334 research outputs found

    Spectral Line Width Broadening from Pair Fluctuation in a Frozen Rydberg Gas

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    Spectral line width broadening in Rydberg gases, a phenomenon previously attributed to the many-body effect, was observed experimentally almost a decade ago. The observed line width was typically 80-100 times larger than the average interaction strength predicted from a binary interaction. The interpretation of such a phenomenon is usually based on the so-called diffusion model, where the line width broadening mostly originates from the diffusion of excitations. In this paper, we present a model calculation to show that diffusion is not the main mechanism to the line width broadening. We find that the rare pair fluctuation at small separation is the dominant factor contributing to this broadening. Our results give a width of about 20-30 times larger than the average interaction strength. More importantly, by turning off the diffusion process, we do not observe order of magnitude change in the spectral line width

    Field-ionization threshold and its induced ionization-window phenomenon for Rydberg atoms in a short single-cycle pulse

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    We study the field-ionization threshold behavior when a Rydberg atom is ionized by a short single-cycle pulse field. Both hydrogen and sodium atoms are considered. The required threshold field amplitude is found to scale \emph{inversely} with the binding energy when the pulse duration becomes shorter than the classical Rydberg period, and, thus, more weakly bound electrons require larger fields for ionization. This threshold scaling behavior is confirmed by both 3D classical trajectory Monte Carlo simulations and numerically solving the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation. More surprisingly, the same scaling behavior in the short pulse limit is also followed by the ionization thresholds for much lower bound states, including the hydrogen ground state. An empirical formula is obtained from a simple model, and the dominant ionization mechanism is identified as a nonzero spatial displacement of the electron. This displacement ionization should be another important mechanism beyond the tunneling ionization and the multiphoton ionization. In addition, an "ionization window" is shown to exist for the ionization of Rydberg states, which may have potential applications to selectively modify and control the Rydberg-state population of atoms and molecules

    Recombination fluorescence in ultracold neutral plasmas

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    We present the first measurements and simulations of recombination fluorescence in ultracold neutral plasmas. In contrast with previous work, experiment and simulation are in significant disagreement. Comparison with a recombination model suggests that the disagreement could be due to the high energy portion of the electron energy distribution or to large energy changes in electron/Rydberg scattering. Recombination fluorescence opens a new diagnostic window in ultracold plasmas because it probes the deeply-bound Rydberg levels, which depend critically on electron energetics
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