175 research outputs found
Lo iodio nell'alimentazione dell'età evolutiva
SommarioLo iodio viene assunto esclusivamente attraverso gli alimenti e rappresenta un componente essenziale per la sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei. Una carenza iodica misconosciuta da inadeguato apporto dietetico che si instaura nei primi anni di vita può essere responsabile di scarsa crescita e disordini dello sviluppo neuro-cognitivo. Negli ultimi anni è aumentata la prevalenza delle allergie alimentari e dei cultori di diete vegane nei paesi occidentali. Entrambe le situazioni impongono restrizioni dietetiche, limitando le fonti di importanti nutrienti come iodio, ferro, zinco, vitamina D, calcio e vitamina B12. Nelle allergie alimentari e in regime dietetico vegano, infatti, i primi alimenti ad essere esclusi sono proprio quelli a maggior contenuto di iodio, come pesce, latte, uova e derivati. L'apporto di iodio può dunque divenire insufficiente qualora non ci sia adeguato utilizzo di fonti di iodio alternative, come il sale iodato. Pertanto, risulta fondamentale che gli operatori sanitari siano a conoscenza dei possibili rischi di carenze nutrizionali in bambini con allergia alimentare, vegani o entrambi, al fine di garantire un attento monitoraggio auxologico e nutrizionale e soddisfare il fabbisogno energetico e nutritivo. In questo articolo riassumiamo i principali aspetti riguardanti l'apporto iodico in dieta vegana e nelle diete di esclusione dei bambini con allergie alimentari, revisionando la letteratura su questi argomenti e fornendo alcuni suggerimenti per i pediatri
 O presente trabalho estuda a escada no ponto de vista arquitetônico (elementos, desenho, tipologia) e da segurança (normativo) e, logo, da prevenção a acidentes (investiga os Ãndices), reunindo campos do conhecimento funcionalmente ligados, embora não seja costumeiro fazer uma ligação direta entre eles: a Arquitetura e a Medicina Preventiva. Apresenta a questão da adequação/inadequação dos espaços verticais de circulação, sobretudo as escadas, de forma a contribuir para que estas sejam espaços de trânsito seguro (embora instável), prevenindo a ocorrência de acidentes. Palavras-chave: espaço de circulação vertical, escadas, ergonomia.  Abstract This paper studies the stair in the architectural point of view (elements, design, type) and security (normative) and so, the prevention of accidents (research indices), bringing together functionally related fields of knowledge, although it isn’t customary to direct connection between them: the Architecture and Preventive Medicine. It shows the problem of adequacy/inadequacy of vertical circulation spaces, especially the stairs, in order to contribute to these spaces are safe transit (though unstable), preventing the occurrence of accidents. Keywords: vertical circulation space, stairs, ergonomic
Desarrollo del manual de procedimientos para la subdirección académica del departamento de Fitotecnia-Universidad Autónoma Chapingo.
Toda empresa exitosa, organizada y con un excelente funcionamiento en sus actividades tienen como base una buena administración, hoy en dÃa las organizaciones buscan medios con los cuales hacer frente a los diversos problemas que se presentan, y poder cumplir con sus objetivos y evitar o mitigar errores.
Diversas personas y empresas han creado diferentes métodos, modelos, procedimientos y manuales de organización, etc. que conlleven a dirigir a las empresas en sus funciones y actividades para lograr un fin común.
Los manuales de procedimientos, son aquellos instrumentos en los que se explica, en forma metódica, los pasos y operaciones que deben seguirse para la realización de las funciones de una dependencia. En ellos se describen los diferentes puestos o unidades administrativas que intervienen y se precisa su responsabilidad y participación
Transport of mucoid mucus in healthy individuals and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis
Objective: To characterise and compare the in vitro transport properties of respiratory mucoid secretion in individuals with no lung disease and in stable patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and bronchiectasis.Methodology: Samples of mucus were collected, from 21 volunteers presenting no lung disease who had undergone surgery, from 10 patients presenting chronic COPD, and from 16 patients with bronchiectasis. Mucociliary transport (MCT), transport by cough (SCM), and contact angle (CAM) were evaluated.Results: MCT was found to be greater in healthy individuals (1.0 +/- 0.19) than in COPD (0.91 +/- 0.17) and bronchiectasis (0.76 +/- 0.23) patients (p < 0.05), whereas SCM was greater in COPD patients (16.31 +/- 7.35 cm) than in patients with bronchiectasis (12.16 +/- 6.64 cm) and healthy individuals (10.50 +/- 25.8 cm) (p < 0.05). No significant differences were observed between the groups regarding CAM.Conclusion: Mucus from healthy individuals allows better mucociliary transport compared to that from patients with lung diseases. However, the mucus from COPD patients allows a better transport by coughing, demonstrating that these individuals have adapted to a defence mechanism compared to patients with bronchiectasis, who have impairment in their ciliary and cough transport mechanisms. (c) 2012 Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.Ctr Univ Tridngulo, Dept Fisioterapia, Uberlandia, MG, BrazilFac Med Ribeirao Preto, Dept Fisioterapia, Ribeirao Preto, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pneumol, São Paulo, BrazilFac Med Ribeirao Preto, Dept Pneumol, Ribeirao Preto, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pneumol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
Alterações posturais em crianças portadoras de sÃndrome da respiração bucal, avaliadas através do método da biofotogrametria computadorizada
