13,694 research outputs found

    Long term cryogenic storage facility systems study

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    The Long Term Cryogenic Storage Facility Systems Study (LTCSFSS) is a Phase A study of a large capacity propellant depot for the space based, cryogenic orbital transfer vehicle. The study is being performed for Marshall Space Flight Center by General Dynamics Space Systems Division and has five principal objectives: (1) Definition of preliminary concept designs for four storage facility concepts; (2) Selection of preferred concepts through the application of trade studies to candidate propellant management system components; (3) Preparation of a conceptual design for an orbital storage facility; (4) Development of supporting research and technology requirements; and (5) Development of a test program to demonstrate facility performance. The initial study has been completed, and continuation activities are just getting under way to provide greater detail in key areas and accommodate changes in study guidelines and assumptions

    Large capacity cryopropellant orbital storage facility

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    A comprehensive study was performed to develop the major features of a large capacity orbital propellant storage facility for the space-based cryogenic orbital transfer vehicle. Projected propellant usage and delivery schedules can be accommodated by two orbital tank sets of 100,000 lb storage capacity, with advanced missions expected to require increased capacity. Information is given on tank pressurization schemes, propellant transfer configurations, pump specifications, the refrigeration system, and flight tests

    Solvable model for spatiotemporal chaos

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    We show that the dynamical behavior of a coupled map lattice where the individual maps are Bernoulli shift maps can be solved analytically for integer couplings. We calculate the invariant density of the system and show that it displays a nontrivial spatial behavior. We also introduce and calculate a generalized spatiotemporal correlation function

    Proton irradiation of simple gas mixtures: Influence of irradiation parameters

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    In order to get information about the influence of irradiation parameters on radiolysis processes of astrophysical interest, methane gas targets were irradiated with 6.5 MeV protons at a pressure of 1 bar and room temperature. Yields of higher hydrocarbons like ethane or propane were found by analysis of irradiated gas samples using gas chromatography. The handling of the proton beam was of great experimental importance for determining the irradiation parameters. In a series of experiments current density of the proton beam and total absorbed energy were shown to have a large influence on the yields of produced hydrocarbons. Mechanistic interpretations of the results are given and conclusions are drawn with regard to the chemistry and the simulation of various astrophysical systems

    Plasmon Evolution and Charge-Density Wave Suppression in Potassium Intercalated Tantalum Diselenide

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    We have investigated the influence of potassium intercalation on the formation of the charge-density wave (CDW) instability in 2H-tantalum diselenide by means of Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy and density functional theory. Our observations are consistent with a filling of the conduction band as indicated by a substantial decrease of the plasma frequency in experiment and theory. In addition, elastic scattering clearly points to a destruction of the CDW upon intercalation as can be seen by a vanishing of the corresponding superstructures. This is accompanied by a new superstructure, which can be attributed to the intercalated potassium. Based on the behavior of the c-axis upon intercalation we argue in favor of interlayer-sites for the alkali-metal and that the lattice remains in the 2H-modification

    Phase switching in a voltage-biased Aharonov-Bohm interferometer

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    Recent experiment [Sigrist et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 98}, 036805 (2007)] reported switches between 0 and π\pi in the phase of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of the two-terminal differential conductance through a two-dot ring with increasing voltage bias. Using a simple model, where one of the dots contains multiple interacting levels, these findings are explained as a result of transport through the interferometer being dominated at different biases by quantum dot levels of different "parity" (i.e. the sign of the overlap integral between the dot state and the states in the leads). The redistribution of electron population between different levels with bias leads to the fact that the number of switching events is not necessarily equal to the number of dot levels, in agreement with experiment. For the same reason switching does not always imply that the parity of levels is strictly alternating. Lastly, it is demonstrated that the correlation between the first switching of the phase and the onset of the inelastic cotunneling, as well as the sharp (rather than gradual) change of phase when switching occurs, give reason to think that the present interpretation of the experiment is preferable to the one based on electrostatic AB effect.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure