363 research outputs found
CP Violating Solitons in the Early Universe
Solitons in extensions of the Standard Model can serve as localized sources
of CP violation. Depending on their stability properties, they may serve either
to create or to deplete the baryon asymmetry. The conditions for existence of a
particular soliton candidate, the membrane solution of the two-Higgs model, are
presented. In the generic case, investigated by Bachas and Tomaras, membranes
exist and are metastable for a wide range of parameters. For the more viable
supersymmetric case, it is shown that the present-day existence of CP-violating
membranes is experimentally excluded, but preliminary studies suggest that they
may have existed in the early universe soon after the electroweak phase
transition, with important consequences for the baryon asymmetry of the
universe.Comment: Talk given by Ola Tornkvist, to appear in the proceedings of
Fundamental Physics at the Birth of the Universe, II, in Rome, Italy, 19-24
May 1997. Revtex, 7 pages, 1 postscript figure, uses epsf.tex, aps.sty,
prl.sty, preprint.sty. Preprint number correcte
Clockwork Inflation
We investigate the recently proposed clockwork mechanism delivering light
degrees of freedom with suppressed interactions and show, with various
examples, that it can be efficiently implemented in inflationary scenarios to
generate flat inflaton potentials and small density perturbations without
fine-tunings. We also study the clockwork graviton in de Sitter and,
interestingly, we find that the corresponding clockwork charge is
site-dependent. As a consequence, the amount of tensor modes is generically
suppressed with respect to the standard cases where the clockwork set-up is not
adopted. This point can be made a virtue in resurrecting models of inflation
which were supposed to be ruled out because of the excessive amount of tensor
modes from inflation.Comment: 19 pages, 1 fugur
On the Inflationary Perturbations of Massive Higher-Spin Fields
Cosmological perturbations of massive higher-spin fields are generated during
inflation, but they decay on scales larger than the Hubble radius as a
consequence of the Higuchi bound. By introducing suitable couplings to the
inflaton field, we show that one can obtain statistical correlators of massive
higher-spin fields which remain constant or decay very slowly outside the
Hubble radius. This opens up the possibility of new observational signatures
from inflation.Comment: 22 page
Recent Progress in Baryogenesis
We provide an up to date account of progress in understanding the origin of
the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe. While our primary goal is to be
current, we have attempted to give a pedagogical introduction to the primary
areas of research in this field, giving a detailed description of the different
scenarios. The very recent developments in GUT baryogenesis, leptogenesis,
electroweak baryogenesis and the Affleck-Dine mechanism are presented. In
particular, we focus on specific particle physics implementations, mostly in
the context of supersymmetry, which lead to specific testable predictions.Comment: 39 pages. Invited chapter to appear in Annual Review of Nuclear and
Particle Science, December 199
The Halo Mass Function from Excursion Set Theory with a Non-Gaussian Trispectrum
A sizeable level of non-Gaussianity in the primordial cosmological
perturbations may be induced by a large trispectrum, i.e. by a large connected
four-point correlation function. We compute the effect of a primordial
non-Gaussian trispectrum on the halo mass function, within excursion set
theory. We use the formalism that we have developed in a previous series of
papers and which allows us to take into account the fact that, in the presence
of non-Gaussianity, the stochastic evolution of the smoothed density field, as
a function of the smoothing scale, is non-markovian. In the large mass limit,
the leading-order term that we find agrees with the leading-order term of the
results found in the literature using a more heuristic Press-Schecther
(PS)-type approach. Our approach however also allows us to evaluate
consistently the subleading terms, which depend not only on the four-point
cumulant but also on derivatives of the four-point correlator, and which cannot
be obtained within non-Gaussian extensions of PS theory. We perform explicitly
the computation up to next-to-leading order.Comment: LaTeX file, 15 page
BMS in Cosmology
Symmetries play an interesting role in cosmology. They are useful in
characterizing the cosmological perturbations generated during inflation and
lead to consistency relations involving the soft limit of the statistical
correlators of large-scale structure dark matter and galaxies overdensities. On
the other hand, in observational cosmology the carriers of the information
about these large-scale statistical distributions are light rays traveling on
null geodesics. Motivated by this simple consideration, we study the structure
of null infinity and the associated BMS symmetry in a cosmological setting. For
decelerating Friedmann-Robertson-Walker backgrounds, for which future null
infinity exists, we find that the BMS transformations which leaves the
asymptotic metric invariant to leading order. Contrary to the asymptotic flat
case, the BMS transformations in cosmology generate Goldstone modes
corresponding to both scalar and tensor degrees of freedom which may exist at
null infinity and perturb the asymptotic data. Therefore, BMS transformations
generate physically inequivalent vacua as they populate the universe at null
infinity with these physical degrees of freedom. We also discuss the
gravitational memory effect when cosmological expansion is taken into account.
In this case, there are extra contribution to the gravitational memory due to
the tail of the retarded Green functions which are supported not only on the
light-cone, but also in its interior. The gravitational memory effect can be
understood also from an asymptotic point of view as a transition among
cosmological BMS-related vacua.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure
On Resumming Inflationary Perturbations beyond One-loop
It is well known that the correlation functions of a scalar field in a
quasi-de Sitter space exhibit at the loop level cumulative infra-red effects
proportional to the total number of e-foldings of inflation. Using the in-in
formalism, we explore the behavior of these infra-red effects in the large N
limit of an O(N) invariant scalar field theory with quartic self-interactions.
By resumming all higher-order loop diagrams non-perturbatively, we show that
the connected four-point correlation function, which is a signal of
non-Gaussianity, is non-perturbatively enhanced with respect to its tree-level
value.Comment: 17 pages, v2: minor corrections, to appear in jca
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