86 research outputs found

    Head and Neck Cancer Trends in Semarang: An analysis of ASR and ASCR

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    Background: The sustainable incidence data of Head and Neck Cancer is poorly described in Indonesia. There was no large-scale epidemiological study of head and neck cancer in Indonesia, especially in Semarang and surrounding areas. Whereas, by knowing the distribution of sex and age in the incidence data could indicate changes in patterns of cancer that occur every year. Aim: This research aim to determine the distribution of head and neck cancer based on anatomic site, age and sex by counting the Age Standardization Rates (ASR) and Age Standardization Cancer Ratio (ASCAR) score Methods : This research was a retrospective observational descriptive study using the medical records of Head and Neck Cancer Patients from Anatomical Pathology Laboratory of Kariadi Central Hospital / Medical Faculty Diponegoro University and Waspada Laboratory in 2010- 2014. Collected data were tabulated manually using Microsoft Excel and analyzed and presented descriptively in table or graphic form Result: The incidences of head and neck cancer were varies every year. The nasopharyngeal cancer seems to be the most common head and neck cancer diagnosed during 2010- 2014. ASCR and ASR in male and female were different in certain head and neck cancer cases. Generally, ASR in male was higher than in females. Conclusion: The trends of head and neck cancer mostly in men. Based on age it distributed mostly in age group 40- 44.Nasopharyngeal cancer is the most cases diagnosed in this period in both male and female and followed with the neoplasm of nasal cavity and middle ear. Age Standardization used in this research allows this research’s result to be compared with the result in another population which used the same method. Keywords Head and Neck Cancer, ASR, ASC

    Tingkat Ketahanan Hidup Penderita Kanker Nasofaring pada Berbagai Modalitas Terapi Studi Kasus yang Menjalani Terapi Konvensional dan Pengobatan Komplementer Alternatif

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    Survival rate of patients with nasopharyngeal cancer on various modalitie: Case study of patients on conventional therapy and Indonesian complementary and alternative medicineBackground: There are no data on survival rate of patients with nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) on complementary alternative medicine in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to analyze the survival rate of patients with nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) on conventional (modern) and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments.Methods: A cross-sectional observational study of 33 NPC patients from each conventional (modern) treatment and CAM group was performed. The guided intervews were conducted to describe CAM treatment in NPC patients by using a validated questionnaire based CAM therapies of California Health Interview Survey 2001. Survival analysis was conducted by the Kaplan-Meir method.Results: Most patients (52.3%) used CAM treatments.Multivitamin and herbal medicines were among the commonly used CAM (52.8%). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed no significant results (p=0.444) between groups. The first and second year of survival rate was comparable between groups (66.6% vs. 54.5%; 45.5% vs 33.3%). Furthermore, the median overall survival (OS) was shown (16; 95% CI: 1.58-8.90) in CAM treatment patients and conventional (modern) treatment (12; 95% CI: 8.477-0.00). The prevalenceratio (PR) obtained in this study was 1.2 (95% CI: 0.79-1.69).Conclusion: CAM treatment on NPC patients had no effect on survival rate compared with conventional (modern) treatment

    Inhalation Ascorbic Acid Modulates Sinonasal Immune System

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    Inhaled drugs, commonly used for the treatment of chronic lung disease, are intended to have their effect quickly reach the airways and are less absorbed into the bloodstream. As ascorbic acid can be dangerous at high dosages, the inhalation route can be a substitute for getting a rapid topical elevated level of ascorbic acid. Drug/vitamin with inhalation route has an advantage as a non-invasive route, minimal side-effect, fast-onset, no first-pass metabolism, and more potent pharmacodynamics drug. The relationship between the effect of ascorbic acid in the form of inhalation on the sinonasal mucosal immune system needs to be studied, considering the role of ascorbic acid in the prevention and plausible prognosis of pandemic era


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    Background : Fuel vapor contains benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX) which are irritant substances. Exposure to irritants in the nasal mucosa will cause damage to the nasal mucociliary transport system. Gas station officers in Indonesia are exposed to the irritant substances during their employment. The effect of working as a gas station operator and the duration of work on the nasal mucociliary transport system is not yet known. Aim : Knowing the difference between nasal mucociliary transport time with a job as a gas station operator and duration of work. Methods : This study was an observational study with age matched case control design. Samples were 18 gas station officers around Tembalang Semarang and 18 students and officials at FK Undip Tembalang Semarang as the control group. Nasal mucociliary transport times were measured using saccharin test. Normality of the data was tested by the Shapiro-Wilk. Data were analyzed with the Mann-Whitney test. Results : The mean nasal mucociliary transport time on gas station officers was 1222.56 seconds while on non gas station officers was 892.33 seconds. The Mann-Whitney test nasal mucociliary transport time on officers and non officers showed a significant difference (p = 0.001), whereas there was no significant difference (p = 0.075) when compared to the duration of work. Conclusion : There is a time difference of nasal mucociliary transport on gas station officers and there is no difference compared to the duration of work. Key Words : Fuel vapor, nasal mucociliary transport time, job, duration of wor


