11 research outputs found
Differential distribution of Odonates and indigenous and exogenous salmonids in Orlu Protected Area (AriĂšge, France)
Species introduction may constitute an important threat to indigenous
biodiversity. The naturalization of Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis in the Orlu Protected Area (AriĂšge,
France) may affect local communities, especially Odonates. We surveyed the wetlands of this protected area
in order to compare the distributions of Odonates and salmonids. Our results showed that the Brook Trout
was absent in nearly all reproduction sites of Odonates. Brown Trout Salmo trutta fario was present in some
of these sites. The sites where salmonids were present generally hosted few or no Odonates. Other sites were
characterized by a relatively important typological and odonatological diversity, with specific assemblages
that often showed an ecological and/or a heritage value. The spatial segregation was more conspicuous
between Brook Trout and Odonates than between these latter and Brown Trout. Then, an eventual impact of
Brook Trout on Odonates is plausible, but remains unconfirmed in our study in the absence of local data on
the microhabitats occupied by both taxaL'introduction d'espÚces peut constituer une menace importante pour la biodiversité indigÚne. La naturalisation du Saumon de fontaine Savelinus fontinalis dans la Réserve Nationale de Chasse et de Faune Sauvage d'Orlu (AriÚge,
France) est ainsi susceptible d'affecter les communautés locales et notamment les Odonates. Nous avons inventorié les Odonates et les Salmonidés dans les milieux humides de la réserve afin de comparer leurs distributions. Nos résultats montrent que le Saumon de fontaine est absent de presque
tous les sites de reproduction d'Odonates. La Truite fario Salmo trutta fario est présente sur quelques uns de ces sites. Les sites de présence de Salmonidés accueillent généralement peu ou pas d'Odonates. Une diversité typologique et odonatologique assez importante caractérise les autres
sites, avec des assemblages spĂ©cifiques, prĂ©sentant souvent un intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©cologique et/ou patrimonial. La sĂ©grĂ©gation spatiale est apparue plus marquĂ©e entre le Saumon de fontaine et les Odonates qu'entre ces derniers et la Truite fario. Un Ă©ventuel impact du Saumon de fontaine sur les
Odonates est donc plausible mais, en l'absence de données locales sur les microhabitats occupés par ces taxons, reste à confirmer
Migration flyway of the Mediterranean breeding Lesser Crested Tern Thalasseus bengalensis emigratus
© 2016 NISC (Pty) Ltd. The Lesser Crested Tern Thalasseus bengalensis emigratus breeding population in the Mediterranean is found exclusively in Libya, on the two coastal islands of Gara and Elba and one wetland on the mainland coast at Benghazi. In order to improve knowledge of the species migration to wintering quarters in West Africa, a ringing programme was conducted from 2006â2008 and 2009â2012. From a total of 1 354 nestlings ringed using metal and/or colour rings, 64 were recovered along their flyway and in their wintering range, representing 6.9% of birds ringed with both colour and metal rings. This provided the opportunity to collect information on post-natal movements (staging and wintering ranges), breeding philopatry and recruitment, in addition to a preliminary estimate of their migration journey duration. This paper indicates sighting and recovery distributions in space and time, highlighting the important areas for the species during its journey between breeding and wintering sites. The findings indicate that several areas where ringed terns stop-over during pre- and post-breeding migration journeys are not protected, causing an additional threat to their survival, as some wintering areas are also not protected. Conservation of this highly localised and threatened population needs not only to address protection at breeding sites but also at migratory stop-overs and wintering strongholds
Is the Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina really Endangered in France ?
