21 research outputs found


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    Bogor Botanical Garden is one of well-known tourism destination in West Java,Indonesia, visited by various users around the world. The increase in demand fornature-based tourism also becomes a trend in urban society. People needs a comfortable, healthy, and sustainable living space to refresh from fatigue and recreate new experience relating to nature. Environmental behavior is crucial aspect raised by understanding (cognitive behavior) and assessment of physical quality of environment (affective behavior). In order to avoid environmental damage, it is necessary to observe the user behavior, to analyze the change of user behavior and formulate the guidelines for formal garden design. The study was conducted in three steps: site and behavior observation, behavior analysis, and recommendation. There was diversity of user behavior in Teysmann Garden in the morning and afternoon. This was driven by various perception and preference in the garden relating to personal and physical factors. The prominent activities in formal garden consisted of sitting, taking picture, and walking, while prominent settings intensively used were pavement lane, pergola, bench, and lawn. Abnormal action was found in lawn, monument, pergola, and bench. The prominent landscape elements or settings could be improved as main character in formal garden in achieving a good interaction between people and landscape as a basis for landscape sustainability of tourism destination area

    Characteristics of Tokiwadaira Neighbourhood Park in Matsudo, Japan: A space for the elderly

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    Tokiwadaira is one of the districts most populated by elderly in Japan. This study compared the preferences of danchi and apartment residents to examine the neighbourhood park preferences as well as neighbourhood park similarity. This research was conducted in three stages, including a spatial preference survey, analysis, and interpretation. A Welch’s t-test and correspondence analysis were applied. Results demonstrated three significant differences between danchi and apartment residents, namely park preference, length of visit, and preferred park elements. There were four similarities among Tokiwadaira neighbourhood parks. These results may help urban planners optimise existing features of neighbourhood parks to encourage use.Keywords: landscape preference; neighbourhood parks; resident participationeISSN: 2398-4287 © 2018. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v3i9.151

    DIFFERENCE IN PERCEPTION OF URBAN GREEN SPACES BETWEEN DANCHI AND APARTMENT RESIDENTS IN TOKIWADAIRA, MATSUDO CITY, JAPAN (Perbedaan dalam Persepsi Ruang Hijau Perkotaan di antara Penghuni Kompleks Rumah Susun dan Apartemen di Tokiwadaira, Kota Matsudo, Jepang)

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    AbstractIn Japan, where most of the population now comprises elderly people, various social problems have emerged, including lack of workers, inadequate care for elderly people, lower birthrate, the abandonment of local areas, and lack of community. In highly populated urban areas, city planners propose sustainable landscape planning but sometimes ignore the public, eliminating their sense of place. This study aimed to clarify the differences in green space perception between residents of danchi and apartments in Tokiwadaira, Matsudo, to learn what residents’ attributes may influence their perceptions, and to formulate factors of recognition and awareness of urban green spaces. The research was conducted in three stages: a recognition and awareness survey, analysis, and interpretation. A Mann-Whitney U test and Welch’s t test were applied to examine significant differences in perception level; a Chi-square test was applied to examine the relationship between residents’ attributes and volunteering activity; finally, factor analysis was applied to characterize residents’ recognition and awareness of nature and green spaces. The results demonstrated three significant differences regarding the benefits of green spaces between danchi and apartment residents, and five significant differences in their interest in green spaces. The attributes influencing danchi residents’ perceptions were gender and age, while those influencing apartment residents were age, existence of children, employment status, length of stay, and existence of green spaces. The three factors accounting for residents’ interest in green spaces and nature were: high recognition and awareness, moderate recognition and awareness, and low recognition and awareness. The results may prove useful as guidance for specific local governments in relation to urban green space planning and design. AbstrakDi Jepang di mana sebagian besar penduduknya terdiri atas orang lanjut usia, berbagai masalah sosial telah terjadi, seperti kurangnya tenaga kerja, perawatan bagi orang lanjut usia yang rendah, kelahiran anak-anak yang rendah, terabaikannya daerah setempat, dan kurangnya komunitas. Di daerah perkotaan yang berpenduduk padat, perencana kota mengusulkan perencanaan lanskap berkelanjutan, tetapi terkadang mengabaikan publik dan menghilangkan makna tempat mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperjelas perbedaan persepsi ruang hijau antara penghuni di kompleks rumah susun semi publik dan apartemen di Tokiwadaira, Matsudo, untuk mengetahui atribut penghuni yang dapat mempengaruhi persepsi mereka, dan untuk merumuskan faktor-faktor pengenalan dan kesadaran akan ruang hijau perkotaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap: survei kesadaran dan pengenalan, analisis, dan interpretasi. Uji Mann-Whitney U dan Welch's t digunakan untuk menguji perbedaan level persepsi yang signifikan antara penghuni danchi dan apartemen. Uji Chi-square digunakan untuk menguji hubungan antara atribut penghuni dan kegiatan sukarela, terakhir analisis faktor digunakan untuk mengkarakterisasi pengenalan dan kesadaran penghuni terhadap alam dan ruang hijau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga perbedaan signifikan mengenai manfaat ruang hijau di antara penghuni danchi dan apartemen, dan lima perbedaan signifikan terhadap minat ruang hijau. Atribut yang mempengaruhi persepsi penduduk danchi adalah gender dan usia, sedangkan hal-hal yang mempengaruhi penghuni apartemen adalah usia, keberadaan anak, status pekerjaan, lama tinggal, dan keberadaan ruang hijau. Tiga faktor yang menentukan minat penghuni terhadap alam dan ruang hijau di antaranya: pengenalan dan kesadaran yang tinggi, pengenalan dan kesadaran yang sedang, serta pengenalan dan kesadaran yang rendah. Hasil penelitian ini dapat berguna sebagai panduan perencanaan dan desain ruang hijau kota untuk pemerintah lokal


