7 research outputs found
Reading encouraging from earth childhood
U vremenu smo gdje se puno govori i piše o obitelji, odgoju i brizi unutar obitelji. Jedan od najvažnijih čimbenika razvoja djeteta je upravo njegov razvoj u obiteljskom okruženju. Kroz tijek vremena, teško da se obitelj može zamijeniti bilo kojom drugom sredinom. Roditelji, kao primarni skrbnici od najranije dobi, djeci služe kao izvor informacija, a nasuprot tome dijete im vjeruje, oponaša ih i želi vrijeme provoditi s njima. Čitanje djetetu od najranije dobi jednako je važno za njegov razvoj kao i briga o njegovim osnovnim potrebama - potrebi za hranom, odmorom, zdravljem, ljubavlju, igrom i sigurnošću. Roditelj čitajući djetetu, čak i onda kada zna da dijete ne razumije što mu se govori, izgrađuje s djetetom poseban osjećaj bliskosti i povezanosti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je saznati stavove roditelja djece dječjeg vrtića na području grada Daruvara o čitanju djeci od najranije dobi te njihove navike čitanja s djecom.We live in a time where there is much talk about family, care within a family and upbringing. One of the most important factors in children’s development is its developments in a family surroundings. Family has always been the most important surroundings for a child, irreplaceable with any other. Parents, primary caregivers from the earliest age, serve as a source of information for their children. Children trust them, imitate them and want to spend time with them. Reading to children from earth childhood is just as important for their development, as taking care of their other basic needs, such as food, rest, health, love, game and security. When a parent reads to a child, he is building a special connection and closeness to this child, even when a child can’t comprehend what exactly is being said to him. The objective of this research was to learn what the attitude of parents is, in a kindergarten in Daruvar, towards reading to children from earth childhood, and also to learn something more about their reading habits with children
A look at childhood in selected works by Ivana Brlić Mažuranić and Jagoda Truhelka
Ovaj rad rezultat je proučavanja prikaza lika djeteta i djetinjstva u djelima Ivane Brlić Mažuranić i Jagode Truhelke. Cilj je rada dobiti uvid u djetinjstvo u odabranim djelima u drugom razdoblju hrvatske dječje književnosti, koje još nazivamo i doba Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić. U radu su analizirani sljedeći romani: Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića (1913.), Škola i praznici (1905.) Ivane Brlić Mažuranić i Zlatni Danci (1918.) Jagode Truhelke. Analizirajući odabrana djela, uočeni su određeni motivi koji su činili temelje tadašnjeg djetinjstva te se provlače kroz sva djela patrijarhalnost, kršćanstvo, školstvo, igra i pojam siročadi. Djeca su odrasla u kršćansko-patrijarhalnim obiteljima s vidljivim rodnim podjelama. Iako su izraženi motivi patrijarhalnosti i autoriteta, možemo govoriti o sretnom djetinjstvu ispunjenom igrom.
Pojavom autorica Jagode Truhelke i Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić dijete počinje biti u središtu zanimanja te se u hrvatskoj dječjoj književnosti pojavljuje roman o djetinjstvu. Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić svoje literarne korake radi na početku 20.stoljeća sa zbirkom pripovijetka i pjesama za djecu Valjani i nevaljani koja je tiskana u vlastitoj nakladi. Tematski srodna zbirka pripovijetki i pjesama Škola i praznici objavljena je 1905, a posebno se ističe remek-djelo Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića izdano 1913. Jagoda Truhelka je hrvatska književnica, vrsna pedagoginja i učiteljica. Svoje pojavljivanje u književnosti započinje romanom Tugomila iz 1894. godine, a s pripovijetkama za djecu Zlatni danci (1918.) stječe najviše priznanja. Truhelka se usmjeruje na svijet dječje zbilje i svakodnevice, a oprečno njoj, Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić iznosi fabule protkane s moralnošću i mitološkim elementima.This paper is the result of studying the depiction of the character of a child and childhood in the works of Ivana Brlić Mažuranić and Jagoda Truhelka. The objective of this paper is to gain an insight into childhood, in selected works in the second period of Croatian children's literature, which we also call the era of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić. The following novels are analyzed in the paper: „Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića“ (1913) , Škola i Praznici (1905) and Jagoda Truhelka's „Zlatni danci“ (1918). By analyzing the selected work, certain motives that formed the foundations of the childhood back then were noticed. Patriarchy, christianity, education, play and the concept of orphans run through all the work. Children grew up in christian-patriarchal families with visible gender divisions. Although the motives of patriarchy and authority are expressed, we can nevertheless speak of a happy childhood, filled with play.
