5 research outputs found
Habitat modification and seasonality influence avian haemosporidian parasite distributions in southeastern Brazil - Fig 2
<p><b>Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) showing bird (a) and parasite (b) community dissimilarities among successional stages.</b> Bird communities were dissimilar between pasture and non-pasture areas (ANOSIM; R = 0.98; P < 0.01), but there was no difference in parasite dissimilarity (ANOSIM; R = 0.1; P = 0.25).</p
Bayesian phylogenetic tree showing lineages detected in the pasture and non-pasture areas, and in the rainy and dry seasons.
<p>Posterior probabilities and nucleotide changes (scale bar) are shown. <i>Leucocytozoon schoutedeni</i> represents the outgroup.</p
Number of birds sampled and haemosporidian prevalence by successional stage and season in the Mata Seca State Park.
<p>Number of birds sampled and haemosporidian prevalence by successional stage and season in the Mata Seca State Park.</p
Map of Mata Seca State Park in Minas Gerais, Brazil, showing the sampling areas.
<p>Geographic coordinates from the sampling points: Early stages: 14°50'58.00"S, 44° 0'28.00"W; 14°50'57.00"S, 44°0'14.00"W; 14°50'57.11"S, 43°59'58.82"W. Intermediate stages: 14°50'58.00"S, 43°58'42.00"O; 14°50'56.21"S, 43°58'50.15"O; 14°50'52.00"S, 43°58'49.00" W. Late stages: 14°50'56.74"S, 43°59'40.51"W; 14°50'54.70"S, 14°50'51.79"S, 43°59'17.89"W; 43°58'1.53"W. Pasture areas: 14°51'27.09"S, 43°57'20.41"W; 14°51'0.35"S, 43°57'32.24"W; 14°50'59.42"S, 43°57'4.39"W.</p
Haemosporidian prevalence and lineages distribution according to bird habitat use for habitat-specialists and generalist species.
<p>Haemosporidian prevalence and lineages distribution according to bird habitat use for habitat-specialists and generalist species.</p