445 research outputs found

    From expert judgement to decision-making in the major risk management process around SEVESO sites in France

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    International audienceSince the Toulouse accident (2001), the French Authorities have emphasized the position of the Safety Study in the risk management process. In this new context induced by the promulgation of the law n°2003-699 of 30 July 2003 about the "prevention of the technological and natural risks and to the compen-sation of the damages", the Safety Studies performed by the industrials is : a demonstration of the risk control ; a support to the urbanization control around Seveso sites using Technological Risk Prevention Plans TRPP. Different categories of actors, such as general manager, operators, contractors, central and local Ad-ministrations, associations, etc., are involved in the risk management process making it more complex. As a technical support to decision-makers in risk prevention from both public and private sectors, INERIS plays an important role in the evolution of the French risk prevention plan. This paper aims at revealing the differ-ent decisional and expertise problems faced during the Safety Study and the Technological Risk Prevention Plans

    Developing an integrated concept for the E-ELT Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOSAIC): design issues and trade-offs

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    We present a discussion of the design issues and trade-offs that have been considered in putting together a new concept for MOSAIC, the multi-object spectrograph for the E-ELT. MOSAIC aims to address the combined science cases for E-ELT MOS that arose from the earlier studies of the multi-object and multi-adaptive optics instruments. MOSAIC combines the advantages of a highly-multiplexed instrument targeting single-point objects with one which has a more modest multiplex but can spatially resolve a source with high resolution (IFU). These will span across two wavebands: visible and near-infrared

    Estimate of the environment impact of the ELT instrument MOSAIC

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    MOSAIC is an instrument for the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). The instrument has started phase B, and apart from technical and financial requirements, MOSAIC has the additional requirement to investigate and minimise its environmental impact. The first step is to estimate the carbon footprint (and other effects) in a ‘Life Cycle Analysis’, for the instrument development up to Provisional Acceptance in Chile. This paper presents a preliminary analysis, aimed at identifying potential contributors to environmental impact. Investigated contributors are: materials, Full-Time-Equivalents, travel, and transport of the instrument. Not yet investigated (due to lack of information or certainty) are: electronics, test facilities and prototyping. Uncertainty in input data and conversion factors leads to error bars of a factor 2 or larger. Therefore, the outcome of the analysis can be used for internal comparison of contributors only, and it should not be used for comparison to other instruments or disciplines

    Innovations in Community-Based Tourism: Social Responsibility Actions in the Rural Tourism in the Province of Santa Elena–Ecuador

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    [Abstract] Although in many cases community-based tourism does not take place within the formal parameters of the company, your practices encompass responsible tourism activities that allow the active participation of the community, from an intercultural perspective, adequate management of the natural and cultural heritage, based on a principle of equity and the distribution of local benefits. The aim of this research was to understand the relationship between the actions and dimensions of social responsibility carried out in communities that practice community-based tourism, with the aim of establishing appropriate indicators of organisation and sustainable local development. However, no studies linking community-based tourism and social responsibility were found in the literature, as the latter was always related to formal organisations. In order to achieve this objective, a interview was carried out from an exploratory qualitative perspective. The data analysed made it possible to understand the level of SR of the actors in rural communities and its close relationship with the social responsibility actions carried out in the practice of community-based tourism. Indicators of local organisation and development that influence the sustainability of rural communities as tourist destinations were also detected

    Air pollution in the Aveiro region, Portugal: A citizens' engagement approach

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    © 2018 WIT Press. Air pollution has become a growing concern in the past few years, with an increasing number of acute air pollution episodes in many cities worldwide. In Portugal, especially in the region of Aveiro, high concentrations of particulate matter are frequently recorded, being one of the most critical air pollutants. Health impacts related with citizens' exposure to particulate matter has been threatening human health, increasing mortality and morbidity and contributing to a broad range of negative health outcomes. Different causes are attributed to air pollution over Portugal: agricultural, forest fires and dust emissions from Sahara Desert, amongst the natural emission sources, and road-traffic, residential combustion and industrial emissions, amongst the anthropogenic emission sources. Citizens' behaviour has a main role on air quality management. Each day individual choices, such as transportation or residential heating, have direct impact on air pollutant emissions. Therefore, citizens' play an important role to mitigate air pollution problems in their cities. However, the first step is to increase citizens' receptiveness about their contribution to the problem and, at the same time, to engage and empower them to contribute to the solutions. Aveiro Region is one of the case studies of ClairCity (Citizen-led air pollution reduction in cities) project. The project developed several activities to engage citizens on air pollution and carbon emissions issues. This work focus on the Delphi-like approach that includes surveys and workshops, to find out about people's lives in Aveiro Region and their vision for a low carbon, clean air and healthy future region. This paper presents an overview about air pollution in Aveiro region as well as the activities of the Delphi survey to see how citizens perceive this problem and their role on future air quality management

    Accurate Sky Continuum Subtraction with Fibre-fed Spectrographs

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    Fibre-fed spectrographs now have throughputs equivalent to slit spectrographs. However, the sky subtraction accuracy that can be reached has often been pinpointed as one of the major issues associated with the use of fibres. Using technical time observations with FLAMES-GIRAFFE, two observing techniques, namely dual staring and cross beam-switching, were tested and the resulting sky subtraction accuracy reached in both cases was quantified. Results indicate that an accuracy of 0.6% on sky subtraction can be reached, provided that the cross beam-switching mode is used. This is very encouraging with regard to the detection of very faint sources with future fibre-fed spectrographs, such as VLT/MOONS or E-ELT/MOSAIC.Comment: to appear in ESO Messenger, March 201


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    O presente artigo verificou a inconstitucionalidade da falta de determinação do tempo máximo para o cumprimento da medida de segurança. Suas espécies, internação e tratamento ambulatorial. A ineficácia do instituto para fins de ressocialização dos internos. A importância da Reforma Psiquiátrica para a saúde mental no Brasil, bem como as conquistas do Movimento Antimanicomial. Pressupostos legais para o cumprimento da medida de segurança, o aspecto inconstitucional da indeterminação temporal. Finalidade dos hospitais de custódia e princípios do direito que devem ser observados quanto ao cumprimento das medidas. Conclui-se que as medidas de segurança são inconstitucionais, no que diz respeito à indeterminação temporal