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    ABSTRACTPeople in different culture distinguish in their response to the environment, especially in interpretation and understanding of the perceived landscape. In order to plan and manage the environment for the selection of landscape with the aim of special care, protection, and amenity, it is crucial that people effectively participate and measure the existing values which nature represents to local residents. The purpose of this study was to clarify the differences of landscape recognition of Japan and Indonesia and to find the landscape element which is highly valued. The study was conducted with the following six steps, namely, photos collection, photo grouping, preference evaluation, exoticism evaluation, analysis, and recommendation. Cluster analysis (Ward’s method, squared Euclidean distance) was applied for the analysis of photo categories, and Mann-Whitney U Test was applied to examine the significant differences. In photo grouping, seven natural landscape photos of Japan and Indonesia were categorized in different groups. Forest photos were categorized as wetland by Japanese students. Two rivers, lake, and forest photos were categorized by Indonesian students, but Japanese students categorized it as forest and mountain in distant view. Japanese students also distinguished the wetland as wetland in distant view and wetland in close-up view. The results of preference evaluation show that significant differences were detected in 25 photos of 68 photos. The exoticism evaluation detected significant differences in 48 photos of 68 photos. Neither Japanese nor Indonesian students recognized forest and wetland. However, either the Japanese or Indonesian students preferred waterfall or coast than the others. Based on exoticism evaluation, river and wetland were not recognized, but coast and waterfall were recognized by both of countries. Both of countries shared commonality in landscape photographs evaluation of preference and exoticism, but differences had been found in landscape recognition based on the way of seeing landscape. ABSTRAKManusia dalam budaya yang berbeda membedakan respon mereka terhadap lingkungan, khususnya dalam interpretasi dan pemahaman lanskap yang dilihat atau dirasakan. Dalam rangka merencanakan dan mengelola lingkungan untuk pemilihan lanskap dengan tujuan perawatan khusus, perlindungan, dan kenyamanan, sangat penting bahwa manusia berpartisipasi secara efektif dan mengukur nilai-nilai eksisting yang alam berikan bagi penduduk lokal. Preferensi lanskap alami penting dalam perencanaan lanskap dari sudut pandang wisata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengklarifikasi perbedaan dalam pengenalan lanskap di Jepang dan Indonesia dan menemukans elemen lanskap yang dinilai tinggi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan enam tahapan, yaitu pengumpulan foto, pengelompokkan foto, evaluasi preferensi, evaluasi eksotisme, analisis dan rekomendasi. Analisis klaster (metode Ward, jarak Euclidian kuadrat) digunakan untuk analisis kelompok foto dan uji Mann-Whitney U digunakan untuk menguji perbedaan nyata. Dalam pengelompokan foto, tujuh foto lanskap alami di Jepang dan Indonesia dikelompokkan ke dalam grup yang berbeda. Foto hutan dikelompokkan sebagai lahan basah oleh pelajar Jepang. Dua foto sungai, danau, dan hutan dikelompokkan oleh pelajar Indonesia, tetapi pelajar Jepang mengelompokkannya sebagai hutan dan gunung pada jarak jauh. Pelajar Jepang juga membedakan lahan basah sebagai lahan basah pada jarak jauh dan lahan basah pada jarak dekat. Hasil evaluasi preferensi menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan nyata ditemukan pada 25 foto dari 68 foto. Evaluasi eksotisme menemukan perbedaan nyata dalam 48 foto dari 68 foto. Pelajar Jepang dan Indonesia tidak memilih hutan dan lahan basah. Namun, keduanya lebih memilih air terjun dan pesisir daripada jenis lanskap lainnya. Berdasarkan evaluasi eksotisme, sungai dan lahan basah tidak dipilih, sedangkan pesisir dan air terjun lebih dipilih oleh kedua negara. Kedua negara tersebut memiliki persamaan dalam evaluasi preferensi dan eksotisme foto lanskap, tetapi perbedaan pun ditemukan dalam pengenalan lanskap yang didasarkan pada cara melihat lanskap

