101 research outputs found
High-contrast Imaging with Spitzer: Deep Observations of Vega, Fomalhaut, and epsilon Eridani
Stars with debris disks are intriguing targets for direct imaging exoplanet
searches, both due to previous detections of wide planets in debris disk
systems, as well as commonly existing morphological features in the disks
themselves that may be indicative of a planetary influence. Here we present
observations of three of the most nearby young stars, that are also known to
host massive debris disks: Vega, Fomalhaut, and eps Eri. The Spitzer Space
Telescope is used at a range of orientation angles for each star, in order to
supply a deep contrast through angular differential imaging combined with
high-contrast algorithms. The observations provide the opportunity to probe
substantially colder bound planets (120--330 K) than is possible with any other
technique or instrument. For Vega, some apparently very red candidate point
sources detected in the 4.5 micron image remain to be tested for common proper
motion. The images are sensitive to ~2 Mjup companions at 150 AU in this
system. The observations presented here represent the first search for planets
around Vega using Spitzer. The upper 4.5 micron flux limit on Fomalhaut b could
be further constrained relative to previous data. In the case of eps Eri,
planets below both the effective temperature and the mass of Jupiter could be
probed from 80 AU and outwards, although no such planets were found. The data
sensitively probe the regions around the edges of the debris rings in the
systems where planets can be expected to reside. These observations validate
previous results showing that more than an order of magnitude improvement in
performance in the contrast-limited regime can be acquired with respect to
conventional methods by applying sophisticated high-contrast techniques to
space-based telescopes, thanks to the high degree of PSF stability provided in
this environment.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&
Searching for young Jupiter analogs around AP Col: L-band high-contrast imaging of the closest pre-main sequence star
The nearby M-dwarf AP Col was recently identified by Riedel et al. 2011 as a
pre-main sequence star (age 12 - 50 Myr) situated only 8.4 pc from the Sun. The
combination of its youth, distance, and intrinsically low luminosity make it an
ideal target to search for extrasolar planets using direct imaging. We report
deep adaptive optics observations of AP Col taken with VLT/NACO and Keck/NIRC2
in the L-band. Using aggressive speckle suppression and background subtraction
techniques, we are able to rule out companions with mass m >= 0.5 - 1M_Jup for
projected separations a>4.5 AU, and m >= 2 M_Jup for projected separations as
small as 3 AU, assuming an age of 40 Myr using the COND theoretical
evolutionary models. Using a different set of models the mass limits increase
by a factor of ~2. The observations presented here are the deepest
mass-sensitivity limits yet achieved within 20 AU on a star with direct
imaging. While Doppler radial velocity surveys have shown that Jovian bodies
with close-in orbits are rare around M-dwarfs, gravitational microlensing
studies predict that ~17% of these stars host massive planets with orbital
separations of 1-10 AU. Sensitive high-contrast imaging observations, like
those presented here, will help to validate results from complementary
detection techniques by determining the frequency of gas giant planets on wide
orbits around M-dwarfs.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 6 pages text ApJ style (incl.
references), 4 figures, 1 tabl
PynPoint: a modular pipeline architecture for processing and analysis of high-contrast imaging data
The direct detection and characterization of planetary and substellar
companions at small angular separations is a rapidly advancing field. Dedicated
high-contrast imaging instruments deliver unprecedented sensitivity, enabling
detailed insights into the atmospheres of young low-mass companions. In
addition, improvements in data reduction and PSF subtraction algorithms are
equally relevant for maximizing the scientific yield, both from new and
archival data sets. We aim at developing a generic and modular data reduction
pipeline for processing and analysis of high-contrast imaging data obtained
with pupil-stabilized observations. The package should be scalable and robust
for future implementations and in particular well suitable for the 3-5 micron
wavelength range where typically (ten) thousands of frames have to be processed
and an accurate subtraction of the thermal background emission is critical.
PynPoint is written in Python 2.7 and applies various image processing
techniques, as well as statistical tools for analyzing the data, building on
open-source Python packages. The current version of PynPoint has evolved from
an earlier version that was developed as a PSF subtraction tool based on PCA.
