8 research outputs found

    Model of a point-like micro-target.

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    <p>The left curves indicate the difference of the X-ray intensity produced by the point target and that by the substrate.</p

    X-ray spectral distributions of point-like micro-targets irradiated by some different materials.

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    <p>(A) electron beam energy 30keV, height of point-like micro-targets is 1.0μm; (B) electron beam energy 90keV, height of point-like micro-targets is 5.0μm.</p

    Simulation model of CT reconstruction used an X-ray source with a Gaussian distribution intensity, and the detector-to-ISO distance is 58mm, the source-to-ISO distance is 2.0mm, so the detector can be considered as an ideal point (i.e. so-called detector model) (To display more clearly, the X-ray target is enlarged disproportionately).

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    <p>Simulation model of CT reconstruction used an X-ray source with a Gaussian distribution intensity, and the detector-to-ISO distance is 58mm, the source-to-ISO distance is 2.0mm, so the detector can be considered as an ideal point (i.e. so-called detector model) (To display more clearly, the X-ray target is enlarged disproportionately).</p

    Effect of the thickness of the target substrate on the ratio of X-ray intensity <i>I</i><sub><i>T</i></sub> / <i>I</i><sub><i>S</i></sub>.

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    <p>Effect of the thickness of the target substrate on the ratio of X-ray intensity <i>I</i><sub><i>T</i></sub> / <i>I</i><sub><i>S</i></sub>.</p

    Effects of different <i>I</i><sub><i>T</i></sub> / <i>I</i><sub><i>S</i></sub> on the CT image resolution.

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    <p>(A) <i>I</i><sub><i>S</i></sub> = 0; (B) <i>I</i><sub><i>T</i></sub> / <i>I</i><sub><i>S</i></sub> = 2, degradation of CT resolution isn’t obvious; (C)<i>I</i><sub><i>T</i></sub> / <i>I</i><sub><i>S</i></sub> = 1/2, degradation of CT resolution is tolerable; (D) <i>I</i><sub><i>T</i></sub> / <i>I</i><sub><i>S</i></sub> = 1/5, CT resolution degrades seriously. (Simulation CT image is 512×512 pixels).</p

    Diagrammatic sketch of a novel microfocus tube with a point-like micro-target.

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    <p>Diagrammatic sketch of a novel microfocus tube with a point-like micro-target.</p