents. The present study performs data analysis of Harvard and MITcourses available in EdX during the first four years of operation. Theobjective was to understand students’ and courses’ profiles and the factorsthat make certifications more attractive to the participants. This paper couldidentify some factors that contribute to students' motivation in obtainingformal certification. It was important to see that variables related toengagement impact in the inclination to obtain a certification. Furthermore,demographical characteristics as sex and age are relevant so that institutionscan focus on specific targets
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