12 research outputs found
Consistent multiphase-field theory for interface driven multidomain dynamics
We present a new multiphase-field theory for describing pattern formation in
multi-domain and/or multi-component systems. The construction of the free
energy functional and the dynamic equations is based on criteria that ensure
mathematical and physical consistency. We first analyze previous
multiphase-field theories, and identify their advantageous and disadvantageous
features. On the basis of this analysis, we introduce a new way of constructing
the free energy surface, and derive a generalized multiphase description for
arbitrary number of phases (or domains). The presented approach retains the
variational formalism; reduces (or extends) naturally to lower (or higher)
number of fields on the level of both the free energy functional and the
dynamic equations; enables the use of arbitrary pairwise equilibrium
interfacial properties; penalizes multiple junctions increasingly with the
number of phases; ensures non-negative entropy production, and the convergence
of the dynamic solutions to the equilibrium solutions; and avoids the
appearance of spurious phases on binary interfaces. The new approach is tested
for multi-component phase separation and grain coarsening
Grain coarsening in two-dimensional phase-field models with an orientation field
In the literature, contradictory results have been published regarding the
form of the limiting (long-time) grain size distribution (LGSD) that
characterizes the late stage grain coarsening in two-dimensional and
quasi-two-dimensional polycrystalline systems. While experiments and the
phase-field crystal (PFC) model (a simple dynamical density functional theory)
indicate a lognormal distribution, other works including theoretical studies
based on conventional phase-field simulations that rely on coarse grained
fields, like the multi-phase-field (MPF) and orientation field (OF) models,
yield significantly different distributions. In a recent work, we have shown
that the coarse grained phase-field models (whether MPF or OF) yield very
similar limiting size distributions that seem to differ from the theoretical
predictions. Herein, we revisit this problem, and demonstrate in the case of OF
models [by R. Kobayashi et al., Physica D 140, 141 (2000) and H. Henry et al.
Phys. Rev. B 86, 054117 (2012)] that an insufficient resolution of the small
angle grain boundaries leads to a lognormal distribution close to those seen in
the experiments and the molecular scale PFC simulations. Our work indicates,
furthermore, that the LGSD is critically sensitive to the details of the
evaluation process, and raises the possibility that the differences among the
LGSD results from different sources may originate from differences in the
detection of small angle grain boundaries
Investigating nucleation using the phase-field method
The first order phase transitions, like freezing of liquids, melting of solids, phase separation in alloys, vapor condensation, etc., start with nucleation, a process in which internal fluctuations of the parent phase lead to formation of small seeds of the new phase. Owing to different size dependence of (negative) volumetric and (positive) interfacial contributions to work of formation of such seeds, there is a critical size, at which the work of formation shows a maximum. Seeds that are smaller than the critical one decay with a high probability, while the larger ones have a good chance to grow further and reach a macroscopic size. Putting it in another way, to form the bulk new phase, the system needs to pass a thermodynamic barrier via thermal fluctuations. When the fluctuations of the parent phase alone lead to transition, the process is called homogeneous nucleation. Such a homogeneous process is, however, scarcely seen and requires very specific conditions in nature or in the laboratory. Usually, the parent phase resides in a container and/or it incorporates floating heterogeneities (solid particles, droplets, etc.). The respective foreign surfaces lead to ordering of the adjacent liquid layers, which in turn may assist the formation of the seeds, a process termed heterogeneous nucleation. Herein, we review how the phase-field techniques contributed to the understanding of various aspects of crystal nucleation in undercooled melts, and its role in microstructure evolution. We recall results achieved using both conventional phase-field techniques that rely on spatially averaged (coarse grained) order parameters in capturing the phase transition, as well as molecular scale phase-field approaches that employ time averaged fields, as happens in the classical density functional theories, including the recently developed phase-field crystal models
Phase-field modeling of eutectic structures on the nanoscale: the effect of anisotropy
A simple phase-field model is used to address anisotropic eutectic freezing on the nanoscale in two (2D) and three dimensions (3D). Comparing parameter-free simulations with experiments, it is demonstrated that the employed model can be made quantitative for Ag-Cu. Next, we explore the effect of material properties, and the conditions of freezing on the eutectic pattern. We find that the anisotropies of kinetic coefficient and the interfacial free energies (solid-liquid and solid-solid), the crystal misorientation relative to pulling, the lateral temperature gradient, play essential roles in determining the eutectic pattern. Finally, we explore eutectic morphologies, which form when one of the solid phases are faceted, and investigate cases, in which the kinetic anisotropy for the two solid phases are drastically different
Orientation-field models for polycrystalline solidification: grain coarsening and complex growth forms
We compare two versions of the phase-field theory for polycrystalline solidification, both relying on the concept of orientation
fields: one by Kobayashi et al. [Physica D 140 (2000) 141] and the other by Henry et al. [Phys. Rev. B 86 (2012) 054117]. Setting
the model parameters so that the grain boundary energies and the time scale of grain growth are comparable in the two models, we
first study the grain coarsening process including the limiting grain size distribution, and compare the results to those from experiments
on thin films, to the models of Hillert, and Mullins, and to predictions by multiphase-field theories. Next, following earlier
work by Gránásy et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 206105; Phys. Rev. E 72 (2005) 011605], we extend the orientation field to the
liquid state, where the orientation field is made to fluctuate in time and space, and employ the model for describing of multi-dendritic
