6 research outputs found
Abstractive text summarization using Pre-Trained Language Model "Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5)"
Automatic Text Summarization (ATS) is one of the utilizations of technological sophistication in terms of text processing assisting humans in producing a summary or key points of a document in large quantities. We use Indonesian language as objects because there are few resources in NLP research using Indonesian language. This paper utilized PLTMs (Pre-Trained Language Models) from the transformer architecture, namely T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) which has been completed previously with a larger dataset. Evaluation in this study was measured through comparison of the ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation) calculation results between the reference summary and the model summary. The experiments with the pre-trained t5-base model with fine tuning parameters of 220M for the Indonesian news dataset yielded relatively high ROUGE values, namely ROUGE-1 = 0.68, ROUGE-2 = 0.61, and ROUGE-L = 0.65. The evaluation value worked well, but the resulting model has not achieved satisfactory results because in terms of abstraction, the model did not work optimally. We also found several errors in the reference summary in the dataset used
Pelaksanaan Mediasi Oleh Hakim Pada Perkara Perceraian Di Pengadilan Agama Teluk Kuantan
The mediation procedure is contained in PERMA Number 1 of 2016 concerning the Mediation Procedure in the Court. Based on "Article 1 mediation is a way of resolving disputes through a negotiation process to obtain the agreement of the Parties assisted by the Mediator". In accordance with "Article 3 Number 1 of 2016 Every Judge, Mediator, Parties and / or attorney must follow the dispute resolution procedure through mediation". In accordance with "Article 3 Number 1 of 2016 Every Judge, Mediator, Parties and / or attorney must follow the dispute resolution procedure through mediation". The problem that arises is the still high number of divorce cases Pengadilan Agama Teluk Kuantan in 2018 from December to February 2019 there were 15 cases, the number that failed to mediate was 14 cases and only 1 case succeeded in the data shows that the average divorce cases in Pengadilan Agama Teluk Kuantan the success rate is still low, the purpose of the study was to determine the implementation of mediation by judges on divorce matters in Pengadilan Agama Teluk Kuantan. This type of research is descriptive with research location at Pengadilan Agama Teluk Kuantan. Types and sources of data used are primary and secondary data, while data collection is through the results of questionnaires and interviews. The conclusions drawn in this study use a method that discusses the norm rules as the target of studies that use inductive reasoning with sigolism to establish the provisions of the truth of the law, and can be interpreted as an inductive thing that is from a specific conclusion and then concludes with a general statement. Based on the results of the study note the implementation of mediation by judges in divorce cases in Pengadilan Agama Teluk Kuantan unsuccessful, this can be seen that there are still many couples or both parties cannot be reconciled and must be resolved by trial. And most divorced people do not go through Pengadilan Agama Teluk Kuantan
Implemantasi Autentikasi Hotspot Menggunakan Radius Server Mikrotik Router Pada Rumah Sakit Misi Lebak
The Lebak misi hospital area currently mostly using wireless networks where usage is increasing and bandwidth is uneven. Between one user and another and the admin only provides password protection for existing access points. which will cause instability between one user and another, therefore the author uses the Radius server as a bandwidth divider as well as security with user authentication and adding a QR code to the authentication. and the author uses the NDLC (Network Development Life Circle) method. As a reference for the radius server configuration using a proxy router. and the results obtained are the percentage of user bandwidth before using the server radius of 0.99Mbps on download and upload of 1.19Mbps for smartphones on laptops of 6.72Mbps for download and upload of 2.21Mbps then after using the radius of the server the average bandwidth speed using user and password of 0.75Mbps for download and 0.80Mbps upload and the success status is very good, all devices can authenticate. and those who can use a QR code of 0.36Mbps for download and 0.44Mbps for Upload with a poor success status because some devices are not compatible for authentication using a QR code by scanning webqr.com
Job Market Test Attendance System With Health Protocols Using The Internet Of Things
During the transitional period related to the coronavirus outbreak, the need for jobs began to increase. The number of prospective workers who will apply for a job in a company by doing a selection test at the Job Exchange. On the other hand, to suppress the spread of this epidemic, the interaction between Job Exchange officers and prospective job applicants must be limited. So by creating a Job Exchange Test attendance system according to health protocols with the Internet of Things devices, it can be used to limit the interaction of prospective job applicants with job exchange officers. This system was built using the Waterfall Model Software Development Life Cycle method, by utilizing the ESP8266 microcontroller components, the MFRC522 module, and the MLX90614 sensor which will support the performance of this system. The results of this study are taboos for prospective job applicants who have an illegal condition or have a temperature above normal, may not enter the room without interacting directly with the officer, but the device will sound a buzzer notification and a warning message will be sent from the microcontroller and received by the officer via telegram. In this study, a comparison was made to obtain the ideal distance for scanning body temperature at various different distances, and the results of the comparison obtained the smallest percentage error value of 0.027% at a distance of 3 cm
Pencatatan data pada Pos Pelayanan Terpadu di dusun Pelemgede masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga menimbulkan kesulitan pengurus, misalnya saat catatan hilang, jadi tidak tersimpan secara baik sehingga pemantauan kesehatan anak tidak maksimal, pencarian identitas anak saat akan memasukan data anak. Guna memudahkan dalam pencatatan dan pemantauan kesehatan ibu dan anak, maka dibuat aplikasi sistem informasi posyandu berbasis web. Aplikasi sistem informasi posyandu ini dibangun dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework Laravel dan Database MySQL. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan kearsipan. Tahap pengembangan aplikasi meliputi analisis, perancangan sistem, implementasi,dan pengujian. Aplikasi sistem informasi posyandu yang dibuat dapat digunakan untuk membantu pemerintah dusun dalam melakukan pencatatan dan pemantauan kesehatan ibu dan anak yang lebih efektif dan efisien sehingga dapat meminimalisir terjadinya kesalahan maupun kelalaian. Hasil pengujian sistem menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini layak dan dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk membantu mengolah pencatatan dan pemantauan kesehatan ibu dan anak
Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Di SMAIT Ibnu Sina Boarding School Nunukan Berbasis Website
SMAIT adalah salah satu satuan pendidikan dengan jenjang SMA di Nunukan Selatan, Kec. Nunukan Selatan, Kab. Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara. Dalam menjalankan kegiatannya, SMAIT IBNU SINA BOARDING SCHOOL berada di bawah naungan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. SMAIT melaksanakan proses penerimaan siswa baru dengan cara yang terbilang umum yaitu calon pendaftar datang ke sekolah, kemudian mengisi formulir pendaftaran, ujian, kemudian menunggu pengumuman apakah diterima atau tidak. Cara tersebut terbilang sangat tidak efisien karena terdapat banyak kekurangan daripada kelebihannya, contohnya menambah beban panitian pelaksana dalam melakukan seleksi dan pengecekan data. Selain itu bagi pendaftar yang berasal dari luar kota akan menimbulkan tambahan biaya, baik untuk makan, atau biaya penginapan karena pengumuman penerimaan siswa yang terbilang lama. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat membantu proses penerimaan siswa baru agar lebih cepat dalam pelaksanaanya. Penelitian ini berjudul Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Berbasis Website. Tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini adalah memudahkan panitian penerimaan siswa baru dalam mengolah data dan laporan agar lebih efisie