OBJECTIVES: To determine and compare the posture of children with obstructive (OMB) and functional mouth breathing (FMB) and children with nasal breathing (NB) using computerized biophotogrammetry, as well as to determine the viability and efficacy of this method. METHODS: Evaluative and personalized methods were used for the capture and analysis of angle images obtained from 19 NB, 26 FMB and 17 OMB children of either gender aged 8 to 10 years on anterior, posterior and profile views. The nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test was applied to analyze the three groups as a whole and the Mann-Whitney test was used for pairwise comparison of the groups (p = 0.05). RESULTS: The angle related to the lateral knee condyle, lateral ankle malleolus and 5th metatarsal diaphysis (KAM) was significantly greater in NB than in FMB children. With respect to the angle related to the nasal external acoustic meatus and pogonion (GMM), nasal external acoustic meatus and manubrium (GME), and 2nd cervical vertebra, major cervical curvature point and 7th cervical vertebra (C2C7), significantly higher values were observed for the OMB group compared to NB children. The angle formed by the 2nd thoracic vertebra, the major prominent thoracic point and the 9th thoracic vertebra (T2T9) was significantly greater in FMB than in OMB children. CONCLUSIONS: Computerized biophotogrammetry was found to e a safe and reliable technique, allowing comparison between the children analyzed, as well as the detection of postural alterations in mouth breathing children.OBJETIVOS: Mensurar e comparar a postura de crianças respiradoras bucais obstrutivas (RBO) e funcionais (RBF), entre si e com crianças respiradoras nasais (RN), através da biofotogrametria computadorizada e verificar a viabilidade e a eficácia da utilização deste método. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se métodos avaliativos e personalizados de captação e análise das imagens angulares de 19 crianças RN, 26 RBF e 17 RBO, de 8 a 10 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, em face anterior, perfil e posterior. RESULTADOS: Para análise dos resultados, aplicou-se o teste não-paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis e de Mann-Whitney (p=0,05). Observou-se que a angulação obtida relativa ao côndilo lateral do joelho, maléolo lateral do tornozelo e diáfise do 5° metatarso (JTM), os resultados dos RN foram significativamente maiores do que os RBF. Quanto à s angulações relativas à glabela, meato acústico esterno e mento (GMM), glabela, meato acústico esterno e manúbrio do esterno (GME) e 2ª vértebra cervical, local de maior curvatura cervical e 7ª cervical (C2C7), os resultados dos RBO foram significativamente maiores do que os RN. Na angulação relativa à 2ª vértebra torácica, local de maior proeminência torácica e 9ª torácica (T2T9), os resultados dos RN foram significativamente maiores do que os RBO. Na angulação de C2C7, os resultados dos RBO foram significantemente maiores do que os RBF, e na medida relativa a T2T9, os resultados dos RBF foram significativamente maiores do que os RBO. CONCLUSÃO: A técnica da biofotogrametria computadorizada revelou-se ser segura e fidedigna, permitindo a mensuração e comparação dos valores obtidos entre as crianças analisadas, assim como a verificação da detecção de alterações posturais nos respiradores bucais
Phenotypic and functional characterization of switch memory B cells from patients with oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Supervivencia y perdurabilidad del Código Civil
Fil: Alterini, Atilio AnÃbal. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Cátedra Derecho Civil. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: López del Carril, Nelson Julio. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Cátedra Derecho Civil I. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Greco, Roberto Ernesto. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Cátedra Derecho Civil II. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Gastaldi, José MarÃa. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Cátedra Derecho Civil III. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Russomanno, Mario César. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Cátedra Derecho Romano. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Maffia, Jorge O. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias JurÃdicas y Sociales. La Plata, ArgentinaFil: Belluscio, Augusto César. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Cátedra Derecho Civil V. Buenos Aires, Argentin
Influence of Hashimoto thyroiditis on the development of thyroid nodules and cancer in children and adolescents
It is unclear whether patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) are predisposed to develop thyroid nodules and/or thyroid cancer. The objective of our study was therefore to assess the prevalence of thyroid nodules and/or cancer in patients with HT and to look for possible prognostic factors. A retrospective survey of 904 children/adolescents with HT (709 females, 195 males) regularly followed in nine Italian centers of pediatric endocrinology was performed. Median period of follow-up was 4.5 years (1.2 to 12.8 years). We evaluated free T4, TSH, thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb), thyroglobulin antibodies, and thyroid ultrasound yearly. One hundred seventy-four nodules were detected, with an annual incidence rate of 3.5%. Ten nodules were malignant (8 papillary and 2 papillary follicular variant), giving a 5.7% prevalence of cancer among patients with nodules. The severity of hypo-echogenity at ultrasound, TPOAb, and free T4 serum concentrations were predictive for the appearance of new nodules. Furthermore, a positive correlation was observed between TPOAb titer and the development of thyroid cancer. In conclusion, HT seems to influence the development of thyroid nodules, but not cancer in children and adolescents
Effect of initial levothyroxine dose on neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes in children with congenital hypothyroidism
We designed a multicentre open prospective randomized trial to evaluate the risk-benefit profile of two different initial treatment schemes with levothyroxine (L-T4), 10-12.5 μg/kg/day vs 12.6-15 μg/kg/day, on growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with congenital hypothyroidism (CH) detected by neonatal screening to identify the best range dose to achieve optimal neurocognitive development
Quality of life of medicine students in the pandemic: a prospective observational cross-sectional study
The COVID-19 pandemic has had major impacts on the mental and psychological health of young students. Stress, anxiety, depression, and a sedentary lifestyle are some of the consequences generated during the necessary social isolation. In this way, medical education has transformed due to the current Covid 19 epidemic, which has affected students and teachers of medical education in the country. In this way, the present research intends to collect data to evaluate the affected areas of the students in terms of quality of life, health, and other areas of their lives, thus being able to bring new information that can be used for a better approach to the theme. Therefore, this study evaluated the quality of life of medical students during the pandemic through the application of a remote questionnaire
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