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    Background: The healing process of burns is influenced by epithelial faster grown, VEGF expression (vascular endothelial growth factor) and the amount of collagen. Nigella sativa oil could cure the second grade burn wound as effective as silver sulfadiazine cream. Olea europaea accelerates the formation of collagen, reepitelisation and enhances VEGF expression. The combination of both proved its potential in producing faster wound healing with minimal scarring. Method: This is a true experimental study using “posttest only control group design”, including 40 males Wistar rats as subject, body weight ± 200 grams, and maintained at room temperature 280-320C, standard feed and ad libitum drink, adapted and acclimatized a week in Individual cages before treatment. All rats were induced burns in the back area with previous local anesthesia given. All rats are administered cream therapy immediately after burning induction, and repeated daily once for 5 days, and divided into 4 group with the treatment as follows; Group 1 were applied with Sulfadene® (silver sulfadiazine 1%), group 2 by Nigella sativa cream, Group 3 has given olive oil 5% and group 4 has given combination cream of Nigella sativa and olive oil 5%. On the 5th day of the study, each group was randomly assigned 5 rats to terminate the VEGF expression and counting the amount of fibroblast. The 21st day of the study, all groups were terminated and histopathologic examination of scar formation in scar burn areas measured in thickness with Optilab Pro® software.Result: The highest number of fibroblast cells was consecutive group 1 (27.4), group 3 (26.7), group 2 (26.4), and the least group 4 (18.3). VEGF expression did not differ in all groups (Kruskal Wallis, P = 0.074.Conclusion: The combination of Nigella sativa and Olea europea cream mixes speeds the healing of burns with scarring. Keywords: Nigella sativa, Olea europe, fibroblast, VEGF, burns, scar thicknes

    Hubungan Rinitis Alergi Dengan Kejadian Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Atas Akut Episode Sering

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    Background : Acute upper respiratory tract onfection is a disease that is often encountered inchildren and adults. It attacks the respiratory tract infection and one or more of the upperairway from teh nose to the epiglottis consisting of rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis thatif there are three to five times a year called acue upper respiratory tract infection episodes often.This study aims to prove that allergic rhinitis is a risk factor for the occurrence of frequentepisodes ISPaA.Methods : This study uses cross-sectional and questionnaire methods in schools and SMAN 12SMAN 3 Semarang to look for upper respiratory tract infections and acute episodes often afactor – an influential factor.Results : The Chi Square test results obtained factor of allergic rhinitis, the presence ofcockroaches factors, family factors are smokers, active smokers factors, and factors sexrespectively – also have the results ( p=0,001 RP=2,228; 95% CI=1,431 to 3,958, p=0,044RP=1,593; 95% CI=1,012 to 2,505, p=0,218 RP=0,755; 95% CI=0,482 to 1,181, p=0,001RP=0,384; 95% CI=0,334 to 0,442, p=0,386 RP=0,817; 95% CI=0,517 to 1,290) after logisticregression test was conducted acquired factor allergic rhinitis (p=0,002 RP=2,290; 95%CI=1,351 to 3,879) and presence of cockroaches factor (p=0,028 RP=1,702; IK 95% =1,059 to2,737) is an independent factor to the occurence of frequent episodes ISPaA.Conclusion : People who have allergic rhinitis exposed to the risk of frequent episodes ISPaA by2,29 times than those without allergic rhinitis and the presence of cockroaches in the homepopulation has a risk of frequent episodes ISPaA by 1,7-fold compared to a population that hasno inside his home

    Profil Imunopositivitas Protein Ebv Pada Penderita Karsinoma Nasofaring Dan Individu Sehat Berisiko

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    Latar Belakang: Analisis immunoblot digunakan untuk mendeteksi protein Epstein –Barr pada serum darah penderita karsinoma nasofaring dan individu sehat berisiko.Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan imunopositivitas protein Epstein-Barr Virus antara penderita karsinoma nasofaring dengan individu sehat berisiko.Metode: Penelitian observasional dengan case-control design, menggunakan sampel darah 20 penderita karsinoma nasofaring dan kontrol yang terdiri dari 20 individu sehat berisiko. Imunopositivitas Protein Epstein-Barr dianalisis denganimmunoblot.Hasil: Uji Mann-Whitney menghasilkan imunopositivitas protein-protein yang memberikan perbedaan bermakna secara statistik, yaitu : VCA-p18 (p=0.041), VCA-p40 (p=0.035) dan EA-p47/54 (p=0.009) dan tidak bermakna secara statistikyaitu : ZEBRA(0.140) , EBNA1 (0.540), TK(0.713), dan DNAse (0.740)Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan imunopositivitas protein VCA-p18, VCA-p40 dan EA-p47/54 Epstein-Barr Virus dan tidak terdapat perbedaan imunopositivitas protein ZEBRA, EBNA1, TK, dan DNAse Epstein-Barr Virus antara penderitakarsinoma nasofaring dengan individu sehat berisiko

    PERBEDAAN PROFIL SPIROMETRI PADA PETUGAS SPBU(Studi Observasional Analitik pada Petugas SPBU dan Non SPBU )

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    LATAR BELAKANG Uap Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) mengandung bahan kimia beracun yang berpotensi menyebabkan kelainan patologi pada saluran nafas. Petugas SPBU di Indonesia tidak memakai masker untuk mengurangi atau menghilangkan efek paparan uap atau gas yang dihasilkan oleh BBM sehingga dapat mengganggu fisiologi paru yang diukur dengan spirometer. TUJUAN Mengukur profil spirometri petugas SPBU (Vital Capacity, Forced Vital Capacity, Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second/VC, FVC, FEV1) dan membuktikan keterkaitannya dengan usia, jenis kelamin, dan lama kerja. METODE Studi observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Pada petugas SPBU sebanyak 32 orang dilakukan pengukuran spirometri meliputi VC, FVC, FEV1 dan dilakukan Mann-Whitney HASIL Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara VC dengan jenis kelamin (p=0,05). Tidak terdapat bermakna profil spirometri antara petugas SPBU dan non petugas SPBU SIMPULAN Jenis kelamin dan lama kerja memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan VC. Usia, jenis kelamin, dan lama kerja tidak memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan FVC dan FEV1. KATA KUNCI Spirometri, VC, FVC, FEV1, Pegawai SPBU
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