17 research outputs found

    Knowledge about why COVID-19 is dangerous? (N = 328).

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    RT, No: Rapid transmission rate with no mortality risk, RT, High: Rapid transmission rate with high mortality risk, RT, Low: Rapid transmission rate with low mortality risk, LT, High: Low transmission rate with high mortality risk, LT, Low: Low transmission rate with low mortality risk and DK: don’t know.</p

    Association between knowledge sources and socio-demographic factors.

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    Association between knowledge sources and socio-demographic factors.</p

    Socio-demographic characteristics (N = 328).

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    Socio-demographic characteristics (N = 328).</p

    Level of actions taken if showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19 among the participants, N = 328.

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    Level of actions taken if showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19 among the participants, N = 328.</p

    Association between income and beliefs about the accuracy of COVID-19 testing results.

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    Association between income and beliefs about the accuracy of COVID-19 testing results.</p

    Level of knowledge among the participants about symptoms of COVID-19 (those who answered by choosing “yes”).

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    Level of knowledge among the participants about symptoms of COVID-19 (those who answered by choosing “yes”).</p

    Reported source of knowledge about COVID-19.

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    Reported source of knowledge about COVID-19.</p

    Timeline graph representing new cases reported during the period between May 1<sup>st</sup>, 2020 till September 30<sup>th</sup>, 2020.

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    Each graph represents a country: A) Jordan, B) Saudi Arabia, C) Lebanon, and D) Iraq.</p

    Attitude and knowledge about protection measures from COVID-19 (those who answered by choosing “yes”).

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    Attitude and knowledge about protection measures from COVID-19 (those who answered by choosing “yes”).</p