3 research outputs found
Pengaruh Literasi Digital, Kompetensi TIK dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Performa Mengajar Guru SMP di Kabupaten Banyuwangi
Abstract: To determine the direct and indirect effects of the digital literacy competency, ICT competency and work motivation variables on teacher teaching performance, researcher needs to do thisresearch. The quantitative approach is used in this reseach. SEM PLS are used to data analysis. The analysis shows that digital literacy does not have a direct effect on work motivation with P values greater than 0.5 and t count less than 1.96. Digital literacy positively and significantly has a direct effect on teaching performance with P values less than0.5 and t count greater than 1.96. ICT competence positively and significantly has a direct effect on work motivation with P values less than 0.5 and t count greater than 1.96. ICT competence direcly has a positive and significant effect on teaching performance with P values less than0.5 and tcountgreater than 1.96. Work motivation has a positive and significant effect on teaching performance with P values less than 0.5 and t count greater than 1.96. Digital literacy has no indirect effect on teaching performance through work motivation with t count less than1.96 and P values greater than 0.5. But, we found that ICT competence has an indirect effect on teaching performance through work motivation with P values less than 0.5 and t count greater than 1.96. digital literacy and ICT competence simultaneously have an effect of 11 percent on work motivation, while teaching performance has an effect of 84 percent.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan pengaruh langsung dan tak langsung dari kompetensi literasi digital, kompetensi TIK dan motivasi kerja terhadap performa mengajar guru merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Pendekatan kuantitatif adalah pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini. Analisis data dilakukan dengan bantuan SEM PLS. Hasil dari analisis membuktikan bahwa literasi digital tidak memberikan pengaruh langsung terhadap motivasi kerja dengan P values lebih dari 0.5 serta t hitung kurang dari 1.96. Literasi digital memberikan pengaruh langsung, positif, dan signifikan terhadap performa mengajar dengan P values kurang dari0.5 serta t hitung lebih dari 1.96. Kompetensi TIK memberikan pengaruh langsung, positif, dan signifikan terhadap motivasi kerja dengan P values kurang dari 0.5 serta t hitung lebih dari 1.96. Kompetensi TIK memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap performa mengajar dengan P values kurang dari 0.5 serta t hitung lebih dari 1.96. Motivasi kerja memberikan pengaruh yang langsung, positif, dan signifikan terhadap performa mengajar dengan P values kurang dari 0.5 serta t hitung lebih dari 1.96. Tidak terdapat pengaruh tak langsung dari literasi digital terhadap performa mengajar melalui motivasi kerja dengan t hitung kurang dari 1.96 serta P values lebih dari 0.5. Terdapat pengaruh tak langsung dari kompetensi TIK terhadap performa mengajar melalui motivasi kerja dengan P values kurang dari 0.5 serta t hitung lebih dari 1.96. literasi digital dan kompetensi TIK secara simultan memberikan pengaruh sebesar 11 persen terhadap motivasi kerja, sementara terhadap performa mengajar memberikan pengaruh sebesar 84 persen
The Influence of School Organizational Culture and Teacher Self-Efficacy on Work Ethic
The objectives of this study: (1) describe the culture of school organization, teacher self-efficacy, and work ethic of state high school teachers in Pasuruan City; (2) describe the influence of school organizational culture, self-efficacy on work ethics, either partially or simultaneously; (3) knowing that there are differences in characteristics between SMA and SMK. The research method used is through a quantitative approach with descriptive data analysis and multiple linear regression. The results showed: school organizational culture, teacher’s self-efficacy, and teacher’s work ethic of state high school in Pasuruan City were fairly in a good categor
Partnership Quality, Student’s Satisfaction, and Loyalty: A Study at Higher Education Legal Entities in Indonesia
Partnership among higher education institutions serves as the central element for sustainable development. The quality of their partnerships is highly necessary for higher education development, specifically in academic infrastructure, curriculum design, pedagogical practices, and financial frameworks. This progression is expected to enhance students’ satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, this study explores the effects of partnerships among higher education institutions with legal entities on students’ satisfaction and loyalty. Accordingly, this research adopted a quantitative descriptive and regressive survey approach. The research population consisted of students from a university with a legal entity. At the same time, the sample was taken through purposive sampling with the criteria of having interacted or received services from the university’s partner with a legal entity. Data were garnered through questionnaires, which have been declared valid and reliable. The collected data were analyzed using the structural equation model technique through Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares with SmartPLS 3 application. The research results indicate the following: (1) partnership quality (PQ) directly influences student satisfaction (SS), (2) SS directly affects student loyalty (SL), (3) PQ of higher education institutions with legal entity presents no effects on SL, and (4) PQ indirectly affects SL through SS