54 research outputs found

    DataSheet_3_Crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths defines subtypes of cutaneous melanoma for precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy.csv

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    BackgroundCell death patterns can give therapeutic and biological clues that facilitate the development of individualized treatments for this lethal form of skin cancer.MethodsWe employed unsupervised clustering to establish robust classifications based on the four kinds of cell death-associated gene expression of 462 melanoma patients in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and tested their reproducibility in two independent melanoma cohorts of 558 patients. We then used dimensionality reduction of graph learning to display the different characteristics of cell death patterns and immune microenvironments.ResultsWe examined 570 cell death-associated gene expression data of melanoma patients for exploration, independent verification, and comprehensive classification of five reproducible melanoma subtypes (CS1 to CS5) with different genomic and clinical features. Patients in death-inactive subtypes (CS1, CS2, and CS5) had the least immune and stromal cell infiltration, and their prognosis was the poorest. A death-active subtype (CS4), on the other hand, had the highest infiltrated immune and stromal cells and elevated immune-checkpoints. As a result, these patients had the highest response to immunotherapy and the best prognosis. An additional subtype (CS3) had more diversified cell death and immune characteristics with moderate prognoses. Based on graph learning, we successfully divided the CS3 subtype into two subgroups (group A and group B) with distinct survival outcomes and immune features. Finally, we identified eight potential chemical drugs that were specifically targeted for the therapy of melanoma subtypes.ConclusionsThis research defines the intrinsic subtypes of melanoma based on the crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths, which affords a blueprint for clinical strategies and guiding precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy for melanoma patients.</p

    DataSheet_5_Crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths defines subtypes of cutaneous melanoma for precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy.csv

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    BackgroundCell death patterns can give therapeutic and biological clues that facilitate the development of individualized treatments for this lethal form of skin cancer.MethodsWe employed unsupervised clustering to establish robust classifications based on the four kinds of cell death-associated gene expression of 462 melanoma patients in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and tested their reproducibility in two independent melanoma cohorts of 558 patients. We then used dimensionality reduction of graph learning to display the different characteristics of cell death patterns and immune microenvironments.ResultsWe examined 570 cell death-associated gene expression data of melanoma patients for exploration, independent verification, and comprehensive classification of five reproducible melanoma subtypes (CS1 to CS5) with different genomic and clinical features. Patients in death-inactive subtypes (CS1, CS2, and CS5) had the least immune and stromal cell infiltration, and their prognosis was the poorest. A death-active subtype (CS4), on the other hand, had the highest infiltrated immune and stromal cells and elevated immune-checkpoints. As a result, these patients had the highest response to immunotherapy and the best prognosis. An additional subtype (CS3) had more diversified cell death and immune characteristics with moderate prognoses. Based on graph learning, we successfully divided the CS3 subtype into two subgroups (group A and group B) with distinct survival outcomes and immune features. Finally, we identified eight potential chemical drugs that were specifically targeted for the therapy of melanoma subtypes.ConclusionsThis research defines the intrinsic subtypes of melanoma based on the crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths, which affords a blueprint for clinical strategies and guiding precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy for melanoma patients.</p

    DataSheet_2_Crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths defines subtypes of cutaneous melanoma for precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy.csv

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    BackgroundCell death patterns can give therapeutic and biological clues that facilitate the development of individualized treatments for this lethal form of skin cancer.MethodsWe employed unsupervised clustering to establish robust classifications based on the four kinds of cell death-associated gene expression of 462 melanoma patients in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and tested their reproducibility in two independent melanoma cohorts of 558 patients. We then used dimensionality reduction of graph learning to display the different characteristics of cell death patterns and immune microenvironments.ResultsWe examined 570 cell death-associated gene expression data of melanoma patients for exploration, independent verification, and comprehensive classification of five reproducible melanoma subtypes (CS1 to CS5) with different genomic and clinical features. Patients in death-inactive subtypes (CS1, CS2, and CS5) had the least immune and stromal cell infiltration, and their prognosis was the poorest. A death-active subtype (CS4), on the other hand, had the highest infiltrated immune and stromal cells and elevated immune-checkpoints. As a result, these patients had the highest response to immunotherapy and the best prognosis. An additional subtype (CS3) had more diversified cell death and immune characteristics with moderate prognoses. Based on graph learning, we successfully divided the CS3 subtype into two subgroups (group A and group B) with distinct survival outcomes and immune features. Finally, we identified eight potential chemical drugs that were specifically targeted for the therapy of melanoma subtypes.ConclusionsThis research defines the intrinsic subtypes of melanoma based on the crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths, which affords a blueprint for clinical strategies and guiding precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy for melanoma patients.</p

