15 research outputs found


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    Dalam sebuah proyek konstruksi, perkiraan biaya memegang peranan penting dalam penyelenggaraan proyek. Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas kegiatan pembangunan gedung dan bangunan di bidang konstruksi, diperlukan suatu sarana dasar perhitungan harga satuan yaitu Analisa Biaya Konstruksi. Kontraktor umumnya membuat harga penawaran berdasarkan analisa yang tidak seluruhnya berpedoman pada analisa BOW (Burgelijke Openbare Werken) maupun analisa SNI (Standarisasi Nasional Indonesia). Para kontraktor lebih cenderung menghitung harga satuan pekerjaan berdasarkan dengan analisa mereka sendiri yang didasarkan atas pengalaman terdahulu dalam menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan konstruksi, walaupun tidak terlepas dari analisa BOW dan SNI. Metode penelitian dalam melakukan analisa Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) yaitu dengan BOW, SNI dan Metode Perhitungan Kontraktor. Dari perhitungan masing-masing analisa rencana anggaran biaya yang ada, didapat perbandingan rencana anggaran biaya antara metode BOW, SNI dan Metode Perhitungan Kontraktor. Rencana anggaran biaya yang ekonomis dengan menggunakan Metode Perhitungan Kontraktor yaitu sebesar Rp 9.846.278.000,- sementara hasil analisa rencana anggaran biaya BOW yaitu sebesar Rp 13.591.871.000,- sedangkan analisa rencana anggaran biaya SNI yaitu sebesar Rp 12.836.347.000,- Kata kunci: RAB, BOW, SNI, Metode Perhitungan Kontraktor dan Harga Satuan Pekerjaa


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    Infrastructure development is the most important part in supporting development in the health sector. One of them is the construction of highways across Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, which connects the Cikarang industrial area to the Tanjung Priok port. Planning Tanjung Priok fly over structure uses pcu girder as a bridge girder profile in the form of segmental prestressing concrete beams that form U. Bridge length of 2.7 km and girder length of 31 meters, where per 1 (one) bridge span there are 8 girder beams with a weight 120 tons / stem. The installation of a girder bridge flies over Tanjung Priok using a launcher and crane crane to facilitate work. The purpose of this research is to find out how to use beam launcher and crawler crane in terms of time and cost. Report on calculating the time for making heavy equipment when doing work. While the cost of heavy equipment is calculated based on calculations Pedoman Analisis Harga Satuan (AHS), pekerjaan bidang umum DPU 2013. The results of this study indicate that the girder installation work with beam launcher method is 217, compared to a crawler crane for 37 days. As for the cost of installation using the beam launcher method produces a fee of Rp. 4,000,901,912.00 compared to using the crawler crane method of Rp. 1,080,433,448.00.Pembangunan infrastruktur merupakan bagian terpenting dalam menunjang perkembangan perekonomian pada suatu wilayah terutama dalam bidang industri. Salah satunya adalah pembangunan jalan bebas hambatan fly over Tanjung Priok Jakarta utara yang menghubungkan daerah kawasan industri Cikarang menuju pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. Perencanaan Struktur fly over Tanjung Priok menggunakan pcu girder sebagai profil girder jembatan berupa balok beton prestressing segmental yang berbentuk U. Panjang jembatan 2,7 km dan panjang girder 31 meter, dimana per 1 (satu) bentang jembatan terdapat 8 batang balok pcu girder dengan berat 120 ton/batang. Pemasangan girder jembatan fly over Tanjung Priok menggunakan alat berat atau metode beam launcher dan crawler crane. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas penggunaan kedua metode tersebut dari segi waktu dan biaya. Perbandingan waktu dan biaya pelaksanaan dihitung berdasarkan proses pekerjaan alat berat pada saat melakukan pekerjaan. Biaya alat berat dihitung berdasarkan perhitungan Pedoman Analisis Harga Satuan (AHS), pekerjaan bidang umum, DPU 2013. Hasil perhitungan lama waktu peleksanaan pekerjaan pemasangan girder pada jembatan fly over Tanjung Priok dengan metode beam launcher sebesar 217 hari sedangkan dengan metode crawler crane sebesar 37 hari. Biaya pemasangan balok girder metode beam launcher sebesar Rp. 4,000,901,912,00, sedangkan dengan metode crawler crane sebesar Rp. 1,080,433,448,00. Hasil perbandingan kedua metode tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode crawler crane terhdap waktu dan biaya lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan metode beam launche


