1,017 research outputs found


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    Serangga hama datang dan memakan tanaman untuk keberlangsungan hidup serangga tersebut. Namun petani sangat dirugikan dengan kehadiran serangga tersebut di pertanamannya apabila tidak dilakukan tindakan pengendalian untuk mengurangi populasi serangga hama yang ada. Salah satu tin dakan yang resikonya lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan penggunaan insektisida kimiawi sintetik yaitu pemanfaatan tanaman yang aktif terhad ap serangga hama sebagai cara untuk mengendalikannya. Pengendali tersebut dikenal dengan insektisida botani. Sediaan insektisida botani terus mengalami perkembangan sebagai alternatif pengendalian terhadap serangga hama yang aman serta ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memetakan perkembangan sediaan insektisida botani berdasarkan tingkat toksisitasnya terhadap serangga hama. Pemetaan perkembangan sediaan insektisida botani ini menggunakan studi literatur. Pemetaan perkembangan sediaan insektisi da botani meliputi sediaan sederhana, ekstrak kasar, ekstrak campuran, fraksinasi ekstrak, dan formulasi nanoemulsi ekstrak tanaman tunggal maupun campuran


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    Education Innovation is performed to improve the quality of learning in the classroom. The problem that arises allows educators to manipulate the circumstances to resolve the problem in accordance with the existing educational theory. This study was aimed to determine significant differences in mathematical problem solving ability of logical and union subjects between students who learned to use problem based learning Instruction (PBI) Aptitude Treatment Interaction approach (ATI) and students who learn to use expository model of learning in the first semester of the school year 2013/2014 mathematics education department of UIN Suska Riau. This research was a quasi experiment research using the randomized design Pre-test – post-test control group design. The research used simple random sampling technique, but with the class that was randomized. Class 1C was selected to be an experimental class, and the control class was Class 1D. Data of mathematical problem solving ability of students was gathered by test instrument with descriptions. Based on data analysis, it was obtained t_count = 5.86 and t_table ( at significance level of 5 % ) = 2.31 . This meant that t_count > t_ table, so that it could be interpreted that there were significant differences in mathematical problem solving ability between the experimental class students (learning by Problem based Instruction (PBI) learning with Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) approach and a group of students control class (learning with expository teaching model. Thus, Problem based Instruction (PBI) learning with Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) approach and students who learn to use expository model of learning between the experimental class and the control class


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    Ieu panalungtikan medar ngeunaan struktur jeung simbol budaya Sunda anu kapanggih dina dongéng “Sakadang Kuya jeung Monyét”, pikeun maluruh mangsa gelarna éta dongéng jeung pangaruh kasang tukang budaya anu nuliskeun éta dongéng kana simbol-simbol anu digunakeunana. Dina ieu panalungtikan digunakeun métode déskriptip kualitatip, jeung métode hermeneutik. Tegesna ieu panalungtikan henteu museur pikeun ngajawab hiji hipotésis, tapi leuwih dipuseurkeun kana tarékah napsirkeun simbol-simbol anu kapanggih dina éta dongéng, ku kituna dina ieu panalungtikan henteu nyieun hipotésis. Dina prakna, métode déskriptip kualitatip pikeun ngumpulkeun, ngadéskripsikeun, jeung ngaanalisis data, sedeng métode hermeneutik pikeun napsirkeun ma’na anu aya nyamuni satukangeuna data-data anu kapanggih. Dina ngumpulkeun data, ngagunakeun téhnik studi pustaka pikeun maluruh dongéng “Sakadang Kuya jeung Monyét” anu geus didokuméntasikeun dina wangun tulisan. Data anu dijadikeun populasi nyaéta sakabéh dongéng anu geus didokuméntasikeun dina wangun tinulis, anu palakuna kuya jeung monyét, sarta anu dijadikeun sampel nyaéta dongéng anu kuya jeung monyétna ngalalakon babarengan, sangkan teu méngpar tina tujuan panalungtikan. Ieu hal dumasar kana tinimbangan, teu sakabéh dongeng anu tokohna monyet ngalalakon babarengan jeung kuya. Kitu deui sabalikna. Dina ieu panalungtikan kapanggih rupa-rupa kecap anu jadi simbol-simbol husus sarta ngagambarkeun pola pikir jeung kahirupan masarakat Sunda dina hiji waktu anu tangtu, dina wujud konsep/gagasan, aktipitas/tindakan, jeung barang. Tina sakabéh data panalungtikan, aya 198 kecap anu jadi simbol budaya Sunda. Dina wujud konsep/gagasan aya 18 kecap (9,09 %), dina wujud aktipitas/tindakan aya 24 kecap (12,12 %), jeung dina wujud barang aya 156 kecap (78,78 %


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    The objective of this study was to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery through song. The population of this research was the eight grade students of  MTs Negeri Taipa Palu. A true exprimental design and random sampling technique were used in conducting this research. The researcher took the eight grade strudents as the sample consisting of 46 students. The data were collected through observation and tests; pretest and posttest. Observation was conducted to get information about the teaching learning process in the classroom while the pre-test and post-test were used to find out the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery before and after the treatment. Based on the result of pretest and posttest the research found that the t-counted value (5.276) was greater than t-table (2.017) by applying 0.05 level of significance and the degree of freedom (df) 44. It means that the hypothesis of this research is accepted. In other  words, the use of song was effective to increase student’s vocabulary mastery. Key words: Vocabulary Mastery; Son


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    Serangga merupakan organisme pengganggu bagi tanaman budidaya. Kehadirannya membuat para petani resah karena dapat menyebabkan kerusakan bagi tanaman bahkan kehilangan hasil hingga gagal panen. Oleh karena itu perlu tindakan pengendalian. Pengendalian menggunakan insektisida sintetik memiliki dampak negatif, sehingga para peneliti beralih kepada teknik pengendalian yang lebih aman bagi lingkungan dengan pemanfaatan tanaman yang berkhasiat sebagai insektisida botani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan perkembangan sediaan insektisida botani dilihat dari sisi pengaruhnya terhadap reproduksi serangga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pemetaan tersebut bahwa reproduksi serangga dipengaruhi oleh tingkat kekentalan/konsentrasi sediaan insektisida botani. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi letal sediaan insektisida botani maka semakin rendah tingkat reproduksi serangga

    Kualitas Pelayanan Izin Gangguan Pada Badan Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kota Palu

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    This research aims at finding out the service of interference license service at integrated licensing service agency palu. Types of data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection is conducteed through observation, interviews, documentation, and triangulation technigues. Informants are chosen using purposive sampling technique. Analysis of the data is conducted using Miles dan Humberman model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Theory used is the theory of Zethaml Parasuraman and Berry consisting of five (5) dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Based on results of the research conducted, the quality of service of disturbance permit at the IntegratedLicensing Service Agency of Palu is not maximized. First: tangibles dimension namely inadequate facilities and infrastructures for example waiting room size is inadequate, chairs provided does not match the number of applicants, as well as with the number of public toilet is also inadequate. But if it is viewed in terms of apparatus appearance and neatness, it has been pretty good. Second: reliability dimension is that the ability of the apparatus using tools has been very good, but the service provided is not entirely referring to the standard operation procedures. Third; the dimension of responsiiveness is that the response of apparatus in receiving a complaint of applicants is alreadyvery good, but the speed in completing the issuance of disturbance permit is not maximized. Fourth; the assurancedimension, namely the guaratee givenby the apparatus to the applied regulation. Fifth: empathy dimension, the services provided are not discriminatory and the apparatus provide services politely and friendly. Thus, of the five dimensions of service quality above, there are things that need to be addressed, so that the quality of services provided can be maximized
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