    The Role of Home Gardens in Developing Cities for Improving Workers' Psychological Conditions

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    During the lockdown period, people were restricted from doing many things, particularly activities outside the home, putting strain on psychological circumstances. This study intends to demonstrate that providing a home garden to improve the psychological state of the workers' community may alleviate the challenges of access to green open space in city settings. This study investigates the psychological state of employees and the impact of home gardens on the psychological state of workers in numerous cities in Indonesia during the pandemic. The survey was carried out utilising the Snowball sampling approach by asking various questions and filling out a questionnaire on the participants' backgrounds and psychological problems using PSS-14 and WEMWBS. Data from participants were analysed using correlation and ANOVA. According to the findings of this study, the presence of a home garden utilised for activities has a substantial impact on the psychological condition of the working community. It is advised that the workers' community participate in activities in the home garden five days a week for at least one hour. On the other hand, it is suggested that urban housing developers pay more attention to the house garden and its constituent aspects


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    Grama Tirta Jatiluhur (GTJ) is tourism area which is located in the eastern of Ir. H. Djuanda water reservoir. This tourism area is one of potential tourism destination in Purwakarta which has many objects and attractions. The purpose of this research areto identify and analyze natural tourism resources, to analyze land suitability oftourism area, to analyze ecological value of green open space, to analyze characteristics and perceptions of tourists in GTJ, and to decide touring plan based on objects andattractions. This research use qualitative and quantitative descriptive method. The qualitative descriptive method consists of potentials and constrains of biophysical aspects, technical aspects, and social aspects. Whereas the quantitative descriptive method applies Geographic Information System (GIS) proces by: (1) overlaying thematic maps of physical-biophysical aspects, objects and attractions potentialsvariables using software ArcView 3.2; and (2) calculating the value of nature by using extention CITYgreen 5.4. The results of this research are landscape planning for tourism area and formulation of Tourism Programme Alternatives with ecologicallysustainable development. The landscape plan consists of touring plan, spatial, vegetation, circulation, activities, facilities, and tourism programme

    Similarity Study On Urban Settlement Management In The Central Part Of Central Ciliwung Watershed, Bogor

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    The rapid population growth in Bogor city has implications for the increase of need for shelter. It has encouraged a landuse change in the central part of Central Ciliwung Watershed. The riparian settlement is illegal settlement growing into slum area in the city center. The purpose of this study was to develop a management strategy of ecologically based urban settlement in the central part of Central Ciliwung Watershed. The research was conducted in five stages: preparation and determination of research location, data collection, health and settlement environment identification, SWOT (Strenght, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) analysis, management strategy formulation. Descriptive quantitative and qualitative method was applied in this research. The results showed that the settlement management in the central part of Central Ciliwung Watershed was progressive strategy. It meant that the existing design was in less stable condition. The main priority of the management strategy in the central part of Central Ciliwung was ecological aspect. The concept of settlement consisted of three zones, namely the housing zone, transition zone, and the public zone. There were 2 types of settlement: middle class and lower middle class settlement