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    Infrastructure development is the most important part in supporting development in the health sector. One of them is the construction of highways across Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, which connects the Cikarang industrial area to the Tanjung Priok port. Planning Tanjung Priok fly over structure uses pcu girder as a bridge girder profile in the form of segmental prestressing concrete beams that form U. Bridge length of 2.7 km and girder length of 31 meters, where per 1 (one) bridge span there are 8 girder beams with a weight 120 tons / stem. The installation of a girder bridge flies over Tanjung Priok using a launcher and crane crane to facilitate work. The purpose of this research is to find out how to use beam launcher and crawler crane in terms of time and cost. Report on calculating the time for making heavy equipment when doing work. While the cost of heavy equipment is calculated based on calculations Pedoman Analisis Harga Satuan (AHS), pekerjaan bidang umum DPU 2013. The results of this study indicate that the girder installation work with beam launcher method is 217, compared to a crawler crane for 37 days. As for the cost of installation using the beam launcher method produces a fee of Rp. 4,000,901,912.00 compared to using the crawler crane method of Rp. 1,080,433,448.00.Pembangunan infrastruktur merupakan bagian terpenting dalam menunjang perkembangan perekonomian pada suatu wilayah terutama dalam bidang industri. Salah satunya adalah pembangunan jalan bebas hambatan fly over Tanjung Priok Jakarta utara yang menghubungkan daerah kawasan industri Cikarang menuju pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. Perencanaan Struktur fly over Tanjung Priok menggunakan pcu girder sebagai profil girder jembatan berupa balok beton prestressing segmental yang berbentuk U. Panjang jembatan 2,7 km dan panjang girder 31 meter, dimana per 1 (satu) bentang jembatan terdapat 8 batang balok pcu girder dengan berat 120 ton/batang. Pemasangan girder jembatan fly over Tanjung Priok menggunakan alat berat atau metode beam launcher dan crawler crane. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas penggunaan kedua metode tersebut dari segi waktu dan biaya. Perbandingan waktu dan biaya pelaksanaan dihitung berdasarkan proses pekerjaan alat berat pada saat melakukan pekerjaan. Biaya alat berat dihitung berdasarkan perhitungan Pedoman Analisis Harga Satuan (AHS), pekerjaan bidang umum, DPU 2013. Hasil perhitungan lama waktu peleksanaan pekerjaan pemasangan girder pada jembatan fly over Tanjung Priok dengan metode beam launcher sebesar 217 hari sedangkan dengan metode crawler crane sebesar 37 hari. Biaya pemasangan balok girder metode beam launcher sebesar Rp. 4,000,901,912,00, sedangkan dengan metode crawler crane sebesar Rp. 1,080,433,448,00. Hasil perbandingan kedua metode tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode crawler crane terhdap waktu dan biaya lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan metode beam launche


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    The implementation of community service carried out in Bantarsari Village is related to the Role of the Village Government in Addressing Nutrition Improvement. In carrying out the service, it uses community education methods in the form of counseling. Community service was carried out for a month at the location in Kampung Pulo Kecil in Bantarsari Village. The results of the service implementation show that the community, especially parents, don’t know and don’t understand the ways and steps to prevent and minimize stunting, increase community enthusiasm to maintain a healthy lifestyle and good parenting, increase awareness of the child\u27s growth process. The role of government is very important in overcoming nutrition problems, and the need for cooperation and support from government officials to achieve the goal of improving optimal nutrition starts from an early age. In the health services provided, such as services for pregnant women, health for babies, children and others. Apart from providing good nutrition for children, parents also need to have sufficient knowledge and maintain a healthy and well-developed body so that they can prevent nutritional health problems, namely stunting

    Perbandingan Estimasi Anggaran Biaya antara Bow, Sni dan Metode Perhitungan Kontraktor pada Proyek Rumah Susun (Rusun) Pulogebang Jakarta Timur

