42 research outputs found

    Universal threshold for femtosecond laser ablation with oblique illumination

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    We quantify the dependence of the single-shot ablation threshold on the angle of incidence and polarization of a femtosecond laser beam, for three dissimilar solid-state materials: a metal, a dielectric and a semiconductor. Using the constant, linear value of the index of refraction, we calculate the laser fluence transmitted through the air-material interface at the point of ablation threshold. We show that, in spite of the highly nonlinear ionization dynamics involved in the ablation process, the so defined transmitted threshold fluence is universally independent of the angle of incidence and polarization of the laser beam for all three material types. We suggest that angular dependence of ablation threshold can be utilized for profiling fluence distributions in ultra-intense femtosecond laser beams.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Experimental Tests of the New Paradigm for Laser Filamentation in Gases

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    Since their discovery in the mid-1990s, ultrafast laser filaments in gases have been described as products of a dynamic balance between Kerr self-focusing and defocusing by free electric charges that are generated via multi-photon ionization on the beam axis. This established paradigm has been recently challenged by a suggestion that the Kerr effect saturates and even changes sign at high intensity of light, and that this sign reversal, not free-charge defocusing, is the dominant mechanism responsible for the extended propagation of laser filaments. We report qualitative tests of the new theory based on electrical and optical measurements of plasma density in femtosecond laser filaments in air and argon. Our results consistently support the established paradigm.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Ionization clamping in ultrafast optical breakdown of transparent solids

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    We formulate a multi-physics model to describe the nonlinear propagation of a femtosecond, near-infrared, tightly focused laser pulse in a transparent dielectric. The application of our model to the case of bulk sapphire shows that even under extreme excitation conditions, ionization is universally clamped at about one tenth of the electron density in the upper valence band. The earlier estimate of ~10 TPa pressure that could be attainable through the internal excitation of transparent dielectrics by tightly focused ultrafast laser beams is shown to be off by two orders of magnitude

    Measurements of fluence profiles in femtosecond laser filaments in air

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    We introduce a technique to measure fluence distributions in femtosecond laser beams with peak intensity of up to several hundred terawatts per square centimeter. Our ap- proach is based on the dependence of single-shot laser abla- tion threshold for gold on the angle of incidence of the laser beam on the gold sample. We apply this technique to the profiling of fluence distributions in femtosecond laser fila- ments at a wavelength of 800 nm in air. The peak intensity is found to be clamped at a level that depends on the ex- ternal beam focusing. The limiting value of the peak inten- sity attainable in long-range 800 nm air filaments, under very loose focusing conditions (f -number above ∼500), is about 55 TW∕cm2

    Third and fifth harmonics generation by tightly focused femtosecond pulses at 2.2 {\mu}m wavelength in air

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    We report experiments on the generation of third and fifth harmonics of millijoule-level, tightly focused, femtosecond laser pulses at 2.2 {\mu}m wavelength in air. The measured ratio of yields of the third and fifth harmonics in our setup is about 2 \cdot 10-4. This result contradicts the recent suggestion that the Kerr effect in air saturates and changes sign in ultra-intense optical fields.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Standoff spectroscopy via remote generation of a backward-propagating laser beam

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    In an earlier publication we demonstrated that by using pairs of pulses of different colors (e.g., red and blue) it is possible to excite a dilute ensemble of molecules such that lasing and/or gain-swept superradiance is realized in a direction toward the observer. This approach is a conceptual step toward spectroscopic probing at a distance, also known as standoff spectroscopy. In the present paper, we propose a related but simpler approach on the basis of the backward-directed lasing in optically excited dominant constituents of plain air, N(2) and O(2). This technique relies on the remote generation of a weakly ionized plasma channel through filamentation of an ultraintense femtosecond laser pulse. Subsequent application of an energetic nanosecond pulse or series of pulses boosts the plasma density in the seed channel via avalanche ionization. Depending on the spectral and temporal content of the driving pulses, a transient population inversion is established in either nitrogen- or oxygen-ionized molecules, thus enabling a transient gain for an optical field propagating toward the observer. This technique results in the generation of a strong, coherent, counterpropagating optical probe pulse. Such a probe, combined with a wavelength-tunable laser signal(s) propagating in the forward direction, provides a tool for various remote-sensing applications. The proposed technique can be enhanced by combining it with the gain-swept excitation approach as well as with beam shaping and adaptive optics techniques

    Multi-pulse scheme for laser-guided electrical breakdown of air

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    Channeling an extended electrical breakdown of air by a laser beam is a long-standing challenge in applied laser science. Virtually all previously reported experiments on discharge channeling by femtosecond laser beams relied on the application of a single laser pulse and have been conducted with discharge gaps of less than one meter, in which case the direct ohmic heating of the laser-generated plasma by the applied DC electric field is the dominant channeling mechanism. We report a laboratory-scale demonstration of a channeling approach that makes use of concatenated plasma filaments produced by a sequence of multiple ultrashort laser pulses. Direct ohmic heating of the guiding channel is eliminated through the introduction of large temporal delays between the individual laser pulses in the pulse sequence. We propose an extension of this scheme to channeling kilometer-scale discharges, including natural lightning. Our proposed approach alleviates the fundamental range limitations inherent to the single-pulse schemes reported previously. It can channel discharges propagating in either direction and along curved paths. Published by AIP Publishing.U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research under MURI Award [FA9550-16-1-0013]12 month embargo; published online: 16 October 2017This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Air lasing

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    This book presents the first comprehensive, interdisciplinary review of the rapidly developing field of air lasing. In most applications of lasers, such as cutting and engraving, the laser source is brought to the point of service where the laser beam is needed to perform its function. However, in some important applications such as remote atmospheric sensing, placing the laser at a convenient location is not an option. Current sensing schemes rely on the detection of weak backscattering of ground-based, forward-propagating optical probes, and possess limited sensitivity. The concept of air lasing (or atmospheric lasing) relies on the idea that the constituents of the air itself can be used as an active laser medium, creating a backward-propagating, impulsive, laser-like radiation emanating from a remote location in the atmosphere. This book provides important insights into the current state of development of air lasing and its applications