28 research outputs found
Non-Local Advantage of Quantum Coherence
A bipartite state is said to be steerable if and only if it does not have a
single system description, i.e., the bipartite state cannot be explained by a
local hidden state model. Several steering inequalities have been derived using
different local uncertainty relations to verify the ability to control the
state of one subsystem by the other party. Here, we derive complementarity
relations between coherences measured on mutually unbiased bases using various
coherence measures such as the -norm, relative entropy and skew
information. Using these relations, we derive conditions under which non-local
advantage of quantum coherence can be achieved and the state is steerable. We
show that not all steerable states can achieve such advantage.Comment: 8 pages, protocol modified, To appear in PRA-Rapid Communication
Fine-grained EPR-steering inequalities
We derive a new steering inequality based on a fine-grained uncertainty
relation to capture EPR-steering for bipartite systems. Our steering inequality
improves over previously known ones since it can experimentally detect all
steerable two-qubit Werner state with only two measurement settings on each
side. According to our inequality, pure entangle states are maximally
steerable. Moreover, by slightly changing the setting, we can express the
amount of violation of our inequality as a function of their violation of the
CHSH inequality. Finally, we prove that the amount of violation of our steering
inequality is, up to a constant factor, a lower bound on the key rate of a
one-sided device independent quantum key distribution protocol secure against
individual attacks. To show this result, we first derive a monogamy relation
for our steering inequality.Comment: 5 pages, Accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in
Physical Review
Experimental detection of steerability in Bell local states with two measurement settings
Steering, a quantum property stronger than entanglement but weaker than
non-locality in the quantum correlation hierarchy, is a key resource for
one-sided device-independent quantum key distribution applications, in which
only one of the communicating parties is trusted. A fine-grained steering
inequality was introduced in [PRA 90 050305(R) (2014)], enabling for the first
time the detection of steering in all steerable two-qubit Werner states using
only two measurement settings. Here we numerically and experimentally
investigate this inequality for generalized Werner states and successfully
detect steerability in a wide range of two-photon polarization-entangled Bell
local states generated by a parametric down-conversion source.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures (including Appendix