    DataSheet_1_Crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths defines subtypes of cutaneous melanoma for precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy.csv

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    BackgroundCell death patterns can give therapeutic and biological clues that facilitate the development of individualized treatments for this lethal form of skin cancer.MethodsWe employed unsupervised clustering to establish robust classifications based on the four kinds of cell death-associated gene expression of 462 melanoma patients in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and tested their reproducibility in two independent melanoma cohorts of 558 patients. We then used dimensionality reduction of graph learning to display the different characteristics of cell death patterns and immune microenvironments.ResultsWe examined 570 cell death-associated gene expression data of melanoma patients for exploration, independent verification, and comprehensive classification of five reproducible melanoma subtypes (CS1 to CS5) with different genomic and clinical features. Patients in death-inactive subtypes (CS1, CS2, and CS5) had the least immune and stromal cell infiltration, and their prognosis was the poorest. A death-active subtype (CS4), on the other hand, had the highest infiltrated immune and stromal cells and elevated immune-checkpoints. As a result, these patients had the highest response to immunotherapy and the best prognosis. An additional subtype (CS3) had more diversified cell death and immune characteristics with moderate prognoses. Based on graph learning, we successfully divided the CS3 subtype into two subgroups (group A and group B) with distinct survival outcomes and immune features. Finally, we identified eight potential chemical drugs that were specifically targeted for the therapy of melanoma subtypes.ConclusionsThis research defines the intrinsic subtypes of melanoma based on the crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths, which affords a blueprint for clinical strategies and guiding precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy for melanoma patients.</p

    DataSheet_4_Crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths defines subtypes of cutaneous melanoma for precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy.zip

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    BackgroundCell death patterns can give therapeutic and biological clues that facilitate the development of individualized treatments for this lethal form of skin cancer.MethodsWe employed unsupervised clustering to establish robust classifications based on the four kinds of cell death-associated gene expression of 462 melanoma patients in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and tested their reproducibility in two independent melanoma cohorts of 558 patients. We then used dimensionality reduction of graph learning to display the different characteristics of cell death patterns and immune microenvironments.ResultsWe examined 570 cell death-associated gene expression data of melanoma patients for exploration, independent verification, and comprehensive classification of five reproducible melanoma subtypes (CS1 to CS5) with different genomic and clinical features. Patients in death-inactive subtypes (CS1, CS2, and CS5) had the least immune and stromal cell infiltration, and their prognosis was the poorest. A death-active subtype (CS4), on the other hand, had the highest infiltrated immune and stromal cells and elevated immune-checkpoints. As a result, these patients had the highest response to immunotherapy and the best prognosis. An additional subtype (CS3) had more diversified cell death and immune characteristics with moderate prognoses. Based on graph learning, we successfully divided the CS3 subtype into two subgroups (group A and group B) with distinct survival outcomes and immune features. Finally, we identified eight potential chemical drugs that were specifically targeted for the therapy of melanoma subtypes.ConclusionsThis research defines the intrinsic subtypes of melanoma based on the crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths, which affords a blueprint for clinical strategies and guiding precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy for melanoma patients.</p

    Image_1_Crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths defines subtypes of cutaneous melanoma for precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy.jpeg

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    BackgroundCell death patterns can give therapeutic and biological clues that facilitate the development of individualized treatments for this lethal form of skin cancer.MethodsWe employed unsupervised clustering to establish robust classifications based on the four kinds of cell death-associated gene expression of 462 melanoma patients in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and tested their reproducibility in two independent melanoma cohorts of 558 patients. We then used dimensionality reduction of graph learning to display the different characteristics of cell death patterns and immune microenvironments.ResultsWe examined 570 cell death-associated gene expression data of melanoma patients for exploration, independent verification, and comprehensive classification of five reproducible melanoma subtypes (CS1 to CS5) with different genomic and clinical features. Patients in death-inactive subtypes (CS1, CS2, and CS5) had the least immune and stromal cell infiltration, and their prognosis was the poorest. A death-active subtype (CS4), on the other hand, had the highest infiltrated immune and stromal cells and elevated immune-checkpoints. As a result, these patients had the highest response to immunotherapy and the best prognosis. An additional subtype (CS3) had more diversified cell death and immune characteristics with moderate prognoses. Based on graph learning, we successfully divided the CS3 subtype into two subgroups (group A and group B) with distinct survival outcomes and immune features. Finally, we identified eight potential chemical drugs that were specifically targeted for the therapy of melanoma subtypes.ConclusionsThis research defines the intrinsic subtypes of melanoma based on the crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths, which affords a blueprint for clinical strategies and guiding precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy for melanoma patients.</p