    Peer Review Study On Urban Settlement Management In The Central Part Of Central Ciliwung Watershed, Bogor

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    The rapid population growth in Bogor city has implications for the increase of need for shelter. It has encouraged a landuse change in the central part of Central Ciliwung Watershed. The riparian settlement is illegal settlement growing into slum area in the city center. The purpose of this study was to develop a management strategy of ecologically based urban settlement in the central part of Central Ciliwung Watershed. The research was conducted in five stages: preparation and determination of research location, data collection, health and settlement environment identification, SWOT (Strenght, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) analysis, management strategy formulation. Descriptive quantitative and qualitative method was applied in this research. The results showed that the settlement management in the central part of Central Ciliwung Watershed was progressive strategy. It meant that the existing design was in less stable condition. The main priority of the management strategy in the central part of Central Ciliwung was ecological aspect. The concept of settlement consisted of three zones, namely the housing zone, transition zone, and the public zone. There were 2 types of settlement: middle class and lower middle class settlement

    Kajian Desain Healing Garden di RSUD Ahmad Yani sebagai Media Terapi Psikologis Berdasarkan Persepsi dan Preferensi Tenaga Kesehatan

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    In urban communities, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused psychological and mental disorders. Health workers are most affected and vulnerable to psychological disorders, especially those working at Covid-19 referral hospitals such as the Ahmad Yani Hospital. As a result, psychological therapy facilities or media that can improve the psychological health of health workers are needed. The research aimed to determine the urgency and need for healing gardens among health workers, to know about health workers' perceptions and preferences regarding healing garden design, and make recommendations on criteria and design concepts for healing gardens in the Ahmad Yani Hospital area. The study's methods included the distribution of questionnaires and interviews. Descriptive analysis with crosstabulation and frequency techniques is used. A healing garden in the Ahmad Yani Hospital area is regarded as necessary as a psychological therapy medium for improving the psychological health of health workers. During the Covid-19 pandemic in the hospital environment, 97.3% of participants said they needed a green open space that functions as a relaxation area to improve psychological health, and 94.6% said they needed a healing garden. Colour parameters, materials, concepts, space, plants, plant strata, plant functions, facilities, areas/locations, and healing garden criteria are all preferences for health workers. Health workers' preferences for healing garden design are generally relatively consistent across gender and age groups. A nature-oriented healing garden design is the recommended healing garden design for the Ahmad Yani Hospital area (biophilic design)

    Physiological and Psychological Effects of Walking in Campus Landscape on Young Adults

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    Green space has a vital role in the community’s health and well-being. Forest bathing is an effective method of enjoying the forest atmosphere through physical activity or relaxing in a forest landscape. However, until now, no one has declared the benefits of forest therapy in Indonesia. This study clarifies the physiological and psychological effects of walking in a campus landscape. This research was conducted using experimental methods through physical activity survey, self-report questionnaires, Visitor Employed Photography (VEP), and automatic classification based on the image annotation API. The experiment was conducted in a park and an arboretum, and thirty-two young university subjects were tested. The participants walked for fifteen minutes on walking routes and district roads. Their blood pressure was measured before and after walking, and their heart rate was measured continuously. During the walk, the subjects took photographs of striking scenes using the Visitor Employed Photography method. Profile of Mood States (POMS) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) were used to evaluate the psychological responses. Walking in the campus landscape resulted in a lower heart rate, less negative moods, and less anxiety than walking on the district road. Out of 837 photographs, 45% were taken from the Academic Event Plaza, 41.5% from the Arboretum, and the remaining 13.5% from district road, Jalan Raya Dramaga. Two main groups of campus green spaces included man-made landscape consisting of road surface, buildings, plant organs, stairs, and terrestrial plants; and natural landscape consisting of sky, trees, flowers, clouds, and plant community. This study found that walking in campus green space induced physiological and psychological health benefits and prominent landscape elements supported the green campus