322 research outputs found


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    Green mustard plants (Brassica rapa var. Parachinensis L.) are plants that have a source of vitamins and minerals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the concentration of rice grinder and liquid organic fertilizer on the vegetative growth of mustard greens (Brassica juncea L.), to determine the effect of a mixture of Giving POC with plant growth on mustard plants and to determine the effect of a combination of POC and planting media mixture on the growth of mustard plants. This research was conducted in February to May 2020, Jalan Ekarasmi gg. ekanusa in the Kelurahan Gedung Johor, Medan Johor District, Medan City with a height of ± 30 m above sea level using a Random Factorial design consisting of 2 factors and 3 replications. The results showed that the POC concentration did not show a significant effect on plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, wet weight and chlorophyll of mustard plants, but visually the highest results were obtained at P2 treatment (30 cc / L water ) followed by P1 (15 cc / L water) and the lowest in P0 treatment (without POC), the planting media mixture showed a very significant effect on plant height at 7 and 14 HST and had no significant effect on all other observation variables. The highest yield was obtained in the treatment of M0 (Top Soil Soil) followed by M1 (Top Soil and Rice Husk Mixture) and M3 (Top Soil and Rice bran Mixture) and the lowest in M2 (Top Soil and Bran Soil) mixture, POC and the planting media mixture showed a very significant effect on the plant height variable at 14 HST and the amount of chlorophyll at harvest and had no significant effect on other variables. The best results were obtained on M3 P2 (Top Soil and Rice bran Mixture; P2 (POC concentration of 30 cc / L water).)Keywords: leftover rice mill, liquid organic fertilizer, mustard plant, vegetable pesticide


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    This study aims to determine the types of mushrooms, mushroom identification methods, the benefits of mushrooms, and how to collect mushrooms which was carried out from August to November 2019 at the Berastagi Forest Park (TAHURA), Karo Regency, North Sumatra. The sampling site was taken towards the North where the typography of the field is partly flat, steep and hilly with an air temperature of 23°C. Geographically, this Forest Park is located at 001'16"-019"32 North Latitude and 9812'16"- 9841'00" East Longitude. The method used is the Cruise Method or the method of cruising as far as 1 Km. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, it was found that 5 macroscopic mushroom families were Pythiaceae, Marasmiaceae, Ganodermataceae, Coprinaceae, Polyporaceae and 11 species of macroscopic fungi namely, Pythya vulgaris, Trametes versicolor, Ganoderma sp1, Ganoderma sp2, Ganoderma sp3, Marasmius siccus, Coprinus sp1, Coprinus sp2, Coprinus sp3, Laetiporus sp. The benefits of mushrooms in Trametes versicolor can be used for the treatment of HIV. Marasmius siccus is an edible mushroom species. Coprinus sp, a type of fungus used as an antioxidant and 6 species of macroscopic fungi that are toxic (poisonous), namely Pythya vulgaris, Ganoderma sp1, Ganoderma sp2, Ganoderma sp3, Laetiporus sp. Macroscopic mushrooms were collected by cutting the base of the fruit stem. Keywords: Inventory, Mushrooms, Berastagi Forest Park


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    The tomato plant (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Is a multipurpose horticultural plant that is very useful as a commodity for various human needs. This study aims to determine the benefits of applying liquid organic fertilizer to carrot waste which can increase the productivity of tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.). This research was conducted from April to August 2019. This research was conducted in the screen house of the johor housing complex, Medan City, North Sumatra. This research was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) using a solution concentration of A = 0% as a treatment control, B = 5%, treatment C = 10%, treatment D = 15%, and treatment E = 20%. The type of data in this research is quantitative data. Data analysis used the one way ANOVA analysis of variance test with 5% accuracy, and continued with Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT). The results showed that liquid organic fertilizer derived from carrot waste can increase the productivity of tomato plants by having a plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, number of flowers and number of fruits that grow well and this has a significant effect on the growth of tomato plants The highest concentration is in a solution of 5% and 15% concentration, where at a concentration of 5% there is the number of leaves, fruit, flowers, and plant height while at a concentration of 15% on the number of branches on the tomato plant.PEMANFAATAN PENGGUNAAN PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR WORTEL DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN TOMAT (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.

    The Effect of Use of Cow Manure on the Growth of Two Cultivars of Glycine Max L. Using a Verticulture Planting System

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    This study aims to provide data on the verticulture method planting and the use of cow manure to black soybeans (Glycine max L.). This study used a factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) containing two factorials and four replications. K1 refers to the unit 1 soybean cultivar, while K2 stands for the pearl 2 cultivar. One of the cultivar factors is this (K). Inside the interval (P), we find three values: P1= 0 kg, P2= 0.18 kg, and P3= 0.32 kg.  “Among the variables that underwent changes were plant height, leaf count, leaf area index, chlorophyll content, relative growth rate (LPR), net assimilation rate (LAB), and active root nodules. According to the results, there was no significant difference between using 0.16 kg/bed of organic fertilizer or no fertilizer at all when measuring plant height at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 HST for Cultivar K1 (detam 1)”. The availability of organic fertilizer at 0.32 kg/bed was significantly affected by manure at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 HST at the third dosage. The results of this study show that neither cultivar 1 nor pearl cultivar 2 had any discernible impact on the vegetative development of black soybean plants when manure was applied at dosages of 0 kg, 0.16 kg, and 0.32 kg

    Pengaruh Pemberian MSG Dan Media Tanam Yang Berbeda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frustescens L.)