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    Dalam sebuah proyek konstruksi, perkiraan biaya memegang peranan penting dalam penyelenggaraan proyek. Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas kegiatan pembangunan gedung dan bangunan di bidang konstruksi, diperlukan suatu sarana dasar perhitungan harga satuan yaitu Analisa Biaya Konstruksi. Kontraktor umumnya membuat harga penawaran berdasarkan analisa yang tidak seluruhnya berpedoman pada analisa BOW (Burgelijke Openbare Werken) maupun analisa SNI (Standarisasi Nasional Indonesia). Para kontraktor lebih cenderung menghitung harga satuan pekerjaan berdasarkan dengan analisa mereka sendiri yang didasarkan atas pengalaman terdahulu dalam menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan konstruksi, walaupun tidak terlepas dari analisa BOW dan SNI. Metode penelitian dalam melakukan analisa Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) yaitu dengan BOW, SNI dan Metode Perhitungan Kontraktor. Dari perhitungan masing-masing analisa rencana anggaran biaya yang ada, didapat perbandingan rencana anggaran biaya antara metode BOW, SNI dan Metode Perhitungan Kontraktor. Rencana anggaran biaya yang ekonomis dengan menggunakan Metode Perhitungan Kontraktor yaitu sebesar Rp 9.846.278.000,- sementara hasil analisa rencana anggaran biaya BOW yaitu sebesar Rp 13.591.871.000,- sedangkan analisa rencana anggaran biaya SNI yaitu sebesar Rp 12.836.347.000,- Kata kunci: RAB, BOW, SNI, Metode Perhitungan Kontraktor dan Harga Satuan Pekerjaa

    Lendutan Pelat Lantai Gedung Rektorat Universitas Islam “45” Bekasi

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    Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia bangunan maka ada penurunan dari kapasitas struktur sehingga dimungkinkan lendutan dan retak pada komponen struktur bertambah besar. Begitu pula permasalahan lendutan pelat lantai yang terjadi pada gedung Rektorat Universitas Islam “45” Bekasi menyebabkan pengguna bangunan menjadi tidak nyaman. Agar besar lendutan yang terjadi tidak bertambah parah maka perlu adanya solusi perbaikan. Pemecahan permasalahan yang terjadi dilakukan melalui survei lapangan untuk mengetahui besarnya lendutan yang terjadi, melakukan analisis kekuatan pelat dalam menahan beban dengan program SAP2000 berdasarkan peraturan SNI 03-2847-2002 dan menghitung perkuatan struktur lentur yang diperlukan oleh pelat dan balok berdasarkan metode LRFD yang berpedoman pada peraturan SNI 03-1729-2002. Hasil perhitungan terdapat 5 lokasi pelat yang mengalami penurunan dengan besar masing-masing pelat yaitu 5,3 cm; 6,8 cm; 8 cm; 6,9 cm dan 10,9 cm. Kemudian besar beban maksimal yang masih dapat bekerja untuk pelat II yaitu 350 kg, untuk pelat IV yaitu 300 kg, untuk pelat V yaitu < 240 kg. Jenis dan dimensi perkuatan yang digunakan pada pelat adalah profil baja WF 125 x 60 BJ 37, sedangkan pada balok yaitu profil baja WF 150 x 150 BJ 37. Kata Kunci: lendutan, beban maksimal, perkuatan struktur

    Optimasi Sistem Tata Air pada Daerah Irigasi Rawa (Food Estate) Dadahup Kabupaten Kapuas Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    The Swamp Irrigation Area (DIR) of Dadahup District is a former Peat Land Development (PLG) with an area of around 21,226 Ha. The water management system at DIR Dadahup utilizes changes in sea tides as a source of water to the land and drainage to drain water out of the land. However, in its implementation, DIR Dadahup experienced several problems such as flooding during the rainy season and experiencing drought during the dry season. These conditions indicate the need for land management and water management systems to overcome existing problems. The purpose of this study was to optimize the water management system for irrigation by optimizing the functions and benefits of swamp land in Dadahup, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. Optimization of the water system is carried out by modeling using the HEC-RAS program. Flow modeling with HEC-RAS in irrigation canals can be simulated into two scenarios, namely scenarios using gates and scenarios with doors and pumps for the rainy and dry seasons. Based on the results of the modeling analysis that has been carried out, the surface elevation during the dry season is in the range of +0.06 ms/d + 0.77 m, which is below the average land elevation (+0.8 m MSL). experience drought because the water in the canals cannot irrigate the land. The water level during the rainy season is in the range of +0.82 ms/d +1.53 m, which is above the average land elevation. It can be concluded that irrigation canals cannot accommodate the overflow of water that occurs at the planned discharge so that the land is flooded. The scenario model is suitable for the Dadahup DIR land use, namely with the door and pump scenario, the water level elevation for the dry season and the rainy season can reach the target of +1.0 m, then the water level elevation for the rainy season can also reach the target of +0, 7m

    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Socio Environment and Socio Education