With the occurance of authors such as Jagoda Truhelka and Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, the child begins to be in the center of interest, and a novel about childhood appears in Croatian children's literature. Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić made her literary steps at the beginning of the 20th century with a collection of short stories and poems for children „Valjani i nevaljani“, which was printed in her own edition. A thematically related collection of short stories and poems, „Škola i praznici“ was published in 1905, the masterpiece „Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića“, is published in 1913. Jagoda Truhelka is a Croatian writer, excellent pedagogue and teacher. She first appeared in literature with the novel „Tugomil“,from 1894. With short stories for children „Zlatni danci“ (1918) she gained the most recognition. Truhelka focuses on the world of children's reality and everyday life. This being in contrast with Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, who represents plots interwoven with morality and mythological elements
A look at childhood in selected works by Ivana Brlić Mažuranić and Jagoda Truhelka
Ovaj rad rezultat je proučavanja prikaza lika djeteta i djetinjstva u djelima Ivane Brlić Mažuranić i Jagode Truhelke. Cilj je rada dobiti uvid u djetinjstvo u odabranim djelima u drugom razdoblju hrvatske dječje književnosti, koje još nazivamo i doba Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić. U radu su analizirani sljedeći romani: Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića (1913.), Škola i praznici (1905.) Ivane Brlić Mažuranić i Zlatni Danci (1918.) Jagode Truhelke. Analizirajući odabrana djela, uočeni su određeni motivi koji su činili temelje tadašnjeg djetinjstva te se provlače kroz sva djela patrijarhalnost, kršćanstvo, školstvo, igra i pojam siročadi. Djeca su odrasla u kršćansko-patrijarhalnim obiteljima s vidljivim rodnim podjelama. Iako su izraženi motivi patrijarhalnosti i autoriteta, možemo govoriti o sretnom djetinjstvu ispunjenom igrom.
Pojavom autorica Jagode Truhelke i Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić dijete počinje biti u središtu zanimanja te se u hrvatskoj dječjoj književnosti pojavljuje roman o djetinjstvu. Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić svoje literarne korake radi na početku 20.stoljeća sa zbirkom pripovijetka i pjesama za djecu Valjani i nevaljani koja je tiskana u vlastitoj nakladi. Tematski srodna zbirka pripovijetki i pjesama Škola i praznici objavljena je 1905, a posebno se ističe remek-djelo Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića izdano 1913. Jagoda Truhelka je hrvatska književnica, vrsna pedagoginja i učiteljica. Svoje pojavljivanje u književnosti započinje romanom Tugomila iz 1894. godine, a s pripovijetkama za djecu Zlatni danci (1918.) stječe najviše priznanja. Truhelka se usmjeruje na svijet dječje zbilje i svakodnevice, a oprečno njoj, Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić iznosi fabule protkane s moralnošću i mitološkim elementima.This paper is the result of studying the depiction of the character of a child and childhood in the works of Ivana Brlić Mažuranić and Jagoda Truhelka. The objective of this paper is to gain an insight into childhood, in selected works in the second period of Croatian children's literature, which we also call the era of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić. The following novels are analyzed in the paper: „Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića“ (1913) , Škola i Praznici (1905) and Jagoda Truhelka's „Zlatni danci“ (1918). By analyzing the selected work, certain motives that formed the foundations of the childhood back then were noticed. Patriarchy, christianity, education, play and the concept of orphans run through all the work. Children grew up in christian-patriarchal families with visible gender divisions. Although the motives of patriarchy and authority are expressed, we can nevertheless speak of a happy childhood, filled with play.
