188 research outputs found
Treatment of acquired flexural deformity of the distal interphalangeal joint in the horse: a retrospective study of 51 cases
Flexural deformity of the distal interphalangeal joint is an important disorder in horses, which can be acquired during the first year of life, often as a result of lateralization during grazing. In this retrospective study, the medical files of 51 cases presented at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Ghent University (1999-2013) were analyzed, followed by a telephone questionnaire. In 65% of the conservatively treated patients, the hoof conformation corrected completely, which was not significantly different from what was seen in the surgically treated group (complete correction in 56% of cases). Foals treated conservatively before the age of six months and foals treated surgically before twelve months of age, had a significantly better chance of a successful correction than older foals. Moreover, cases in which treatment did not restore the hoof conformation completely, presented a significantly higher chance of (persisting) lameness and were significantly less likely to have an athletic career. Finally, this study proved a significant association between the hoof conformation of the dam and her foals
Acute instability of the nuchal ligament following cervical neuromuscular dysfunction in a dressage horse
Evidence-based farriery : pressure plate evaluation of shoeing with a wide toe in sound warmblood horses at the walk and trot
A retrospective study on 195 horses with contaminated and infected synovial cavities
This study analyzes the clinical aspects of contaminated and infected synovial cavities in horses and evaluates their prognosis after treatment. The medical records of 195 affected horses referred between June 1999 and July 2004 were reviewed. Twenty-six horses were euthanized or returned home without further treatment. Therapeutic strategies for the remaining 169 horses were not different from those reported in other recent studies, except that lavage was performed predominantly without endoscopic visualization. Follow-up was obtained by questionnaire for 150 of 169 treated horses. The outcome was considered successful (survival without residual lameness) in 109 of 150 horses (72.7%). Iatrogenic synovial infection, the presence of radiographic signs on admission and the use of regional antibiotic perfusion were significantly related with non-successful outcome. Overall, the outcome in the present study appeared to be slightly less favorable compared to other recent reports, although it certainly improved for horses with deep nail puncture wounds
Biomechanische aspecten met betrekking tot hoefbeslag bij paarden
In this paper, the current biomechanical concepts that are important for the evidence-based application of trimming and shoeing techniques in the treatment of lameness in horses are reviewed. Hoof balance, shock absorption, grip versus sliding of the hoof, the pressure distribution within the hoof and hoof breakover are discussed. Moreover, possible effects on the hoof mechanism should be taken into account. Ideally, these issues should be considered in the prevention of injury rather than in the treatment of established pathology
Prevalence of radiographic findings in candidate sires (2001-2008)
Radiographic screening of horses prior to purchase or admission to studbooks has become an important tool for evaluating the osteo-articular status of the animals. Developmental orthopedic disorders (DOD) are the main cause of potential lameness in youngsters. The genetic factor associated with DOD has been established, and specific selection schemes have been developed to diminish the prevalence of lesions. Increasing knowledge of prevalence in different breeds may help in developing specific breeding strategies.
This article presents the results of the radiographic screening of 676 stallions presented for sire admission to the Royal Belgian Sports Horse Society (Studbook sBs). On average, two radiographic findings were noted per horse. The prevalence of DOD in this population was 38.9%. A high percentage of horses showed radiographic signs of effusion of the distal interphalangeal joint. An uncommon fragment location at the proximal tubercle of the talus was found in 7 horses. The present paper presents a review and discussion of all the radiographic findings
Resultaten na operatieve behandeling van luchtzuigen bij het paard: een retrospectieve studie (1990-2000)
From 1990 till 2000 thirty windsucking horses were admitted for surgical intervention at the department of Surgery and Anesthesiology of Domestic Animals of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Ghent. Twenty-one horse owners answered the follow-up questionary. The etiology of this stereotypy and possible treatments are discussed. The results after surgery (modified operation of Forssell) were good in 71.4% of the cases, with little postoperative complications. There was no predisposition for a certain age or sex although thoroughbreds were more often referred for surgical treatment
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