8 research outputs found

    Principle of Cabotage Within Aviation Activities in Indonesia

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    Liberalization their logging services makes the concept of cabotage which was known in the field of shipping, has now become part of the field of aviation. Such a situation when associated with the concept of state sovereignty in the air space, juridically has caused a serious intersection. In countries that do not accept the concept of air cabotage, often found smuggling air cabotage laws. Thus requiring the state government concerned to judicial action in order to protect its national airline company, including the Government of Indonesia. Adanya Liberalisasi jasa penebangan menjadikan konsep cabotage yang tadinya dikenal dalam bidang pelayaran, kini menjadi bagian dalam bidang penerbangan. Situasi demikian bila dikaitkan dengan konsep kedaulatan negara di ruang udara, secara yuridis telah menimbulkan persinggungan yang cukup serius. Pada negara yang belum menerima konsep cabotage udara, sering ditemukan penyelundupan hukum cabotage udara. Sehingga mengharuskan pemerintah negara yang bersangkutan melakukan tindakan yuridis dalam rangka melindungi Perusahaan penerbangan nasionalnya, termasuk Pemerintah Indonesia

    Perancangan Jaringan Komputer Diskless Berbasis Linux Terminal Server Project pada Sistem Operasi Ubuntu 8.04

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    Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP) merupakan sebuah proyek jaringan computer diskless berbasiskan sistem operasi GNU/linux yang dimulai oleh James A McQuillan. Komputer diskless adalah perangkat client atau workstation yang tidak dilengkapi dengan media penyimpanan tetap. Teknologi ini makin populer karena dapat menghemat sumber daya hardware. Dalam penelitian ini dirancang jaringan computer dengan menggunakan Personal Computer (PC) sekelas pentium Dsebagai workstation, tanpa dilengkapi media penyimpanan dan PC sekelas pentium core 2 duo sebagai server. LTSP akan diintegrasikan pada sistem operasi linux ubuntu 8.04. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian performasi terhadap CPU server dan penggunaan memori server ketika client menggunakan aplikasi Openoffice, Gimp dan Firefox. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa server mampu melayani 8 client secara bersamaan. CPU USAge dengan menjalankan tiga aplikasi tersebut masih dalam keseimbangan, yaitu berkisar antara 65-70% untuk user time, 30-35% untuk system time dan 0-0,5% idle time. Penggalokasian swap muncul ketika nilai “free” berkisar antara 14.000 Kbyte-30.000 Kbyte

    Hyperlactacemia in critically ill children: comparison of traditional and Fencl-Stewart methods

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    Background Base excess is a single variable used to quantify metabolic component of acid base status. Several researches have combined the traditional base excess method with the Stewart method for acid base physiology called as Fencl-Stewart method. Objective The purpose of the study was to compare two different methods in identifying hyperlactacemia in pediatric patients with critical illness. Methods The study was performed on 43 patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. Sodium, potassium, chloride, albumin, lactate and arterial blood gases were measured. All samples were taken from artery of all patients. Lactate level of >2 mEq/L was defined as abnormal. Standard base excess (SBE) was calculated from the standard bicarbonate derived from Henderson-Hasselbalch equation and reported on the blood gas analyzer. Base excess unmeasured anions (BE UA ) was calculated using the Fencl-Stewart method simplified by Story (2003). Correlation between lactate levels in traditional and Fencl-Stewart methods were measured by Pearson’s correlation coefficient . Results Elevated lactate levels were found in 24 (55.8%) patients. Lactate levels was more strongly correlated with BE UA (r = - 0.742, P<0.01) than with SBE (r = - 0.516, P<0.01). Conclusion Fencl-Stewart method is better than traditional method in identifying patients with elevated lactate levels, so the Fencl-Stewart method is suggested to use in clinical practice

    Basic concepts, engineering, and advances in dye-sensitized solar cells

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    The day–by-day increasing need for light energy has reduced the necessary supply of energy for mankind usage and hiked the prices of natural energy resources. To avoid energy tragedy in future, one needs to use the non-degrading sources of energy for energy harvesting. The advancement in solar cell technology allows us to convert the sunlight more efficiently into electrical energy, though the low cost with highly stable and efficient solar cells is still desirable. The dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), a class of third-generation photovoltaic cell, have emerged out as economic, eco-friendly, and much easier fabrication process over other existing technologies such as single-crystal Si solar cells, polycrystalline Si solar cells, thin-film solar cells, and other semiconductor (GaAs, CdTe, CuInSe2, etc.) thin films. The main challenge and limiting factor with DSSC’s fabrication are their efficiency and durability in the environment. In the last decade, enormous efforts have been made to improve the efficiency and stability of DSSCs. One of the possible ways is the manipulation of light at nanoscale on some metal–dielectric interface and integrating it on some cheaper electronic devices for highly efficient solar cell applications. On the other hand, the research on modifying the design and fabrication of photoanode, dyes materials, and counter electrode materials have paid huge attention in architecting DSSCs. This chapter provides an insight into the fabrication of DSSCs and the challenges associated with its fabrication, stability, and efficiency.Instituto de Física (IF