Defos du Rau Pierre. Is the Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina really Endangered in France ?. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 29 n°2, 2003. pp. 252-253
Distribution diffĂ©rentielle des Odonates et des SalmonidĂ©s indigĂšnes et exogĂšnes dans la rĂ©serve dâOrlu (AriĂšge, France)
Differential distribution of Odonates and indigenous and exogenous salmonids in Orlu Protected Area (AriĂšge, France). â Species introduction may constitute an important threat to indigenous biodiversity. The naturalization of Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis in the Orlu Protected Area (AriĂšge, France) may affect local communities, especially Odonates. We surveyed the wetlands of this protected area in order to compare the distributions of Odonates and salmonids. Our results showed that the Brook Trout was absent in nearly all reproduction sites of Odonates. Brown Trout Salmo trutta fario was present in some of these sites. The sites where salmonids were present generally hosted few or no Odonates. Other sites were characterized by a relatively important typological and odonatological diversity, with specific assemblages that often showed an ecological and/or a heritage value. The spatial segregation was more conspicuous between Brook Trout and Odonates than between these latter and Brown Trout. Then, an eventual impact of Brook Trout on Odonates is plausible, but remains unconfirmed in our study in the absence of local data on the microhabitats occupied by both taxa.Lâintroduction dâespĂšces peut constituer une menace importante pour la biodiversitĂ© indigĂšne. La naturalisation du Saumon de fontaine Savelinus fontinalis dans la RĂ©serve Nationale de Chasse et de Faune Sauvage dâOrlu (AriĂšge, France) est ainsi susceptible dâaffecter les communautĂ©s locales et notamment les Odonates. Nous avons inventoriĂ© les Odonates et les SalmonidĂ©s dans les milieux humides de la rĂ©serve afin de comparer leurs distributions. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que le Saumon de fontaine est absent de presque tous les sites de reproduction dâOdonates. La Truite fario Salmo trutta fario est prĂ©sente sur quelques uns de ces sites. Les sites de prĂ©sence de SalmonidĂ©s accueillent gĂ©nĂ©ralement peu ou pas dâOdonates. Une diversitĂ© typologique et odonatologique assez importante caractĂ©rise les autres sites, avec des assemblages spĂ©cifiques, prĂ©sentant souvent un intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©cologique et/ou patrimonial. La sĂ©grĂ©gation spatiale est apparue plus marquĂ©e entre le Saumon de fontaine et les Odonates quâentre ces derniers et la Truite fario. Un Ă©ventuel impact du Saumon de fontaine sur les Odonates est donc plausible mais, en lâabsence de donnĂ©es locales sur les microhabitats occupĂ©s par ces taxons, reste Ă confirmer.Bonifait Sylvain, Defos du Rau Pierre. Distribution diffĂ©rentielle des Odonates et des SalmonidĂ©s indigĂšnes et exogĂšnes dans la rĂ©serve dâOrlu (AriĂšge, France). In: Revue d'Ăcologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 62, n°4, 2007. pp. 285-294
Intensive agriculture as the main limiting factor of the otter's return in southwest France
International audienceRewilding has become a new paradigm to promote the natural recovery of many flagship species, including large carnivores. A better understanding of the factors that drive rewilding processes would allow predicting these in order to support them where desirable. Yet large-scale assessments of the factors that favor or limit mammal populations of conservation concern remain rare in Europe. This study sought to monitor changes in Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) occupation over the years to identify the factors limiting its recolonization. To this end, we monitored otter signs and spraints over 1238 sampling sites in southwest France from 2003 to 2005 and then over 615 sites in 2011-2012. We modeled this dataset in a multi-season occupancy framework using biotic and abiotic covariates identified as potentially affecting otter detection, distribution and/or colonization rates. As otters are a cryptic and mobile mammal, we integrated detection probability and spatial autocorrelation (contagion) into the modeling design. Otter occurrence was detected at 31 % of the sites surveyed in 2003-2005 and 37 % of the sites surveyed in 2011-2012. Occupancy and colonization probabilities were strongly negatively correlated to the proportion of cultivated areas. Contagion covariates interacted strongly with other variables. These results suggest that, despite its recent colonization, the otter population in southwest France is still constrained in its expansion, notably by intensive agriculture. Natura 2000 schemes should incorporate rewilding approaches to further potentiate the colonization of this flagship species. Actions should focus on the conservation of natural riparian habitats and promote organic agriculture
Intensive agriculture as the main limiting factor of the otter's return in southwest France
International audienceRewilding has become a new paradigm to promote the natural recovery of many flagship species, including large carnivores. A better understanding of the factors that drive rewilding processes would allow predicting these in order to support them where desirable. Yet large-scale assessments of the factors that favor or limit mammal populations of conservation concern remain rare in Europe. This study sought to monitor changes in Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) occupation over the years to identify the factors limiting its recolonization. To this end, we monitored otter signs and spraints over 1238 sampling sites in southwest France from 2003 to 2005 and then over 615 sites in 2011-2012. We modeled this dataset in a multi-season occupancy framework using biotic and abiotic covariates identified as potentially affecting otter detection, distribution and/or colonization rates. As otters are a cryptic and mobile mammal, we integrated detection probability and spatial autocorrelation (contagion) into the modeling design. Otter occurrence was detected at 31 % of the sites surveyed in 2003-2005 and 37 % of the sites surveyed in 2011-2012. Occupancy and colonization probabilities were strongly negatively correlated to the proportion of cultivated areas. Contagion covariates interacted strongly with other variables. These results suggest that, despite its recent colonization, the otter population in southwest France is still constrained in its expansion, notably by intensive agriculture. Natura 2000 schemes should incorporate rewilding approaches to further potentiate the colonization of this flagship species. Actions should focus on the conservation of natural riparian habitats and promote organic agriculture
