191 research outputs found
Entanglement spectra of quantum Heisenberg ladders
Bipartite entanglement measures are fantastic tools to investigate quantum
phases of correlated electrons. Here, I analyze the entanglement spectrum of
**gapped** two-leg quantum Heisenberg ladders on a periodic ribbon partitioned
into two identical periodic chains. Comparison of various entanglement
entropies proposed in the literature is given. The entanglement spectrum is
shown to closely reflect the low-energy gapless spectrum of each individual
edge, for any sign of the exchange coupling constants. This extends the
conjecture initially drawn for Fractional Quantum Hall systems to the field of
quantum magnetism, stating a direct correspondence between the low-energy
entanglement spectrum of a partitioned system and the true spectrum of the
"virtual edges". A mapping of the reduced density matrix to a thermodynamic
density matrix is also proposed via the introduction of an effective
temperature.Comment: Revised version, 9 pages, 7 figures. "Supplementary material" showing
additional results for **frustrated** ladder
Properties of holons in the Quantum Dimer Model
I introduce a doped two-dimensional quantum dimer model describing a doped
Mott insulator and retaining the original Fermi statistics of the electrons.
This model shows a rich phase diagram including a d-wave hole-pair
unconventional superconductor at small enough doping and a bosonic superfluid
at large doping. The hole kinetic energy is shown to favor binding of
topological defects to the bare fermionic holons turning them into bosons, in
agreement with arguments based on RVB wave-functions. Results are discussed in
the context of cuprates superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, extensive revision, important new data included
in Fig.4(a
Investigation of the chiral antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model using PEPS
A simple spin- frustrated antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model (AFHM) on
the square lattice - including chiral plaquette cyclic terms - was argued [Anne
E.B. Nielsen, German Sierra and J. Ignacio Cirac, Nature Communications , 2864 (2013)] to host a bosonic Kalmeyer-Laughlin (KL) fractional quantum
Hall ground state [V. Kalmeyer and R. B. Laughlin, Phys. Rev. Lett. ,
2095 (1987)]. Here, we construct generic families of chiral projected entangled
pair states (chiral PEPS) with low bond dimension () which, upon
optimization, provide better variational energies than the KL ansatz. The
optimal PEPS exhibits chiral edge modes described by the
Wess-Zumino-Witten model, as expected for the KL spin liquid.
However, we find evidence that, in contrast to the KL state, the PEPS spin
liquids have power-law dimer-dimer correlations and exhibit a gossamer
long-range tail in the spin-spin correlations. We conjecture that these
features are genuine to local chiral AFHM on bipartite lattices.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Phys. Rev. B Rapid Com. (in press
Quantum critical phase with infinite projected entangled paired states
A classification of SU(2)-invariant Projected Entangled Paired States (PEPS)
on the square lattice, based on a unique site tensor, has been recently
introduced by Mambrini et al.~\cite{Mambrini2016}. It is not clear whether such
SU(2)-invariant PEPS can either i) exhibit long-range magnetic order (like in
the N\'eel phase) or ii) describe a genuine quantum critical point (QCP) or
quantum critical phase (QCPh) separating two ordered phases. Here, we identify
a specific family of SU(2)-invariant PEPS of the classification which provides
excellent variational energies for the frustrated Heisenberg model,
especially at , corresponding to the approximate location of the QCP
or QCPh separating the N\'eel phase from a dimerized phase. The PEPS are build
from virtual states belonging to the
SU(2)-representation, i.e. with "colors" of virtual
\hbox{spin-}. Using a full update infinite-PEPS approach directly
in the thermodynamic limit, based on the Corner Transfer Matrix renormalization
algorithm supplemented by a Conjugate Gradient optimization scheme, we provide
evidence of i) the absence of magnetic order and of ii) diverging correlation
lengths (i.e. showing no sign of saturation with increasing environment
dimension) in both the singlet and triplet channels, when the number of colors
. We argue that such a PEPS gives a qualitative description of the QCP
or QCPh of the model.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, supplementary material as a zip file in source
package, v4: minor adds to text + Table I and Appendix D (with 1 figure)
Nematic and supernematic phases in Kagome quantum antiferromagnets under a magnetic field
Optimizing translationally invariant infinite-Projected Entangled Pair States
(iPEPS), we investigate the spin-2 Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) and
spin-1 Heisenberg models on the Kagome lattice as a function of magnetic field.
