307 research outputs found
A Microscopic Look at Liquid Helium: the 3He Impurity Case
The description of the properties of liquid Helium is a challenge for any
microscopic many-body theory. In this context, we study the ground state and
the excitation spectrum of one He impurity in liquid He at T=0 with the
aim of illustrating the power of the correlated basis function formalism in
describing heavily correlated systems. The strong interatomic interaction and
the large density require the theory to be pushed to a high degree of
sophistication. A many-body correlation operator containing explicit two- and
thre-particle correlation functions is needed to obtain a realistic ground
state wave function, whereas a perturbative expansion including up to two
phonon correlated states must be enforced to study the impurity excitation
energies. The theory describes accurately the experimental spectrum along all
the available momentum range. As empirically shown by the experiments, a marked
deviation from the quadratic Landau-Pomeranchuck behavior is found and the
momentum dependent effective mass of the impurity increases of at
with respect to its q=0 value. Although the main emphasis
is given to the Correlated Basis Function theory, we present also comparisons
with other methods, as diffusion Monte Carlo, variational Monte Carlo with
shadow wave functions and time dependent correlations.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figs, world-scientific latex style. Proceedings of Many
Body X, Seattle, 10-15 Sept. 199
Spin polarized neutron matte and magnetic susceptibility within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation
The Brueckner--Hartree--Fock formalism is applied to study spin polarized
neutron matter properties. Results of the total energy per particle as a
function of the spin polarization and density are presented for two modern
realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions, Nijmegen II and Reid93. We find that
the dependence of the energy on the spin polarization is practically parabolic
in the full range of polarizations. The magnetic susceptibility of the system
is computed. Our results show no indication of a ferromagnetic transition which
becomes even more difficult as the density increases.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures (Submitted to PRC
Energy and structure of dilute hard- and soft-sphere gases
The energy and structure of dilute hard- and soft-sphere Bose gases are
systematically studied in the framework of several many-body approaches, as the
variational correlated theory, the Bogoliubov model and the uniform limit
approximation, valid in the weak interaction regime. When possible, the results
are compared with the exact diffusion Monte Carlo ones. A Jastrow type
correlation provides a good description of the systems, both hard- and
soft-spheres, if the hypernetted chain energy functional is freely minimized
and the resulting Euler equation is solved. The study of the soft-spheres
potentials confirms the appearance of a dependence of the energy on the shape
of the potential at gas paremeter values of . For quantities
other than the energy, such as the radial distribution functions and the
momentum distributions, the dependence appears at any value of . The
occurrence of a maximum in the radial distribution function, in the momentum
distribution and in the excitation spectrum is a natural effect of the
correlations when increases. The asymptotic behaviors of the functions
characterizing the structure of the systems are also investigated. The uniform
limit approach results very easy to implement and provides a good description
of the soft-sphere gas. Its reliability improves when the interaction weakens.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev.
Density and isospin asymmetry dependence of high-momentum components
We study the one-body momentum distribution at different densities in nuclear
matter, with special emphasis on its components at high momentum. Explicit
calculations for finite neutron-proton asymmetry, based on the ladder
self-consistent Green's function approach, allow us to access the isospin
dependence of momentum distributions and elucidate their role in neutron-rich
systems. Comparisons with the deuteron momentum distribution indicate that a
substantial proportion of high-momentum components are dominated by tensor
correlations. We identify the density dependence of these tensor correlations
in the momentum distributions. Further, we find that high-momentum components
are determined by the density of each sub-species and we provide a new isospin
asymmetry scaling of these components. We use different realistic
nucleon-nucleon interactions to quantify the model dependence of our results.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Accepted version in Phys. Rev.
Spin-orbit and tensor interactions in homogeneous matter of nucleons: accuracy of modern many-body theories
We study the energy per particle of symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron
matter using realistic nucleon--nucleon potentials having non central tensor
and spin--orbit components, up to three times the empirical nuclear matter
saturation density, fm. The calculations are carried out
within the frameworks of the Brueckner--Bethe--Goldstone (BBG) and Correlated
Basis Functions (CBF) formalisms, in order to ascertain the accuracy of the
methods. The two hole--line approximation, with the continuous choice for the
single particle auxiliary potential, is adopted for the BBG approach, whereas
the variational Fermi Hypernetted Chain/Single Operator Chain theory, corrected
at the second order perturbative expansion level, is used in the CBF one. The
energies are then compared with the available Quantum and Variational Monte
Carlo results in neutron matter and with the BBG, up to the three hole--line
diagrams. For neutron matter and potentials without spin--orbit components all
methods, but perturbative CBF, are in reasonable agreement up to 3
. After the inclusion of the LS interactions, we still find agreement
around , whereas it is spoiled at larger densities. The spin--orbit
potential lowers the energy of neutron matter at by 3--4 MeV
per nucleon. In symmetric nuclear matter, the BBG and the variational results
are in agreement up to 1.5 . Beyond this density, and in
contrast with neutron matter, we find good agreement only for the potential
having spin--orbit components.Comment: 18 pages, 4 tables. Accepted in PL
Pairing and short-range correlations in nuclear systems
The structure and density dependence of the pairing gap in infinite matter is
relevant for astrophysical phenomena and provides a starting point for the
discussion of pairing properties in nuclear structure. Short-range correlations
can significantly deplete the available single-particle strength around the
Fermi surface and thus provide a reduction mechanism of the pairing gap. Here,
we study this effect in the singlet and triplet channels of both neutron matter
and symmetric nuclear matter. Our calculations use phase-shift equivalent
interactions and chiral two-body and three-body interactions as a starting
point. We find an unambiguous reduction of the gap in all channels with very
small dependence on the NN force in the singlet neutron matter and the triplet
nuclear matter channel. In the latter channel, short range correlations alone
provide a 50% reduction of the pairing gap.Comment: Final version, as published in journal after refereein
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