Planning from scratch: A new modelling approach for designing protected areas in remote, dataâpoor regions
International audienceAbstract Human pressure on ecosystems has strongly increased over the last decades and now impacts even the most remote regions. To help mitigate these impacts, it is crucial to designate protected areas in regions that retain a high level of ecological integrity. However, ecological data remain scarce for many such areas, making the systematic design of new protected zones challenging. Following a request from local managers, we developed an original methodological approach to help design new zoning for a preâexisting protected area in a remote, dataâpoor Sahelian wetland of southern Chad, a vast area rich in biodiversity and exploited by diverse human activities. The method involved first collecting extensive aerial survey data (6252 records) on birds and mammals and then analysing this through a combination of distance sampling and density surface modelling. The biodiversity data, combined with ecological predictors, helped model species distribution layers that were then incorporated with socioâeconomic constraints into the systematic conservation planning tool Marxan. This approach produced an array of protected zoning options that met three levels of conservation objectives set by experts, corresponding to proportions of individuals from given species to protect in the proposed protected area. Frequent exchanges with local managers allowed the analyses to be refined, resulting in seven potential scenarios to be considered for conservation purposes. Synthesis and applications . In a context of high data scarcity, lack of access and shortâterm conservation objectives, this combined approach that optimizes newly obtained data via a suite of modelling tools can facilitate identifying and protecting natural areas in regions most in need of urgent conservation policy.RĂ©sumĂ© La pression humaine sur les Ă©cosystĂšmes s'est fortement accrue au cours des derniĂšres dĂ©cennies et touche dĂ©sormais mĂȘme les rĂ©gions les plus reculĂ©es. Pour attĂ©nuer ces effets, il est essentiel de dĂ©signer des zones protĂ©gĂ©es dans les rĂ©gions qui conservent un niveau Ă©levĂ© d'intĂ©gritĂ© Ă©cologique. Cependant, les donnĂ©es Ă©cologiques restent rares pour beaucoup de ces zones, ce qui rend difficile la conception de nouvelles zones protĂ©gĂ©es. Ă la demande de gestionnaires locaux, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une approche mĂ©thodologique originale pour aider Ă concevoir un nouveau zonage pour une zone protĂ©gĂ©e prĂ©existante autour dâune zone humide sahĂ©lienne isolĂ©e et pauvre en donnĂ©es du sud du Tchad, une vaste rĂ©gion dâune remarquable biodiversitĂ© et exploitĂ©e par diverses activitĂ©s humaines. La mĂ©thode consistait d'abord Ă collecter par avion des donnĂ©es dĂ©taillĂ©es sur les oiseaux et les mammifĂšres (n=6252), puis Ă les analyser en combinant les mĂ©thodes dites de « distance sampling » et de « density surface modelling ». Les donnĂ©es de biodiversitĂ©, combinĂ©es Ă des prĂ©dicteurs Ă©cologiques, ont permis de modĂ©liser des couches de distribution des espĂšces qui ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© incorporĂ©es avec des contraintes socioâĂ©conomiques dans l'outil de planification systĂ©matique de la conservation Marxan. Cette approche a permis de produire un ensemble d'options de zonage rĂ©pondant Ă trois niveaux d'objectifs de conservation dĂ©terminĂ©s par les effectifs d'espĂšces Ă intĂ©grer dans la zone protĂ©gĂ©e proposĂ©e. Des Ă©changes frĂ©quents avec les gestionnaires locaux ont permis d'identifier sept scĂ©narios potentiels Ă considĂ©rer Ă des fins de conservation. SynthĂšse et applications. Dans un contexte de forte pĂ©nurie de donnĂ©es, d'accĂšs fortement limitĂ© Ă la zone dâĂ©tude et d'objectifs de conservation Ă court terme, cette approche combinĂ©e optimise les donnĂ©es nouvellement obtenues par avion via une suite d'outils de modĂ©lisation et peut faciliter l'identification et la protection des zones Ă forte valeur patrimoniale dans les rĂ©gions qui ont le plus besoin d'une politique de conservation urgente
Reassessment of the size of the Scopoli's Shearwater population at its main breeding site resulted in a tenfold increase: implications for the species conservation
International audienceScopoli's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) is a Procellariiform endemic to the Mediterranean Basin which is considered to be vulnerable in Europe due to recent local declines and its susceptibility to both marine and terrestrial threats. In the 1970s-1980s, its population size was estimated at 57,000-76,000 breeding pairs throughout the Mediterranean Basin, with the largest colony, estimated at 15,000-25,000 pairs, found on Zembra Island, Tunisia. The objectives of our study were to re-estimate the size of the breeding population on Zembra Island, to reassess the global population size of the species, and to analyse the implications of these findings on status and conservation of this species in the Mediterranean. Using distance sampling, we estimated the Zembra breeding population to be 141,780 pairs (95 % confidence interval 113,720-176,750 pairs). A review of the most recent data on populations of this species throughout the Mediterranean Basin led us to estimate its new global population size at 141,000-223,000 breeding pairs. Using the demographic invariant and potential biological removal approaches, we estimated the maximum number of adults which could be killed annually by all non-natural causes without causing a population decline to be 8800 (range 7700-9700) individuals, of which could be 3700 breeders. Although these results are less alarming in the context of species conservation than previously thought, uncertainties associated with global population size, trends and major threats still raise questions on the future of this species. More generally, we show how a monitoring strategy for a bird supposed to be relatively well known overall can be potentially misleading due to biases in survey design. The reduction of such biases would therefore appear to be an unavoidable prerequisite in cryptic species monitoring before any reliable inference on the conservation status of the species can be drawn