35,665 research outputs found
Optimal consumption and portfolio choice with ambiguity
We consider optimal consumption and portfolio choice in the presence of
Knightian uncertainty in continuous-time. We embed the problem into the new
framework of stochastic calculus for such settings, dealing in particular with
the issue of non-equivalent multiple priors. We solve the problem completely by
identifying the worst--case measure. Our setup also allows to consider interest
rate uncertainty; we show that under some robust parameter constellations, the
investor optimally puts all his wealth into the asset market, and does not save
or borrow at all
FlexAuc: Serving Dynamic Demands in a Spectrum Trading Market with Flexible Auction
In secondary spectrum trading markets, auctions are widely used by spectrum
holders (SHs) to redistribute their unused channels to secondary wireless
service providers (WSPs). As sellers, the SHs design proper auction schemes to
stimulate more participants and maximize the revenue from the auction. As
buyers, the WSPs determine the bidding strategies in the auction to better
serve their end users.
In this paper, we consider a three-layered spectrum trading market consisting
of the SH, the WSPs and the end users. We jointly study the strategies of the
three parties. The SH determines the auction scheme and spectrum supplies to
optimize its revenue. The WSPs have flexible bidding strategies in terms of
both demands and valuations considering the strategies of the end users. We
design FlexAuc, a novel auction mechanism for this market to enable dynamic
supplies and demands in the auction. We prove theoretically that FlexAuc not
only maximizes the social welfare but also preserves other nice properties such
as truthfulness and computational tractability.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Preliminary version accepted in INFOCOM 201
Horizon-unbiased Investment with Ambiguity
In the presence of ambiguity on the driving force of market randomness, we
consider the dynamic portfolio choice without any predetermined investment
horizon. The investment criteria is formulated as a robust forward performance
process, reflecting an investor's dynamic preference. We show that the market
risk premium and the utility risk premium jointly determine the investors'
trading direction and the worst-case scenarios of the risky asset's mean return
and volatility. The closed-form formulas for the optimal investment strategies
are given in the special settings of the CRRA preference
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