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    Purpose: The 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report will be launched as the world approaches the half-way point of the 2030 Agenda and struggles to rebuild in the aftermath (or in the midst) of the COVID-19 pandemic. Compare the document counts for up to 15 sources, year 2020 until 2021, there are increase of documents based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Socio Education documents published in SCOPUS.COM. Subject area dominant is Social Sciences, followed by Environmental Science, Medicine. Design/methodology/approach: Source Documents dominant is International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning, followed by Sustainability Switzerland, E3s Web Of Conferences, and Lancet. There are no Indonesia journal. By country or territory, Nigeria, United Kingdom, and India dominant in the World. In Malaysia, very strong, followed by Viet Nam, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar, and Thailand. By funding sponsor, dominant Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, followed by Covenant University, Covenant University Centre for Research, Innovation and Discovery, European Commission, and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. There are no Indonesia funding sponsor. By affiliations, dominant James Cook University, followed by Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Lunds Universitet, and University of Cape Coast Ghana. There are no Indonesia affiliations. Compare the document counts for up to 15 sources, year 2020 until 2021, there are increase of documents based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Socio Environment documents published in SCOPUS.COM. Findings: Subject area dominant is Social Sciences, followed by Environmental Science, Energy. Source Documents dominant is Energy Reports journal, followed by Sustainability Science journal, International Organisations Research Journa, Smart Innovation Systems And Technologies journal, and Sustainability Switzerland journal. There are no Indonesia journal. By country or territory, United Kingdom dominant, followed by South Africa and Nigeria. In ASEAN dominant Indonesia and Malaysia. By funding sponsor, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation dominant, followed by Bundesministerium für Bildung undForschung, Centre for International Forestry Research, European Commission, and European Social Fund. None from Indonesia. By affiliations, University of KwaZulu-Natal dominant, followed by Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, South African Water Research Commission, University of Venda, and Russian Presidential Academy of National, from Indonesia there is Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia, 29,793 documents, whole institution, 28,845 documents, affiliation only, 17,394 Authors, Document count (high-low), Medicine 7,069 docs, Engineering 5,685 docs, and Physics and Astronomy 5,145 docs. Universitas Indonesia research publication connected with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Socio Environment. Paper type: Research pape

    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Socio Environment and Socio Education

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    Purpose: The 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report will be launched as the world approaches the half-way point of the 2030 Agenda and struggles to rebuild in the aftermath (or in the midst) of the COVID-19 pandemic. Compare the document counts for up to 15 sources, year 2020 until 2021, there are increase of documents based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Socio Education documents published in SCOPUS.COM. Subject area dominant is Social Sciences, followed by Environmental Science, Medicine. Design/methodology/approach: Source Documents dominant is International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning, followed by Sustainability Switzerland, E3s Web Of Conferences, and Lancet. There are no Indonesia journal. By country or territory, Nigeria, United Kingdom, and India dominant in the World. In Malaysia, very strong, followed by Viet Nam, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar, and Thailand. By funding sponsor, dominant Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, followed by Covenant University, Covenant University Centre for Research, Innovation and Discovery, European Commission, and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. There are no Indonesia funding sponsor. By affiliations, dominant James Cook University, followed by Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Lunds Universitet, and University of Cape Coast Ghana. There are no Indonesia affiliations. Compare the document counts for up to 15 sources, year 2020 until 2021, there are increase of documents based on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Socio Environment documents published in SCOPUS.COM. Findings: Subject area dominant is Social Sciences, followed by Environmental Science, Energy. Source Documents dominant is Energy Reports journal, followed by Sustainability Science journal, International Organisations Research Journa, Smart Innovation Systems And Technologies journal, and Sustainability Switzerland journal. There are no Indonesia journal. By country or territory, United Kingdom dominant, followed by South Africa and Nigeria. In ASEAN dominant Indonesia and Malaysia. By funding sponsor, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation dominant, followed by Bundesministerium für Bildung undForschung, Centre for International Forestry Research, European Commission, and European Social Fund. None from Indonesia. By affiliations, University of KwaZulu-Natal dominant, followed by Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, South African Water Research Commission, University of Venda, and Russian Presidential Academy of National, from Indonesia there is Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia, 29,793 documents, whole institution, 28,845 documents, affiliation only, 17,394 Authors, Document count (high-low), Medicine 7,069 docs, Engineering 5,685 docs, and Physics and Astronomy 5,145 docs. Universitas Indonesia research publication connected with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Socio Environment. Paper type: Research pape