306 research outputs found
Data analysis with R in an experimental physics environment
A software package has been developed to bridge the R analysis model with the
conceptual analysis environment typical of radiation physics experiments. The
new package has been used in the context of a project for the validation of
simulation models, where it has demonstrated its capability to satisfy typical
requirements pertinent to the problem domain.Comment: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 201
Photon elastic scattering simulation: validation and improvements to Geant4
Several models for the simulation of photon elastic scattering are
quantitatively evaluated with respect to a large collection of experimental
data retrieved from the literature. They include models based on the form
factor approximation, on S-matrix calculations and on analytical
parameterizations; they exploit publicly available data libraries and
tabulations of theoretical calculations. Some of these models are currently
implemented in general purpose Monte Carlo systems; some have been implemented
and evaluated for the first time in this paper for possible use in Monte Carlo
particle transport. The analysis mainly concerns the energy range between 5 keV
and a few MeV. The validation process identifies the newly implemented model
based on second order S-matrix calculations as the one best reproducing
experimental measurements. The validation results show that, along with
Rayleigh scattering, additional processes, not yet implemented in Geant4 nor in
other major Monte Carlo systems, should be taken into account to realistically
describe photon elastic scattering with matter above 1 MeV. Evaluations of the
computational performance of the various simulation algorithms are reported
along with the analysis of their physics capabilities
Geant4 Maintainability Assessed with Respect to Software Engineering References
We report a methodology developed to quantitatively assess the
maintainability of Geant4 with respect to software engineering references. The
level of maintainability is determined by combining a set of metrics values
whose references are documented in literature.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables, IEEE NSS/MIC 201
Ionization cross sections for low energy electron transport
Two models for the calculation of ionization cross sections by electron
impact on atoms, the Binary-Encouter-Bethe and the Deutsch-Maerk models, have
been implemented; they are intended to extend and improve Geant4 simulation
capabilities in the energy range below 1 keV. The physics features of the
implementation of the models are described, and their differences with respect
to the original formulations are discussed. Results of the verification with
respect to the original theoretical sources and of extensive validation with
respect to experimental data are reported. The validation process also concerns
the ionization cross sections included in the Evaluated Electron Data Library
used by Geant4 for low energy electron transport. Among the three cross section
options, the Deutsch-Maerk model is identified as the most accurate at
reproducing experimental data over the energy range subject to test.Comment: To be published in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Dec. 201
How do particle physicists learn the programming concepts they need?
The ability to read, use and develop code efficiently and successfully is a
key ingredient in modern particle physics. We report the experience of a
training program, identified as "Advanced Programming Concepts", that
introduces software concepts, methods and techniques to work effectively on a
daily basis in a HEP experiment or other programming intensive fields. This
paper illustrates the principles, motivations and methods that shape the
"Advanced Computing Concepts" training program, the knowledge base that it
conveys, an analysis of the feedback received so far, and the integration of
these concepts in the software development process of the experiments as well
as its applicability to a wider audience.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, CHEP2015 proceeding
Physics-related epistemic uncertainties in proton depth dose simulation
A set of physics models and parameters pertaining to the simulation of proton
energy deposition in matter are evaluated in the energy range up to
approximately 65 MeV, based on their implementations in the Geant4 toolkit. The
analysis assesses several features of the models and the impact of their
associated epistemic uncertainties, i.e. uncertainties due to lack of
knowledge, on the simulation results. Possible systematic effects deriving from
uncertainties of this kind are highlighted; their relevance in relation to the
application environment and different experimental requirements are discussed,
with emphasis on the simulation of radiotherapy set-ups. By documenting
quantitatively the features of a wide set of simulation models and the related
intrinsic uncertainties affecting the simulation results, this analysis
provides guidance regarding the use of the concerned simulation tools in
experimental applications; it also provides indications for further
experimental measurements addressing the sources of such uncertainties.Comment: To be published in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc
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