32 research outputs found
Growth and structure of the English language
Loan-words have been called the milestones of philology, because in a great many instances they permit us to fix approximately the dates of linguistic changes.
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The development of the English dictionary
The evolution of the English dictionary is rooted on the general evolution of the English language. The pressure of vocabulary has always been influenced and reinforced by the intellectual climate of each period of the language. The beginning of dictionary history is concerned with the international language of medieval European civilization: Latin. Very early in the Anglo-Saxon period, one can find glosses containing native English (i.e. Anglo-Saxon) equivalents for the hard Latin terms. The next stage development, attained in English around 1400, was the collection in of the isolated glosses into what is called a glossarium, a kind of very early Latin-English dictionary. The first example of the glossarium, was called «Medulla Grammatica» written in East Anglia around 1400. The breakdown of Latin as an international Language and the rapid development of international trade led to an immediate demand for foreign-language dictionaries. The first of such works was rapidly followed by the best known of such works , Elorio`s Italian-English dictionary (1599). Meanwhile, the first great classical dictionary Cooper`s. Thesaurus (1565) had already appeared.
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The word as a unit of meaning. The role of context in words meaning
A unit of meaning is a word plus all those words within its contextual context that are needed to disambiguate this word to make it monosemous. A lot of research were made to study the influence of the context. They testify that there is usually in each word a hard core of relatively stable meaning and can be modified by the context within certain limits
“Paparazzi”is an Italian term used to refer to photographers who hunt and exploit athletes, celebrities, politicians and other prominent people.
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Використання інтернет-ресурсів на заняттях з англійської мови
На сучасному етапі зростають вимоги до якості підготовки
фахівців з вищою освітою. Таке поняття, як глобалізація та
комп`ютеризація стали характерними термінами в нашому житті. У
ході практичних занять викладачі широко використовують
різноманітні новітні технології, серед яких, найбільш популярним є
Лексическое значение слова и его перевод на другой язык
При обучении лексики английского языка значительные трудности представляют отбор и систематизацию лексических единиц и сопоставление этих единиц с эквивалентными им единицами родного языка изучающих.
Для выявления системных отношений внутри изучаемого языка необходимо выделить разные слои лексики, которые играют разную роль в языке и требуют к себе неодинакового подхода.
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The press in Sumy. Twentieth century
Before we talk about the future, we should look into the past. After all prerequisites for development, history is essential components of creating something new. Talking about the future prospects of the Sumy media should understand its first principles.
When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3355