31 research outputs found
Comparison of the reconstructed profiles versus the ground truth along the central horizontal line when without data noise.
<p>The blue solid lines are the profiles through the reconstructed images. The purple dash-dot ones are the initial estimation. The red solid ones are the ground truth. The yellow dash ones indicate the FOV defined by the PCDs. From (a) to (h) are the results in the 1<sup>st</sup> to 8<sup>th</sup> energy channels respectively.</p
PRISIM reconstruction with iteratively updated taylor approximation.
<p>PRISIM reconstruction with iteratively updated taylor approximation.</p
Comparison of the reconstructed profiles versus the ground truth when without data noise.
<p>The blue solid lines are the reconstructed profiles; while the red solid ones are the ground truth. All the pixels are outside the spectral FOV/ROI defined by the PCDs. From (a) to (h) are the results in the 1<sup>st</sup> to 8<sup>th</sup> energy channels respectively. The two red ellipses in (a) show the Gadolinium clusters.</p
Dynamic bowtie in a cone-beam geometry with a flat panel detector plate.
<p>Dynamic bowtie in a cone-beam geometry with a flat panel detector plate.</p
Dynamic bowtie in a spiral multi-slice geometry with a multi-slice detector array.
<p>Dynamic bowtie in a spiral multi-slice geometry with a multi-slice detector array.</p
Dynamic bowtie in fan-beam geometry for a balanced flux distribution upon an equiangular detector array.
<p>(a) No object in the field of view (FOV) corresponds to a liquid highly attenuating bowtie (HB); (b) an elliptical phantom in the FOV corresponds to the HB containing a weakly attenuating bowtie (WB) that compensates for the attenuation due to the phantom; and (c) the WB is synchronously rotated with the gantry for dynamic compensation (for example, ).</p
Realistic numerical phantom from clinical CT datasets.
<p>(a) Water and (b) bone material basis functions obtained from a GE Discovery CT750 scanner, and (c) the mono-energy image in the fourth energy channel. The display windows are [0, 4.16], [0, <i>10</i>], and [0, 0.23] for water, bone and the mono image, respectively.</p
Dynamic bowtie for full body helical CT, in which the WB is rapidly prototyped according to an individualized patient contour obtained from surface scanning.
<p>Dynamic bowtie for full body helical CT, in which the WB is rapidly prototyped according to an individualized patient contour obtained from surface scanning.</p
PSNR and SSIM plots in each energy channel when respectively without data noise.
<p>PSNR and SSIM plots in each energy channel when respectively without data noise.</p
Numbers of detected photons along x-rays through the water phantom without any bowtie (on a log scale).
<p>(a) and (b) Surface displays for the numbers of detected photons for and respectively.</p