294 research outputs found
Adaptive, cautious, predictive control with Gaussian process priors
Nonparametric Gaussian Process models, a Bayesian statistics approach, are used to implement a nonlinear adaptive control law. Predictions, including propagation of the state uncertainty are made over a k-step horizon. The expected value of a quadratic cost function is minimised, over this prediction horizon, without ignoring the variance of the model predictions. The general method and its main features are illustrated on a simulation example
Looking Good With Flickr Faves: Gaussian Processes for Finding Difference Makers in Personality Impressions
Flickr allows its users to generate galleries of "faves", i.e., pictures that they have tagged as favourite. According to recent studies, the faves are predictive of the personality traits that people attribute to Flickr users. This article investigates the phenomenon and shows that faves allow one to predict whether a Flickr user is perceived to be above median or not with respect to each of the Big-Five Traits (accuracy up to 79\% depending on the trait). The classifier - based on Gaussian Processes with a new kernel designed for this work - allows one to identify the visual characteristics of faves that better account for the prediction outcome
Probabilistic Inference for Fast Learning in Control
We provide a novel framework for very fast model-based reinforcement learning in continuous state and action spaces. The framework requires probabilistic models that explicitly characterize their levels of confidence. Within this framework, we use flexible, non-parametric models to describe the world based on previously collected experience. We demonstrate learning on the cart-pole problem in a setting where we provide very limited prior knowledge about the task. Learning progresses rapidly, and a good policy is found after only a hand-full of iterations
Nonparametric Bayesian Mixed-effect Model: a Sparse Gaussian Process Approach
Multi-task learning models using Gaussian processes (GP) have been developed
and successfully applied in various applications. The main difficulty with this
approach is the computational cost of inference using the union of examples
from all tasks. Therefore sparse solutions, that avoid using the entire data
directly and instead use a set of informative "representatives" are desirable.
The paper investigates this problem for the grouped mixed-effect GP model where
each individual response is given by a fixed-effect, taken from one of a set of
unknown groups, plus a random individual effect function that captures
variations among individuals. Such models have been widely used in previous
work but no sparse solutions have been developed. The paper presents the first
sparse solution for such problems, showing how the sparse approximation can be
obtained by maximizing a variational lower bound on the marginal likelihood,
generalizing ideas from single-task Gaussian processes to handle the
mixed-effect model as well as grouping. Experiments using artificial and real
data validate the approach showing that it can recover the performance of
inference with the full sample, that it outperforms baseline methods, and that
it outperforms state of the art sparse solutions for other multi-task GP
formulations.Comment: Preliminary version appeared in ECML201
Sedimentation resulting from road development, Cape Tribulation Area
The aims of the study were: to quantify the amount of sediment being carried by the streams of the Cape Tribulation area under both natural conditions and in disturbed areas adjacent to the New Road; to quantity the amount of sediment in the water column adjacent to the reefs; and to put into context the amount of increased sedimentation directly due to road developmen
Fast and flexible Bayesian species distribution modelling using Gaussian processes
1. Species distribution modelling (SDM) is widely used in ecology, and predictions of species distributions inform both policy and ecological debates. Therefore, methods with high predictive accuracy and those that enable biological interpretation are preferable. Gaussian processes (GPs) are a highly flexible approach to statistical modelling and have recently been proposed for SDM. GP models fit smooth, but potentially complex response functions that can account for high-dimensional interactions between predictors. We propose fitting GP SDMs using deterministic numerical approximations, rather than Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in order to make GPs more computationally efficient and easy to use.
2. We introduce GP models and their application to SDM, illustrate how ecological knowledge can be incorporated into GP SDMs via Bayesian priors and formulate a simple GP SDM that can be fitted efficiently. This model can be fitted either by learning the hyperparameters or by using a fixed approximation to them. Using a subset of the North American Breeding Bird Survey data set, we compare the out-of-sample predictive accuracy of these models with several commonly used SDM approaches for both presence/absence and presence-only data.
3. Predictive accuracy of GP SDMs fitted by Laplace approximation was greater than boosted regression trees, generalized additive models (GAMs) and logistic regression when trained on presence/absence data and greater than all of these models plus MaxEnt when trained on presence-only data. GP SDMs fitted using a fixed approximation to hyperparameters were no less accurate than those with MAP estimation and on average 70 times faster, equivalent in speed to GAMs.
4. As well as having strong predictive power for this data set, GP SDMs offer a convenient method for incorporating prior knowledge of the species' ecology. By fitting these methods using efficient numerical approximations, they may easily be applied to large data sets and automatically for many species. An r package, GRaF, is provided to enable SDM users to fit GP models
The microbiome of the Melitaea cinxia butterfly shows marked variation but is only little explained by the traits of the butterfly or its host plant
Understanding of the ecological factors that shape intraspecific variation of insect microbiota in natural populations is relatively poor. In Lepidopteran caterpillars, microbiota is assumed to be mainly composed of transient bacterial symbionts acquired from the host plant. We sampled Glanville fritillary (Melitaea cinxia) caterpillars from natural populations to describe their gut microbiome and to identify potential ecological factors that determine its structure. Our results demonstrate high variability of microbiota composition even among caterpillars that shared the same host plant individual and most likely the same genetic background. We observed that the caterpillars harboured microbial classes that varied among individuals and alternated between two distinct communities (one composed of mainly Enterobacteriaceae and another with more variable microbiota community). Even though the general structure of the microbiota was not attributed to the measured ecological factors, we found that phylogenetically similar microbiota showed corresponding responses to the sex and the parasitoid infection of the caterpillar and to those of the host plant's microbial and chemical composition. Our results indicate high among-individual variability in the microbiota of the M. cinxia caterpillar and contradict previous findings that the host plant is the major driver of the microbiota communities of insect herbivores.Peer reviewe
Empowerment for Continuous Agent-Environment Systems
This paper develops generalizations of empowerment to continuous states.
Empowerment is a recently introduced information-theoretic quantity motivated
by hypotheses about the efficiency of the sensorimotor loop in biological
organisms, but also from considerations stemming from curiosity-driven
learning. Empowemerment measures, for agent-environment systems with stochastic
transitions, how much influence an agent has on its environment, but only that
influence that can be sensed by the agent sensors. It is an
information-theoretic generalization of joint controllability (influence on
environment) and observability (measurement by sensors) of the environment by
the agent, both controllability and observability being usually defined in
control theory as the dimensionality of the control/observation spaces. Earlier
work has shown that empowerment has various interesting and relevant
properties, e.g., it allows us to identify salient states using only the
dynamics, and it can act as intrinsic reward without requiring an external
reward. However, in this previous work empowerment was limited to the case of
small-scale and discrete domains and furthermore state transition probabilities
were assumed to be known. The goal of this paper is to extend empowerment to
the significantly more important and relevant case of continuous vector-valued
state spaces and initially unknown state transition probabilities. The
continuous state space is addressed by Monte-Carlo approximation; the unknown
transitions are addressed by model learning and prediction for which we apply
Gaussian processes regression with iterated forecasting. In a number of
well-known continuous control tasks we examine the dynamics induced by
empowerment and include an application to exploration and online model
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