We found that the magnetization curves offer a wide variety of compressible and
incompressible phases. Incompressible nematic phases breaking the lattice
rotation -- for which we propose simple qualitative pictures -- give rise to
magnetization plateaux at reduced magnetization and for
spin-2 and spin-1, respectively, in addition to the plateaux
characteristic of zero-field gapped spin liquids. Moving away from the plateaux
we observe a rich variety of compressible superfluid nematic -- named
"supernematic" -- phases breaking spontaneously both point group and spin-U(1)
symmetries, as well as a superfluid phase preserving lattice symmetries. We
also identify the nature -- continuous or first-order -- of the various phase
transitions. Possible connections to experimental spin-1 systems are discussed.Comment: 5 pages + supplemental material (6 pages
Competing Valence Bond Crystals in the Kagome Quantum Dimer Model
The singlet dynamics which plays a major role in the physics of the spin-1/2
Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnet (QHAF) on the Kagome lattice can be
approximately described by projecting onto the nearest-neighbor valence bond
(NNVB) singlet subspace. We re-visit here the effective Quantum Dimer Model
which originates from the latter NNVB-projected Heisenberg model via a
non-perturbative Rokhsar-Kivelson-like scheme. By using Lanczos exact
diagonalisation on a 108-site cluster supplemented by a careful symmetry
analysis, it is shown that a previously-found 36-site Valence Bond Crystal
(VBC) in fact competes with a new type of 12-site "{\it resonating-columnar}"
VBC. The exceptionally large degeneracy of the GS multiplets (144 on our
108-site cluster) might reflect the proximity of the Z_2 dimer liquid.
Interestingly, these two VBC "emerge" in {\it different topological sectors}.
Implications for the interpretation of numerical results on the QHAF are
outlined.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables; Figure 2 and Table II update
Simplex Z_2 spin liquids on the Kagome lattice with Entangled Pair States: spinon and vison coherence lengths, topological entropy and gapless edge modes
Gapped Z_2 spin liquids have been proposed as candidates for the ground-state
of the S=1/2 quantum antiferromagnet on the Kagome lattice. We extend the use
of Projected Entangled Pair States to construct (on the cylinder)Resonating
Valence Bond (RVB) states including both nearest-neighbor and next-nearest
neighbor singlet bonds. Our ansatz -- dubbed "simplex spin liquid" -- allows
for an asymmetry between the two types of triangles (of order 2-3% in the
energy density after optimization) leading to the breaking of inversion
symmetry. We show that the topological Z_2 structure is still preserved and, by
considering the presence or the absence of spinon and vison lines along an
infinite cylinder, we explicitly construct four orthogonal RVB Minimally
Entangled States. The spinon and vison coherence lengths are extracted from a
finite size scaling w.r.t the cylinder perimeter of the energy splittings of
the four sectors and are found to be of the order of the lattice spacing. The
entanglement spectrum of a partitioned (infinite) cylinder is found to be
gapless suggesting the occurrence, on a cylinder with {\it real} open
boundaries, of gapless edge modes formally similar to Luttinger liquid
(non-chiral) spin and charge modes. When inversion symmetry is spontaneously
broken, the RVB spin liquid exhibits an extra Ising degeneracy, which might
have been observed in recent exact diagonalisation studies.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures - v2 with moderate revision of abstract, text and
Dynamical properties of low dimensional CuGeO3 and NaV2O5 systems
Properties of low-dimensional spin-Peierls systems are described by using a
one dimensional S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain linearly coupled to a
single phonon mode of wave vector pi (whose contribution is expected to be
dominant). By exact diagonalizations of small rings with up to 24 sites
supplemented by a finite size scaling analysis, static and dynamical properties
are investigated. Numerical evidences are given for a spontaneous discrete
symmetry breaking towards a spin gapped phase with a frozen lattice
dimerization. Special emphasis is put on the comparative study of the two
inorganic spin-Peierls compounds CuGeO3 and NaV2O5 and the model parameters are
determined from a fit of the experimental spin gaps. We predict that the
spin-phonon coupling is 2 or 3 times larger in NaV2O5 than in CuGeO3. Inelastic
neutron scattering spectra are calculated and similar results are found in the
single phonon mode approximation and in the model including a static
dimerization. In particular, the magnon S=1 branch is clearly separated from
the continuum of triplet excitations by a finite gap.Comment: 10 pages, RevTex, revised version submitted to Euro. Phys. Rev.
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