    Image_2_Crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths defines subtypes of cutaneous melanoma for precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy.jpeg

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    BackgroundCell death patterns can give therapeutic and biological clues that facilitate the development of individualized treatments for this lethal form of skin cancer.MethodsWe employed unsupervised clustering to establish robust classifications based on the four kinds of cell death-associated gene expression of 462 melanoma patients in the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and tested their reproducibility in two independent melanoma cohorts of 558 patients. We then used dimensionality reduction of graph learning to display the different characteristics of cell death patterns and immune microenvironments.ResultsWe examined 570 cell death-associated gene expression data of melanoma patients for exploration, independent verification, and comprehensive classification of five reproducible melanoma subtypes (CS1 to CS5) with different genomic and clinical features. Patients in death-inactive subtypes (CS1, CS2, and CS5) had the least immune and stromal cell infiltration, and their prognosis was the poorest. A death-active subtype (CS4), on the other hand, had the highest infiltrated immune and stromal cells and elevated immune-checkpoints. As a result, these patients had the highest response to immunotherapy and the best prognosis. An additional subtype (CS3) had more diversified cell death and immune characteristics with moderate prognoses. Based on graph learning, we successfully divided the CS3 subtype into two subgroups (group A and group B) with distinct survival outcomes and immune features. Finally, we identified eight potential chemical drugs that were specifically targeted for the therapy of melanoma subtypes.ConclusionsThis research defines the intrinsic subtypes of melanoma based on the crosstalk of four kinds of cell deaths, which affords a blueprint for clinical strategies and guiding precise immunotherapy and chemotherapy for melanoma patients.</p

    Phylogram of Woodsiaceae obtained from the maximum likelihood analysis of the combined dataset.

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    <p>Numbers on branches are support values [maximum parsimony bootstrap values (BS<sub>MP</sub>)/maximum likelihood bootstrap values (BS<sub>ML</sub>)/Bayesian inference posterior probability values (PP<sub>BI</sub>)]. Bold branches indicate BS<sub>MP</sub>, BS<sub>ML</sub> ≥ 60% and PP<sub>BI</sub> ≥ 0.95. Asterisk indicates BS<sub>MP</sub>, BS<sub>ML</sub> = 100% and PP<sub>BI</sub> = 1.0. Dash (-) indicates nodes with BS<sub>MP</sub> or BS<sub>ML</sub> < 50%. I to III mark the three major clades recognized in Woodsiaceae and A to G represent the seven subclades in clade III. Other lineages in eupolypods II are marked with family names. Colored squares indicate the geographical distributions of each species.</p

    Molecular Phylogeny of the Cliff Ferns (Woodsiaceae: Polypodiales) with a Proposed Infrageneric Classification

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    <div><p>The cliff fern family Woodsiaceae has experienced frequent taxonomic changes at the familial and generic ranks since its establishment. The bulk of its species were placed in <i>Woodsia</i>, while <i>Cheilanthopsis</i>, <i>Hymenocystis</i>, <i>Physematium</i>, and <i>Protowoodsia</i> are segregates recognized by some authors. Phylogenetic relationships among the genera of Woodsiaceae remain unclear because of the extreme morphological diversity and inadequate taxon sampling in phylogenetic studies to date. In this study, we carry out comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of Woodsiaceae using molecular evidence from four chloroplast DNA markers (<i>atp</i>A, <i>mat</i>K, <i>rbc</i>L and <i>trn</i>L–F) and covering over half the currently recognized species. Our results show three main clades in Woodsiaceae corresponding to <i>Physematium</i> (clade I), <i>Cheilanthopsis</i>–<i>Protowoodsia</i> (clade II) and <i>Woodsia</i> s.s. (clade III). In the interest of preserving monophyly and taxonomic stability, a broadly defined <i>Woodsia</i> including the other segregates is proposed, which is characterized by the distinctive indument and inferior indusia. Therefore, we present a new subgeneric classification of the redefined <i>Woodsia</i> based on phylogenetic and ancestral state reconstructions to better reflect the morphological variation, geographic distribution pattern, and evolutionary history of the genus. Our analyses of the cytological character evolution support multiple aneuploidy events that have resulted in the reduction of chromosome base number from 41 to 33, 37, 38, 39 and 40 during the evolutionary history of the cliff ferns.</p></div
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