With the occurance of authors such as Jagoda Truhelka and Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, the child begins to be in the center of interest, and a novel about childhood appears in Croatian children's literature. Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić made her literary steps at the beginning of the 20th century with a collection of short stories and poems for children „Valjani i nevaljani“, which was printed in her own edition. A thematically related collection of short stories and poems, „Škola i praznici“ was published in 1905, the masterpiece „Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića“, is published in 1913. Jagoda Truhelka is a Croatian writer, excellent pedagogue and teacher. She first appeared in literature with the novel „Tugomil“,from 1894. With short stories for children „Zlatni danci“ (1918) she gained the most recognition. Truhelka focuses on the world of children's reality and everyday life. This being in contrast with Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, who represents plots interwoven with morality and mythological elements
A look at childhood in selected works by Ivana Brlić Mažuranić and Jagoda Truhelka
Ovaj rad rezultat je proučavanja prikaza lika djeteta i djetinjstva u djelima Ivane Brlić Mažuranić i Jagode Truhelke. Cilj je rada dobiti uvid u djetinjstvo u odabranim djelima u drugom razdoblju hrvatske dječje književnosti, koje još nazivamo i doba Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić. U radu su analizirani sljedeći romani: Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića (1913.), Škola i praznici (1905.) Ivane Brlić Mažuranić i Zlatni Danci (1918.) Jagode Truhelke. Analizirajući odabrana djela, uočeni su određeni motivi koji su činili temelje tadašnjeg djetinjstva te se provlače kroz sva djela patrijarhalnost, kršćanstvo, školstvo, igra i pojam siročadi. Djeca su odrasla u kršćansko-patrijarhalnim obiteljima s vidljivim rodnim podjelama. Iako su izraženi motivi patrijarhalnosti i autoriteta, možemo govoriti o sretnom djetinjstvu ispunjenom igrom.
Pojavom autorica Jagode Truhelke i Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić dijete počinje biti u središtu zanimanja te se u hrvatskoj dječjoj književnosti pojavljuje roman o djetinjstvu. Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić svoje literarne korake radi na početku 20.stoljeća sa zbirkom pripovijetka i pjesama za djecu Valjani i nevaljani koja je tiskana u vlastitoj nakladi. Tematski srodna zbirka pripovijetki i pjesama Škola i praznici objavljena je 1905, a posebno se ističe remek-djelo Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića izdano 1913. Jagoda Truhelka je hrvatska književnica, vrsna pedagoginja i učiteljica. Svoje pojavljivanje u književnosti započinje romanom Tugomila iz 1894. godine, a s pripovijetkama za djecu Zlatni danci (1918.) stječe najviše priznanja. Truhelka se usmjeruje na svijet dječje zbilje i svakodnevice, a oprečno njoj, Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić iznosi fabule protkane s moralnošću i mitološkim elementima.This paper is the result of studying the depiction of the character of a child and childhood in the works of Ivana Brlić Mažuranić and Jagoda Truhelka. The objective of this paper is to gain an insight into childhood, in selected works in the second period of Croatian children's literature, which we also call the era of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić. The following novels are analyzed in the paper: „Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića“ (1913) , Škola i Praznici (1905) and Jagoda Truhelka's „Zlatni danci“ (1918). By analyzing the selected work, certain motives that formed the foundations of the childhood back then were noticed. Patriarchy, christianity, education, play and the concept of orphans run through all the work. Children grew up in christian-patriarchal families with visible gender divisions. Although the motives of patriarchy and authority are expressed, we can nevertheless speak of a happy childhood, filled with play.
With the occurance of authors such as Jagoda Truhelka and Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, the child begins to be in the center of interest, and a novel about childhood appears in Croatian children's literature. Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić made her literary steps at the beginning of the 20th century with a collection of short stories and poems for children „Valjani i nevaljani“, which was printed in her own edition. A thematically related collection of short stories and poems, „Škola i praznici“ was published in 1905, the masterpiece „Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića“, is published in 1913. Jagoda Truhelka is a Croatian writer, excellent pedagogue and teacher. She first appeared in literature with the novel „Tugomil“,from 1894. With short stories for children „Zlatni danci“ (1918) she gained the most recognition. Truhelka focuses on the world of children's reality and everyday life. This being in contrast with Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, who represents plots interwoven with morality and mythological elements