solidification, and polycrystalline growth, including the formation of “dizzy” dendrites disordered via the interaction with foreign
Romų vaikystė Rytų Europoje
This paper illustrates the problems of Roma children through the life of a particular group of emigrants, and looks for the answer how much their ambition, that is behind the undertaking of the emigrants, supported their adaptation to a new social environment. European literature has not really dealt with the emigration of this ethnic group until this time because during the existence of the "iron curtain" until 1990 the migration directed from the east towards the west did not have large dimensions except during the big political upheavals. Ongoing research demonstrates a region called the "Partium" that is suitable for representing the whole area like a drop in the sea because of its mixed ethnicity. Then this paper shows the present situation of the Gypsies in this region, the background of Gypsy children's school failures and at last gives a case study on an emerging class of the Gypsies and their problems. During the empirical analysis the method of network analysis is also used that seema as an adequate approach of researches dealing with social integration of immigrants according to the intemational literature (Kelly & Portes, 1993).Šiame straipsnyje keliama romų vaikų ugdymo problema aktuali ne vien Vengrijai, bet ir visai Rytų bei Vidurio Europai. Iškeldami šių vaikų ugdymo problematiką, autoriai pateikia plačią romų vaikų, gyvenančių „Partium” regione, esančiame Rumunijos, Vengrijos ir Ukrainos sandūroje, sociokultūrinių bei pedagoginių sąlygų (istorijos, kalbos, kultūros, skurdo, nedarbo ir kt.) apžvalgą. Autoriai daro išvadą, kad romų visuomenė yra gana diferencijuota, bet jos įvairių sluoksnių išsilavinimas yra žemas. Mat ir pasiturinčiose romų grupėse švietimas nelaikomas prioritetu. Tad ir formuojant švietimo ir apskritai visą socialinę politiką būtina į tai atsižvelgti. Šitai turėdami galvoje, autoriai nuosekliai ir išsamiai analizuoja romų vaikų padėtį įvairiose ugdymo įstaigose (ikimokyklinio ugdymo, pradinėse ir vidurinėse, profesinėse ir aukštosiose mokyklose). Kitaip tariant, plačiai nušviečia tiek romų gyvenimo istorinį, socialinį, kultūrinį kontekstą, tiek konkrečias švietimo problemas
The phase-field theory applied to CO2 and CH4 hydrate
A phase-field theory is applied to model the growth of carbon dioxide hydrate and methane hydrate from a supersaturated solution in water. Temperature- and pressure-dependent thermodynamics for the two systems are accounted for. Simulations of the growth of a planar hydrate film and a circular hydrate nucleus are presented and the interface velocity has been extrapolated from the results to experimental time scales. We discuss how pressure and temperature affects the growth rate and argue that the governing process for the dynamics is the chemical diffusion of the guest molecule in the aqueous solution. We also present results from anisotropic simulations and outline how this will affect the growth
Heterogeneous nucleation of/on nanoparticles: a density functional study using the phase-field crystal model
Crystallization of supersaturated liquids usually starts by heterogeneous nucleation. Mounting evidence shows
that even homogeneous nucleation in simple liquids takes place in two steps; first a dense amorphous
precursor forms, and the crystalline phase appears via heterogeneous nucleation in/on the precursor cluster.
Herein, we review recent results by a simple dynamical density functional theory, the phase-field crystal
model, for (precursor-mediated) homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation of nanocrystals. It will be
shown that the mismatch between the lattice constants of the nucleating crystal and the substrate plays a
decisive role in determining the contact angle and nucleation barrier, which were found to be non-monotonic
functions of the lattice mismatch. Time dependent studies are essential as investigations based on equilibrium
properties often cannot identify the preferred nucleation pathways. Modeling of these phenomena is essential
for designing materials on the basis of controlled nucleation and/or nano-patterning
Phase-field modeling of biomineralization in mollusks and corals: Microstructure vs formation mechanism
While biological crystallization processes have been studied on the microscale extensively, there is a general lack of
models addressing the mesoscale aspects of such phenomena. In this work, we investigate whether the phase-field theory developed
in materials science for describing complex polycrystalline structures on the mesoscale can be meaningfully adapted to model
crystallization in biological systems. We demonstrate the abilities of the phase-field technique by modeling a range of microstructures
observed in mollusk shells and coral skeletons, including granular, prismatic, sheet/columnar nacre, and sprinkled spherulitic
structures. We also compare two possible micromechanisms of calcification: the classical route via ion-by-ion addition from a fluid
state and a non-classical route, crystallization of an amorphous precursor deposited at the solidification front. We show that with
appropriate choice of the model parameters microstructures similar to those found in biomineralized systems can be obtained along
both routes, though the time-scale of the non-classical route appears to be more realistic. The resemblance of the simulated and natural
biominerals suggests that, underneath the immense biological complexity observed in living organisms, the underlying design
principles for biological structures may be understood with simple math, and simulated by phase-field theory
Phase-field modeling of polycrystalline solidification, from needle crystals to spherulites: a review
Advances in the orientation-field-based phase-field (PF) models made in the past are reviewed.
The models applied incorporate homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation of growth centers
and several mechanisms to form new grains at the perimeter of growing crystals, a phenomenon
termed growth front nucleation. Examples for PF modeling of such complex polycrystalline
structures are shown as impinging symmetric dendrites, polycrystalline growth forms (ranging
from disordered dendrites to spherulitic patterns), and various eutectic structures, including
spiraling two-phase dendrites. Simulations exploring possible control of solidification patterns
in thin films via external fields, confined geometry, particle additives, scratching/piercing the
films, etc. are also displayed. Advantages, problems, and possible solutions associated with
quantitative PF simulations are discussed briefly