166 research outputs found
Hidden Conformal Symmetry in Tree-Level Graviton Scattering
We argue that the scattering of gravitons in ordinary Einstein gravity
possesses a hidden conformal symmetry at tree level in any number of
dimensions. The presence of this conformal symmetry is indicated by the dilaton
soft theorem in string theory, and it is reminiscent of the conformal
invariance of gluon tree-level amplitudes in four dimensions. To motivate the
underlying prescription, we demonstrate that formulating the conformal symmetry
of gluon amplitudes in terms of momenta and polarization vectors requires
manifest reversal and cyclic symmetry. Similarly, our formulation of the
conformal symmetry of graviton amplitudes relies on a manifestly permutation
symmetric form of the amplitude function.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figure
Consistent Conformal Extensions of the Standard Model
The question of whether classically conformal modifications of the standard
model are consistent with experimental obervations has recently been subject to
renewed interest. The method of Gildener and Weinberg provides a natural
framework for the study of the effective potential of the resulting
multi-scalar standard model extensions. This approach relies on the assumption
of the ordinary loop hierarchy of scalar
and gauge couplings. On the other hand, Andreassen, Frost and Schwartz recently
argued that in the (single-scalar) standard model, gauge invariant results
require the consistent scaling . In the
present paper we contrast these two hierarchy assumptions and illustrate the
differences in the phenomenological predictions of minimal conformal extensions
of the standard model.Comment: 20 pages, 19 figures. v2: Typo in (3.3) corrected, references adde
Limiting Geometries of Two Circular Maldacena-Wilson Loop Operators
We further analyze a recent perturbative two-loop calculation of the
expectation value of two axi-symmetric circular Maldacena-Wilson loops in N=4
gauge theory. Firstly, it is demonstrated how to adapt the previous calculation
of anti-symmetrically oriented circles to the symmetric case. By shrinking one
of the circles to zero size we then explicitly work out the first few terms of
the local operator expansion of the loop. Our calculations explicitly
demonstrate that circular Maldacena-Wilson loops are non-BPS observables
precisely due to the appearance of unprotected local operators. The latter
receive anomalous scaling dimensions from non-ladder diagrams. Finally, we
present new insights into a recent conjecture claiming that coincident circular
Maldacena-Wilson loops are described by a Gaussian matrix model. We report on a
novel, supporting two-loop test, but also explain and illustrate why the
existing arguments in favor of the conjecture are flawed.Comment: 16 pages, numerous figure
Vertex Operators for the Supermembrane
We derive the vertex operators that are expected to govern the emission of
the massless d=11 supermultiplet from the supermembrane in the light cone
gauge. We demonstrate that they form a representation of the supersymmetry
algebra and reduce to the type IIA superstring vertex operators under double
dimensional reduction, as well as to the vertices of the d=11 superparticle in
the point-particle limit. As a byproduct, our results can be used to derive the
corresponding vertex operators for matrix theory and to describe its linear
coupling to an arbitrary d=11 supergravity background. Possible applications
are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, uses axodraw.sty; v2: minor changes, version to be
published in JHE
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