633 research outputs found
Broadband method for precise microwave spectroscopy of superconducting thin films near the critical temperature
We present a high-resolution microwave spectrometer to measure the
frequency-dependent complex conductivity of a superconducting thin film near
the critical temperature. The instrument is based on a broadband measurement of
the complex reflection coefficient, , of a coaxial transmission
line, which is terminated to a thin film sample with the electrodes in a
Corbino disk shape. In the vicinity of the critical temperature, the standard
calibration technique using three known standards fails to extract the strong
frequency dependence of the complex conductivity induced by the superconducting
fluctuations. This is because a small unexpected difference between the phase
parts of for a short and load standards gives rise to a large
error in the detailed frequency dependence of the complex conductivity near the
superconducting transition. We demonstrate that a new calibration procedure
using the normal-state conductivity of a sample as a load standard resolves
this difficulty. The high quality performance of this spectrometer, which
covers the frequency range between 0.1 GHz and 10 GHz, the temperature range
down to 10 K, and the magnetic field range up to 1 T, is illustrated by the
experimental results on several thin films of both conventional and high
temperature superconductors.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure
Interaction-induced harmonic frequency mixing in quantum dots
We show that harmonic frequency mixing in quantum dots coupled to two leads
under the influence of time-dependent voltages of different frequency is
dominated by interaction effects. This offers a unique and direct spectroscopic
tool to access correlations, and holds promise for efficient frequency mixing
in nano-devices. Explicit results are provided for an Anderson dot and for a
molecular level with phonon-mediated interactions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.Let
Radio-frequency operation of a double-island single-electron transistor
We present results on a double-island single-electron transistor (DISET)
operated at radio-frequency (rf) for fast and highly sensitive detection of
charge motion in the solid state. Using an intuitive definition for the charge
sensitivity, we compare a DISET to a conventional single-electron transistor
(SET). We find that a DISET can be more sensitive than a SET for identical,
minimum device resistances in the Coulomb blockade regime. This is of
particular importance for rf operation where ideal impedance matching to 50 Ohm
transmission lines is only possible for a limited range of device resistances.
We report a charge sensitivity of 5.6E-6 e/sqrt(Hz) for a rf-DISET, together
with a demonstration of single-shot detection of small (<=0.1e) charge signals
on microsecond timescales.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
Non-degenerate, three-wave mixing with the Josephson ring modulator
The Josephson ring modulator (JRM) is a device, based on Josephson tunnel
junctions, capable of performing non-degenerate mixing in the microwave regime
without losses. The generic scattering matrix of the device is calculated by
solving coupled quantum Langevin equations. Its form shows that the device can
achieve quantum-limited noise performance both as an amplifier and a mixer.
Fundamental limitations on simultaneous optimization of performance metrics
like gain, bandwidth and dynamic range (including the effect of pump depletion)
are discussed. We also present three possible integrations of the JRM as the
active medium in a different electromagnetic environment. The resulting
circuits, named Josephson parametric converters (JPC), are discussed in detail,
and experimental data on their dynamic range are found to be in good agreement
with theoretical predictions. We also discuss future prospects and requisite
optimization of JPC as a preamplifier for qubit readout applications.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, 4 table
Power-dependent internal loss in Josephson bifurcation amplifiers
We have studied nonlinear superconducting resonators: lambda/2
coplanar-waveguide (CPW) resonators with Josephson junctions (JJs) placed in
the middle and lambda/4 CPW resonators terminated by JJs, which can be used for
the qubit readout as "bifurcation amplifiers." The nonlinearity of the
resonators arises from the Josephson junctions, and because of the
nonlinearity, the resonators with appropriate parameters are expected to show a
hysteretic response to the frequency sweep, or "bifurcation," when they are
driven with a sufficiently large power. We designed and fabricated resonators
whose resonant frequencies were around 10 GHz. We characterized the resonators
at low temperatures, T<0.05 K, and confirmed that they indeed exhibited
hysteresis. The sizes of the hysteresis, however, are sometimes considerably
smaller than the predictions based on the loaded quality factor in the weak
drive regime. When the discrepancy appears, it is mostly explained by taking
into account the internal loss, which often increases in our resonators with
increasing drive power in the relevant power range. As a possible origin of the
power-dependent loss, the quasiparticle channel of conductance of the JJs is
discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure
Reflection-Free One-Way Edge Modes in a Gyromagnetic Photonic Crystal
We point out that electromagnetic one-way edge modes analogous to quantum
Hall edge states, originally predicted by Raghu and Haldane in 2D gyroelectric
photonic crystals possessing Dirac point-derived bandgaps, can appear in more
general settings. In particular, we show that the TM modes in a gyromagnetic
photonic crystal can be formally mapped to electronic wavefunctions in a
periodic electromagnetic field, so that the only requirement for the existence
of one-way edge modes is that the Chern number for all bands below a gap is
non-zero. In a square-lattice gyromagnetic Yttrium-Iron-Garnet photonic crystal
operating at microwave frequencies, which lacks Dirac points, time-reversal
breaking is strong enough that the effect should be easily observable. For
realistic material parameters, the edge modes occupy a 10% band gap. Numerical
simulations of a one-way waveguide incorporating this crystal show 100%
transmission across strong defects, such as perfect conductors several lattice
constants wide, larger than the width of the waveguide.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (Figs. 1 and 2 revised.
A near-field scanned microwave probe for spatially localized electrical metrology
We have developed a near-field scanned microwave probe with a sampling volume
of approximately 10 micron in diameter, which is the smallest one achieved in
near-field microwave microscopy. This volume is defined to confine close to 100
percent of the probe net sampling reactive energy, thus making the response
virtually independent on the sample properties outside of this region. The
probe is formed by a 4 GHz balanced stripline resonator with a few-micron tip
size. It provides non-contact, non-invasive measurement and is uniquely suited
for spatially localized electrical metrology applications, e.g. on
semiconductor production wafers.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Appl. Phys. Let
Experimental Demonstration of a Structured Material with Extreme Effective Parameters at Microwaves
Following our recent theoretical studies [M. G. Silveirinha, C. A. Fernandes,
Phys. Rev. B, 78, 033108, 2008], it is experimentally verified that an array of
crossed metallic wires may behave as a nonresonant material with extremely
large index of refraction at microwaves, and may enable the realization of
ultra-subwavelength waveguides.Comment: accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters (in press).
Applied Physics Letters (in press) (2008
Analysis of broadband microwave conductivity and permittivity measurements of semiconducting materials
We perform broadband phase sensitive measurements of the reflection
coefficient from 45 MHz up to 20 GHz employing a vector network analyzer with a
2.4 mm coaxial sensor which is terminated by the sample under test. While the
material parameters (conductivity and permittivity) can be easily extracted
from the obtained impedance data if the sample is metallic, no direct solution
is possible if the material under investigation is an insulator. Focusing on
doped semiconductors with largely varying conductivity, here we present a
closed calibration and evaluation procedure for frequencies up to 5 GHz, based
on the rigorous solution for the electromagnetic field distribution inside the
sample combined with the variational principle; basically no limiting
assumptions are necessary. A simple static model based on the electric current
distribution proves to yield the same frequency dependence of the complex
conductivity up to 1 GHz. After a critical discussion we apply the developed
method to the hopping transport in Si:P at temperature down to 1 K.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Journal of
Applied Physic
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