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     Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pemberian MSG dan penggunaan media tanam terhadap pertumbuhan cabai rawit. Rancangan penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan metode percobaan yang dilakukan di dalam polybag dalam rancangan lingkungan menggunakan RAK (Rancangan Acak Kelompok) dengan 2 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan.- Faktor yang pertama yaitu dengan media tanam: M0:Tanah + Pasir dengan perbandingan 2:1 M1: Tanah + sekam dengan perbandingan 2:1 M2: Tanah + Pasir + sekam dengan perbandingan 2:1:1- Faktor yang kedua dengan menambahkan MSG takaran dosis yaitu: P1: 0 gr MSG P3: 4 gr MSG P2: 2 gr MSG P4: 6 gr MSG. Adapun parameter yang digunakan yaitu mengukur tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang, indeks luas daun laju pertumbuhan relatif dan sarapan hara. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah penggunaan media tanam dan pemberian MSG berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter tinggi tanaman dengan taraf terbaik M1: tanah dan sekam.Pemberian MSG dengan takaran (P2 = 2 gram) memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata pada 2 MST dengan rerata 10,75 cm, dan pada 4 MST dengan rerata 23,96 cm dan pada parameter jumlah cabang dengan taraf terbaik yaitu M1: tanah dan sekam, pemberian MSG pada 2 MST dengan takaran (P4 = 6 gram) memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata dengan rerata 2,44 cabang, dan pada 4 MST dengan takaran (P2 = 2 gram) memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata dengan rerata 5,77 cabang.  Artinya, penggunaan media tanam dan pemberian MSG berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.)


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    Annelids live in freshwater, sea and land water. Some are parasitic. Body symmetry is lateral symmetrical. The nervous system consists of a brain ganglion connected by a nerve cord that extends to form a rope ladder. The excretion device is called nephridium. Respiration using the epidermis on the entire surface of the body and takes place in diffusion. Closed circulatory system. Habitat earthworms live in burrows in moist, fertile soil and the temperature is not low. Annelida classification is based on the presence or absence after being divided into classes namely Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, and Hirudinea. Some types of Annelids are useful as food. Wawo and palolo worms can be used as a source of animal protein for humans, earthworms are useful for fertilizing agricultural land. Leeches can be used to clean pus on infected wounds. In addition, hirudin is useful in blood storage, which is for the purpose of blood transfusion


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    Arumanis mango syrup is a thick juice produced from the flesh of the mango fruit arummanis with the addition of liquid sugar as a natural preservative to maintain durability save syrup. This research aims to know the concentration of sugar with a variation of different sugars can provide durability syrup mango fruit is longer. This type of research is research using the method of experimentation with proven influence durability save syrup fruit mango arummanis with 40% sugar, sugar 50%, 60%, 70%. The result showed that the concentration of sugar in the variation of 40% have staying power save syrup fruit mango fruit mango is low, i.e., on the 7th day already moldy syrup, sugar concentration at 50% also already moldy on day 8. Note that the concentration of sugar in the variation of 40% and 50% have a staying power save syrup mango fruit is lower, at 60% and sugar concentration of 70% have good conditions until the day to 27. This suggests that the higher the concentration of sugar then endurance save syrup mangoes will be increasingly long


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    Coelenterates are called hollow animals because of their radial symmetry and only have a central cavity called the colenterata. Phylum Coelenterata is divided into 3 classes, namely Hydrozoa, Schyphozoa and Anthozoa. The literature study method used is based on the results of studies of various literature that have been tested for validity, are related to one another, are relevant to written studies and support the description or analysis of the discussion

    Modul Ajar Genetika Dasar

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    Pengaruh Media Tanam terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kedelai Hitam (Glicine Max L ) dengan Sistem Vertikultur

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    This study aims to determine how the effect of the growth of black soybean plants (Glycine max L.) with a verticulture system. This research was conducted on Jl. Ekarasmi Gg. Ekanusa III Kec. Medan Johor, Medan City, from September to November 2022. This study used a non-factorial randomized block design (RBD) consisting of one treatment factor with 3 levels and 6 repetitions, namely: M1 = 2 kg soil, M2 = 2: 1 (2 kg soil + 1 kg rice husk), and M3 = 2:1 (2 kg soil + 1 kg cocopeat). This research was designed by doing 6 repetitions. The parameters used in this study were plant height, leaf area index, total and total chlorophyll a b content, relative growth rate, N uptake, and number of root nodules. The results of this study were that the planting medium had a significant effect on almost every parameter but the planting medium had no significant effect on one parameter, namely N nutrient uptake, with levels of M1 and M3. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of planting media to the vegetative growth of black soybeans has an influence on the vegetative growth of black soybeans on almost all parameters, but on the parameters of nutrient absorption, black soybeans have no real effect with planting horticulture systems