11,778 research outputs found
On the formation time scale and core masses of gas giant planets
Numerical simulations show that the migration of growing planetary cores may
be dominated by turbulent fluctuations in the protoplanetary disk, rather than
by any mean property of the flow. We quantify the impact of this stochastic
core migration on the formation time scale and core mass of giant planets at
the onset of runaway gas accretion. For standard Solar Nebula conditions, the
formation of Jupiter can be accelerated by almost an order of magnitude if the
growing core executes a random walk with an amplitude of a few tenths of an au.
A modestly reduced surface density of planetesimals allows Jupiter to form
within 10 Myr, with an initial core mass below 10 Earth masses, in better
agreement with observational constraints. For extrasolar planetary systems, the
results suggest that core accretion could form massive planets in disks with
lower metallicities, and shorter lifetimes, than the Solar Nebula.Comment: ApJL, in pres
Star Formation Around Super-Massive Black Holes
The presence of young massive stars orbiting on eccentric rings within a few
tenths of a parsec of the supermassive black hole in the Galactic centre is
challenging for theories of star formation. The high tidal shear from the black
hole should tear apart the molecular clouds that form stars elsewhere in the
Galaxy, while transporting the stars to the Galactic centre also appears
unlikely during their stellar lifetimes. We present numerical simulations of
the infall of a giant molecular cloud that interacts with the black hole. The
transfer of energy during closest approach allows part of the cloud to become
bound to the black hole, forming an eccentric disc that quickly fragments to
form stars. Compressional heating due to the black hole raises the temperature
of the gas to 100-1000K, ensuring that the fragmentation produces relatively
high stellar masses. These stars retain the eccentricity of the disc and, for a
sufficiently massive initial cloud, produce an extremely top-heavy distribution
of stellar masses. This potentially repetitive process can therefore explain
the presence of multiple eccentric rings of young stars in the presence of a
supermassive black hole.Comment: 20 pages includingh 7 figures. "This is the author's version of the
work. It is posted here by permission of the AAAS for personal use, not for
redistribution. The definitive version was published in Science, 321, (22
August 2008), doi:10.1126/science.1160653". Reprints and animations can be
found at http://star-www.st-and.ac.uk/~iab1
Vortices in self-gravitating disks
Vortices are believed to greatly help the formation of km sized planetesimals
by collecting dust particles in their centers. However, vortex dynamics is
commonly studied in non-self-gravitating disks. The main goal here is to
examine the effects of disk self-gravity on the vortex dynamics via numerical
simulations. In the self-gravitating case, when quasi-steady gravitoturbulent
state is reached, vortices appear as transient structures undergoing recurring
phases of formation, growth to sizes comparable to a local Jeans scale, and
eventual shearing and destruction due to gravitational instability. Each phase
lasts over 2-3 orbital periods. Vortices and density waves appear to be coupled
implying that, in general, one should consider both vortex and density wave
modes for a proper understanding of self-gravitating disk dynamics. Our results
imply that given such an irregular and rapidly changing, transient character of
vortex evolution in self-gravitating disks it may be difficult for such
vortices to effectively trap dust particles in their centers that is a
necessary process towards planet formation.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and The
Sun, 15th Cambridge Workshop, St. Andrews, Scotland, July 21-25, 200
Towards a Comprehensive Fueling-Controlled Theory on the Growth of Massive Black Holes and Host Spheroids
We study the relation between nuclear massive black holes and their host
spheroid gravitational potential. Using AMR numerical simulations, we analyze
how gas is transported in the nuclear (central kpc) regions of galaxies. We
study the gas fueling onto the inner accretion disk (sub-pc scale) and the star
formation in a massive nuclear disk like those generally found in
proto-spheroids (ULIRGs, SCUBA Galaxies). These sub-pc resolution simulation of
gas fueling that is mainly depleted by star formation naturally satisfy the
`M_BH - $M_virial' relation, with a scatter considerably less than the observed
one. We found a generalized version of Kennicutt-Schmidt Law for starbursts is
satisfied, in which the total gas depletion rate (dot{M}_gas = dot{M}_BH +
dot{M}_SF) is the one that scales as M_gas/t_orbital. We also found that the
`M_BH - sigma' relation is a byproduct of the `M_BH - M_virial' relation in the
fueling controlled scenario.Comment: 12 pages, figures, submited to ApJ, email: [email protected]
The role of the energy equation in the fragmentation of protostellar discs during stellar encounters
In this paper, we use high-resolution smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)
simulations to investigate the response of a marginally stable self-gravitating
protostellar disc to a close parabolic encounter with a companion discless
star. Our main aim is to test whether close brown dwarfs or massive planets can
form out of the fragmentation of such discs. We follow the thermal evolution of
the disc by including the effects of heating due to compression and shocks and
a simple prescription for cooling and find results that contrast with previous
isothermal simulations. In the present case we find that fragmentation is
inhibited by the interaction, due to the strong effect of tidal heating, which
results in a strong stabilization of the disc. A similar behaviour was also
previously observed in other simulations involving discs in binary systems. As
in the case of isolated discs, it appears that the condition for fragmentation
ultimately depends on the cooling rate.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, accepted in MNRA
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