172 research outputs found
VPOET: Using a Distributed Collaborative Platform for Semantic Web Applications
This paper describes a distributed collaborative wiki-based platform that has
been designed to facilitate the development of Semantic Web applications. The
applications designed using this platform are able to build semantic data
through the cooperation of different developers and to exploit that semantic
data. The paper shows a practical case study on the application VPOET, and how
an application based on Google Gadgets has been designed to test VPOET and let
human users exploit the semantic data created. This practical example can be
used to show how different Semantic Web technologies can be integrated into a
particular Web application, and how the knowledge can be cooperatively
improved.Comment: accepted for the 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent
Distributed Computing - IDC'2008. September 18-20, 2008, Catania, Ital
Evolución de la información y su captación en la web del futuro
Este artículo muestra la evolución de las investigaciones en Web Semántica, la que
presumimos será la Web en un futuro cercano. Se describe la manera en la que un usuario común utilizará esta nueva Web, así como los retos que deben superar estas
tecnologías para llegar a popularizarse; entre otros, la reticencia de muchas organizaciones a poner sus datos en abierto, el equilibrio entre la privacidad del individuo y el derecho de los demás a conocer sus datos. También se muestran ciertos detalles de la llamada “Ley de Transparencia” que pueden facilitar mucho la pronta emergencia de esa nueva forma de generación y búsqueda de informació
Una aproximación para la simplificación del desarrollo de aplicaciones web semánticas y el uso de datos semánticos
Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, mayo de 200
VPOET Templates to Handle the Presentation of Semantic Data Sources in Wikis
We describe VPOET templates, web templates to present or request semantic data to or from end users. These templates can be used by web developers with no competencies in Semantic Web by means of simple HTTP messages. Although its application to wiki environments is only pointed, a real application oriented to end users is shown. This experience shows that VPOET templates can be easily integrated in web applications written in any programming language.
Personalized Handling of Semantic Data with MIG
This paper shows a semantically-enabled Web application named MIG used to create user profiles which enhances users accessibility by allowing the creation of an user interface adapted to the user needs, the device used, and its preferences. This approach exploits the Semantic Web technologies and the infrastructure and applications created in previous work
Macros vs Scripting in VPOET
We present our experience on the provision and use of macros for the management of semantic data in semantically-enabled web applications. Macros can be considered as a lightweight version of scripting languages, mostly oriented to end users instead of to developers.We have enabled the use of macros in a wiki-based application named VPOET, oriented to web designers, and have confirmed through evaluations that macros satisfy a wide audience
A Tool Suite to Enable Web Designers, Web Application Developers and End-users to Handle Semantic Data
Current web application development requires highly qualified staff, dealing with an extensive number of architectures and technologies. When these applications incorporate semantic data, the list of skill requirements becomes even larger, leading to a high adoption barrier for the development of semantically enabled Web applications. This paper describes VPOET, a tool focused mainly on two types of users: web designers and web application developers. By using this tool, web designers do not need specific skills in semantic web technologies to create web templates to handle semantic data. Web application developers incorporate those templates into their web applications, by means of a simple mechanism based in HTTP messages. End-users can use these templates through a Google Gadget. As web designers play a key role in the system, an experimental evaluation has been conducted, showing that VPOET provides good usability features for a representative group of web designers in a wide range of competencies in client-side technologies, ranging from amateur HTML developers to professional web designers
First ground penetrating radar survey on Monte Perdido glacier (Pyrenees)
Producción CientíficaThe project “The Monte Perdido Glacier: Monitoring the glacial dynamic and the associated cryospheric processes as
indicators of global change” (National Park´s 2013 Fund) aims to study the recent dynamic and degradation of this ice
mass, using geomatic and geophysical techniques in order to estimate thickness and potential volumetric variations.
We present the first ground penetrating radar survey, carried out on the northwest section of the lower Monte Perdido
Glacier. The survey was conducted along a 270 m transect, using three antennas of different frequencies -500, 200 and
50 MHz- that enabled us to study the glacier´s structure at various maximum depths and spatial resolutions. The results
show a first section composed by several seasonal snow layers (2015-2016 winter and spring), a clear snow/ice transition layer, an ice layer and a final basal zone characterised by typical sub-glacial till sediments.Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (project 844/2013)Junta de Extremadura - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant GR15107
Semiautomatic Web service generation
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2005, held in Lisbon (Portugal).The lack of a critical mass of actually deployed web services, semantic or not, is an important hurdle for the advancement
and further innovation in web service technologies. In this paper we introduce Federica, a platform for semi-automatic
generation and implementation of semantic web services by exploiting existing web applications published in internet.
Federica generates semantically enriched WSDL descriptions. Furthermore, the system generates an implementation of
the service binding service methods with invocations to the original web application, in such a way methods could be
executed immediately
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