The architecture of PynPoint has been redesigned with the core functionalities
decoupled from the pipeline modules. Modules have been implemented for
dedicated processing and analysis steps, including background subtraction,
frame registration, PSF subtraction, photometric and astrometric measurements,
and estimation of detection limits. The pipeline package enables end-to-end
data reduction of pupil-stabilized data and supports classical dithering and
coronagraphic data sets. As an example, we processed archival VLT/NACO L' and
M' data of beta Pic b and reassessed the planet's brightness and position with
an MCMC analysis, and we provide a derivation of the photometric error budget.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, PynPoint is
available at https://github.com/PynPoint/PynPoin
Qualification of Austenitic Stainless Steels for the Development of Load-Sensitive Material Sensors
To detect mechanical overloads on the component directly in operation, a metastable material can be used as a load-sensitive sensor when combined with an eddy current testing system. In order to find a suitable metastable sensor material that exhibits microstructural changes at an early stage before fatigue failure, quasi-static tensile tests and cyclic rotating bending tests were carried out with the austenitic stainless steels 1.4301 (2 batches), 1.4305, 1.4541 and 1.4550. For the detection of microstructural changes, electromagnetic testing was used in-situ in the tensile test and ex-situ between the rotating bending test after a pre-defined number of cycles. The investigated materials 1.4301 batch2 and 1.4550 showed the largest signal changes and the lowest austenite stability both in the tensile test and under cyclic bending load. Due to the better mechanical properties, 1.4301 batch2 should be preferred. The order of the austenitic stainless steels tested was similar in terms of transformation behavior in both tests. Thus, the tensile test combined with in-situ electromagnetic testing appears to have potential as a suitable benchmark test for austenite stability. With regard to the cyclic bending stress, an overload of the specimens could be detected for the materials 1.4301 batch2, 1.4305, 1.4541 and for the 1.4550 on the basis of a significant amplitude change. At low bending stresses, uncritical for structural integrity, no increase in amplitude was measured. The results have shown that an early detection of overloads is possible with several materials, however, the potential for detecting overloads varies between materials and also between individual batches. In addition, it has been observed that as the bending stress increases, the gradient of the change in amplitude over the number of cycles increases as well. Thus, with a known number of cycles, it could be possible to classify the previous load spectrum based on the difference in amplitude between two measurements
An apodizing phase plate coronagraph for VLT/NACO
We describe a coronagraphic optic for use with CONICA at the VLT that
provides suppression of diffraction from 1.8 to 7 lambda/D at 4.05 microns, an
optimal wavelength for direct imaging of cool extrasolar planets. The optic is
designed to provide 10 magnitudes of contrast at 0.2 arcseconds, over a
D-shaped region in the image plane, without the need for any focal plane
occulting mask.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Proc. SPIE Vol. 773
The Orbit of the Companion to HD 100453A: Binary-Driven Spiral Arms in a Protoplanetary Disk
HD 100453AB is a 10+/-2 Myr old binary whose protoplanetary disk was recently
revealed to host a global two-armed spiral structure. Given the relatively
small projected separation of the binary (1.05", or ~108 au), gravitational
perturbations by the binary seemed to be a likely driving force behind the
formation of the spiral arms. However, the orbit of these stars remained poorly
understood, which prevented a proper treatment of the dynamical influence of
the companion on the disk. We observed HD 100453AB between 2015-2017 utilizing
extreme adaptive optics systems on the Very Large Telescope and Magellan Clay
Telescope. We combined the astrometry from these observations with published
data to constrain the parameters of the binary's orbit to a=1.06"+/-0.09",
e=0.17+/-0.07, and i=32.5+/- 6.5 degrees. We utilized publicly available ALMA
CO data to constrain the inclination of the disk to i~28 degrees, which is
relatively co-planar with the orbit of the companion and consistent with
previous estimates from scattered light images. Finally, we input these
constraints into hydrodynamical and radiative transfer simulations to model the
structural evolution of the disk. We find that the spiral structure and
truncation of the circumprimary disk in HD 100453 are consistent with a
companion-dirven origin. Furthermore, we find that the primary star's rotation,
its outer disk, and the companion exhibit roughly the same direction of angular
momentum, and thus the system likely formed from the same parent body of
material.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, Accepted to Ap
Confirmation and characterization of the protoplanet HD100546 b - Direct evidence for gas giant planet formation at 50 au
We present the first multi-wavelength, high-contrast imaging study confirming
the protoplanet embedded in the disk around the Herbig Ae/Be star HD100546. The
object is detected at () and (),
but not at (), and the emission consists of a point
source component surrounded by spatially resolved emission. For the point
source component we derive apparent magnitudes of mag,
mag, and mag (3 limit), and a
separation and position angle of and ,
and and in and , respectively.
We demonstrate that the object is co-moving with HD100546 and can reject any
(sub-)stellar fore-/background object. Fitting a single temperature blackbody
to the observed fluxes of the point source component yields an effective
temperature of K and a radius for the emitting area
of R. The best-fit luminosity is
. We quantitatively compare
our findings with predictions from evolutionary and atmospheric models for
young, gas giant planets, discuss the possible existence of a warm,
circumplanetary disk, and note that the de-projected physical separation from
the host star of au poses a challenge standard planet formation
theories. Considering the suspected existence of an additional planet orbiting
at 13--14 au, HD100546 appears to be an unprecedented laboratory to study
the formation of multiple gas giant planets empirically.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; 13 pages incl. 9 figures, 2 tables
and references in ApJ-styl
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