291 research outputs found

    Limits on deeply penetrating particles in the >10^17 eV cosmic-ray flux

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    Journal ArticleWe report on a search for deeply penetrating particles in the > 10^17 eV cosmic-ray flux using the University of Utah Fly's Eye detector. No such events have been found in 6 x 106 sec of running time. We consequently set limits on the following: quark matter in the primary cosmic-ray flux, high-energy long-lived weakly interacting particles produced in proton-air interactions, such as τ's; astrophysical neutrino flux; and other hypothetical high-energy weakly interacting components of the cosmic-ray flux such as photinos

    Evidence for a high-energy cosmic-ray spectrum cutoff

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    Journal ArticleWe report a measurement of the ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray spectrum using an atmospheric fluorescence technique for extensive-air-shower detection. The differential spectrum between 0.1 and 10 EeV (1 EeV = 10^18 eV) is well fitted by a power law with slope 2.94 ±0.02. Above 10 EeV evidence is presented for the development of a spectral " bump " followed by a cutoff at 70 EeV

    Predicting Proton-Air Cross Sections at sqrt s ~30 TeV, using Accelerator and Cosmic Ray Data

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    We use the high energy predictions of a QCD-inspired parameterization of all accelerator data on forward proton-proton and antiproton-proton scattering amplitudes, along with Glauber theory, to predict proton-air cross sections at energies near \sqrt s \approx 30 TeV. The parameterization of the proton-proton cross section incorporates analyticity and unitarity, and demands that the asymptotic proton is a black disk of soft partons. By comparing with the p-air cosmic ray measurements, our analysis results in a constraint on the inclusive particle production cross section.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex, uses epsfig.sty, 5 postscript figures. Minor text revisions. Systematic errors in k included, procedure for extracting k clarified. Previously undefined symbols now define

    The Elusive p-air Cross Section

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    For the \pbar p and pppp systems, we have used all of the extensive data of the Particle Data Group[K. Hagiwara {\em et al.} (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 66, 010001 (2002).]. We then subject these data to a screening process, the ``Sieve'' algorithm[M. M. Block, physics/0506010.], in order to eliminate ``outliers'' that can skew a χ2\chi^2 fit. With the ``Sieve'' algorithm, a robust fit using a Lorentzian distribution is first made to all of the data to sieve out abnormally high \delchi, the individual ith^{\rm th} point's contribution to the total χ2\chi^2. The χ2\chi^2 fits are then made to the sieved data. We demonstrate that we cleanly discriminate between asymptotic lns\ln s and ln2s\ln^2s behavior of total hadronic cross sections when we require that these amplitudes {\em also} describe, on average, low energy data dominated by resonances. We simultaneously fit real analytic amplitudes to the ``sieved'' high energy measurements of pˉp\bar p p and pppp total cross sections and ρ\rho-values for s6\sqrt s\ge 6 GeV, while requiring that their asymptotic fits smoothly join the the σpˉp\sigma_{\bar p p} and σpp\sigma_{pp} total cross sections at s=\sqrt s=4.0 GeV--again {\em both} in magnitude and slope. Our results strongly favor a high energy ln2s\ln^2s fit, basically excluding a lns\ln s fit. Finally, we make a screened Glauber fit for the p-air cross section, using as input our precisely-determined pppp cross sections at cosmic ray energies.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 2 table,Paper delivered at c2cr2005 Conference, Prague, September 7-13, 2005. Fig. 2 was missing from V1. V3 fixes all figure

    Electromagnetic form factors in the J/\psi mass region: The case in favor of additional resonances

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    Using the results of our recent analysis of e^+e^- annihilation, we plot the curves for the diagonal and transition form factors of light hadrons in the time-like region up to the production threshold of an open charm quantum number. The comparison with existing data on the decays of J/\psi into such hadrons shows that some new resonance structures may be present in the mass range between 2 GeVand the J/\psi mass. Searching them may help in a better understanding of the mass spectrum in both the simple and a more sophisticated quark models, and in revealing the details of the three-gluon mechanism of the OZI rule breaking in K\bar K channel.Comment: Formulas are added, typo is corrected, the text is rearranged. Replaced to match the version accepted in Phys Rev

    On the measurement of the proton-air cross section using longitudinal shower profiles

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    In this paper, we will discuss the prospects of deducing the proton-air cross section from fluorescence telescope measurements of extensive air showers. As it is not possible to observe the point of first interaction X1X_{\rm 1} directly, other observables closely linked to X1X_{\rm 1} must be inferred from the longitudinal profiles. This introduces a dependence on the models used to describe the shower development. The most straightforward candidate for a good correlation to X1X_{\rm 1} is the depth of shower maximum XmaxX_{\rm max}. We will discuss the sensitivity of an XmaxX_{\rm max}-based analysis on σpair\sigma_{\rm p-air} and quantify the systematic uncertainties arising from the model dependence, parameters of the reconstruction method itself and a possible non-proton contamination of the selected shower sample.Comment: 4 pages, Proceedings for ISVHECRI Weihei 200

    Arrival directions of cosmic rays of E .4 EeV

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    The anisotropy of cosmic rays observed by the Utah Fly's Eye detector has been studied. Emphasis has been placed on examining distributions of events in galactic coordinates. No statistically significant departure from isotropy has been observed for energies greater than 0.4 EeV (1 EeV = 10 to the 18th power eV). Results of the standard harmonic analysis in right ascension are also presented

    The structure of EAS at E 0.1 EeV

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    The ratio of extensive air showers (EAS) total shower energy in the electromagnetic channel (E em) to the size of the shower at maximum development (N max) from a direct measurement of shower longitudinal development using the air fluorescence technique was calculated. The values are not inconsistent with values based upon track length integrals of the Gaisser-Hillas formula for shower development or the known relation between shower energy and size at maximum for pure electromagnetic cascades. Using Linsley's estimates for undetected shower energy based on an analysis of a wide variety of cosmic ray data, the following relation for total shower energy E vs N max is obtained. The Gaisser Hillas implied undetected shower energy fractions

    Consequences of the Factorization Hypothesis in pbar p, pp, gamma p and gamma gamma Collisions

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    Using an eikonal analysis, we examine the validity of the factorization theorem for nucleon-nucleon, gamma p and gamma gamma collisions. As an example, using the additive quark model and meson vector dominance, we directly show that for all energies and values of the eikonal, that the factorization theorem sigma_{nn}/sigma_{gamma p} = sigma_{gamma p}/sigma_{gamma gamma} holds. We can also compute the survival probability of large rapidity gaps in high energy pbar p and pp collisions. We show that the survival probabilities are identical (at the same energy) for gamma p and gamma gamma collisions, as well as for nucleon-nucleon collisions. We further show that neither the factorization theorem nor the reaction-independence of the survival probabilities depends on the assumption of an additive quark model, but, more generally, depends on the opacity of the eikonal being independent of whether the reaction is n-n, gamma p or gamma gamma.Comment: 8 pages, Revtex, no figures. Expanded discussion, minor correction

    All sky Northern Hemisphere 10(15) EV gamma-ray survey

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    Flux limits in the range 10 to the minus 13th power-10 to the minus 12 power/sq cm/s have been obtained by observing Cerenkov flashes from small air showers. During 1983, a 3.5 sigma excess of showers was observed during the phase interval 0.2 to 0.3 of the 4.8h period of Cygnus X-3, but no excess was found in 1984 observations