115 research outputs found
A Historical Perspective on Cancer
It is proposed that cancer results from the breakdown of universal control
mechanisms which developed in mutual association as part of the historical
process that brought individual cells together into multi-cellular communities.
By systematically comparing the genomes of uni-celled with multi-celled
organisms, one might be able to identify the most promising sites for
intervention aimed at restoring the damaged control mechanisms and thereby
arresting the cancer.Comment: 3 pages, plainTeX, no figure
Relativity theory does not imply that the future already exists: a counterexample
It is often said that the relativistic fusion of time with space rules out
genuine change or ``becoming''. I offer the classical sequential growth models
of causal set theory as counterexamples.Comment: plainTeX, 12 pages, no figures. To appear in Vesselin Petkov
(editor), Relativity and the Dimensionality of the World (Springer 2007, in
press). Most current version is available at
http://www.physics.syr.edu/~sorkin/some.papers (or wherever my home-page may
Does Locality Fail at Intermediate Length-Scales
If quantum gravity implies a fundamental spatiotemporal discreteness, and if
its ``laws of motion'' are compatible with the Lorentz transformations, then
physics cannot remain local. One might expect this nonlocality to be confined
to the fundamental discreteness scale, but I will present evidence that it
survives at much lower energies, yielding for example a nonlocal equation of
motion for a scalar field propagating on an underlying causal set.Comment: plainTeX, 24 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Daniele Oriti (ed.), {\it
Towards Quantum Gravity} (Cambridge University Press, 2007). Most current
version is available at http://www.physics.syr.edu/~sorkin/some.papers/ (or
wherever my home-page may be
To What Type of Logic Does the "Tetralemma" Belong?
Although the so called tetralemma might seem to be incompatible with any
recognized scheme of logical inference, its four alternatives arise naturally
within the anhomomorphic logics which have been proposed in order to
accommodate certain features of microscopic (i.e. quantum) physics. This
suggests that the possibility of similar, "non-classical" logics might have
been recognized in India at the time when Buddhism arose.Comment: plainTeX, 10 pages, no figures. Added references, revised first
appendix, edited for clarity. Most current version is available at
http://www.pitp.ca/personal/rsorkin/some.papers/135.catuskoti.pdf} (or
wherever my home-page may be
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