205 research outputs found

    Discontinuities in the Electromagnetic Fields of Vortex Beams in the Complex Source/Sink Model

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    An analytical discontinuity is reported in what was thought to be the discontinuity-free exact nonparaxial vortex beam phasor obtained within the complex source/sink model. This discontinuity appears for all odd values of the orbital angular momentum mode. Such discontinuities in the phasor lead to nonphysical discontinuities in the real electromagnetic field components. We identify the source of the discontinuities, and provide graphical evidence of the discontinuous real electric fields for the first and third orbital angular momentum modes. A simple means of avoiding these discontinuities is presented.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Perturbative representation of ultrashort nonparaxial elegant Laguerre-Gaussian fields

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    An analytical method for calculating the electromagnetic fields of a nonparaxial elegant Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) vortex beam is presented for arbitrary pulse duration, spot size, and LG mode. This perturbative approach provides a numerically tractable model for the calculation of arbitrarily high radial and azimuthal LG modes in the nonparaxial regime, without requiring integral representations of the fields. A key feature of this perturbative model is its use of a Poisson-like frequency spectrum, which allows for the proper description of pulses of arbitrarily short duration. This model is thus appropriate for simulating laser-matter interactions, including those involving short laser pulses

    Enhancing high-order harmonic generation by sculpting waveforms with chirp

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    We present a theoretical analysis showing how chirp can be used to sculpt two-color driving laser field waveforms in order to enhance high-order harmonic generation (HHG) and/or extend HHG cutoff energies. Specifically, we consider driving laser field waveforms composed of two ultrashort pulses having different carrier frequencies in each of which a linear chirp is introduced. Two pairs of carrier frequencies of the component pulses are considered: (ω, 2ω) and (ω, 3ω). Our results show how changing the signs of the chirps in each of the two component pulses leads to drastic changes in the HHG spectra. Our theoretical analysis is based on numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation and on a semiclassical analytical approach that affords a clear physical interpretation of how our optimized waveforms lead to enhanced HHG spectra

    Enhancing high-order-harmonic generation by time delays between two-color, few-cycle pulses

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    Use of time delays in high-order-harmonic generation (HHG) driven by intense two-color, few-cycle pulses is investigated in order to determine means of optimizing HHG intensities and plateau cutoff energies. Based upon numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrõdinger equation for the H atom as well as analytical analyses, we show that introducing a time delay between the two-color, few-cycle pulses can result in an enhancement of the intensity of the HHG spectrum by an order of magnitude (or more) at the cost of a reduction in the HHG plateau cutoff energy. Results for both positive and negative time delays as well as various pulse carrier-envelope phases are investigated and discussed

    Enhancing high-order-harmonic generation by time delays between two-color, few-cycle pulses

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    Use of time delays in high-order-harmonic generation (HHG) driven by intense two-color, few-cycle pulses is investigated in order to determine means of optimizing HHG intensities and plateau cutoff energies. Based upon numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrõdinger equation for the H atom as well as analytical analyses, we show that introducing a time delay between the two-color, few-cycle pulses can result in an enhancement of the intensity of the HHG spectrum by an order of magnitude (or more) at the cost of a reduction in the HHG plateau cutoff energy. Results for both positive and negative time delays as well as various pulse carrier-envelope phases are investigated and discussed

    Sibling recurrence risk ratio analysis of the metabolic syndrome and its components over time

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to estimate both cross-sectional sibling recurrence risk ratio (λ(s)) and lifetime λ(s )for the metabolic syndrome and its individual components over time among sibships in the prospectively followed-up cohorts provided by the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13. Five measures included in the operational criteria of the metabolic syndrome by the Adult Treatment Panel III were examined. A method for estimating sibling recurrence risk with correction for complete ascertainment was used to estimate the numerator, and the prevalence in the whole cohort was used as the denominator of λ(s). RESULTS: Considerable variability in the λ(s )was found in terms of different time-points for the cross-sectional definition, the times of fulfilling the criterion for lifetime definition, and different components. Obesity and hyperglycemia had the highest cross-sectional λ(s )of the five components. Both components also had the largest slopes in the linear trend of the lifetime λ(s). However, the magnitudes of the lifetime λ(s )were similar to that of the mean cross-sectional λ(s), which were <2. The results of nonparametric linkage analysis showed only suggestive evidence of linkage between one marker and lifetime diagnosis of low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and metabolic syndrome, respectively. CONCLUSION: The λ(s )of the metabolic syndrome and its components varies substantially across time, and the λ(s )of lifetime diagnosis was not necessarily larger than that of a cross-sectional diagnosis. The magnitude of λ(s )does not predict well the maximum LOD score of linkage analysis

    Ba2NiOsO6: A Dirac-Mott insulator with ferromagnetism near 100 K

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    The ferromagnetic semiconductor Ba2NiOsO6 (Tmag ~100 K) was synthesized at 6 GPa and 1500 {\deg}C. It crystallizes into a double perovskite structure [Fm-3m; a = 8.0428(1) {\AA}], where the Ni2+ and Os6+ ions are perfectly ordered at the perovskite B-site. We show that the spin-orbit coupling of Os6+ plays an essential role in opening the charge gap. The magnetic state was investigated by density functional theory calculations and powder neutron diffraction. The latter revealed a collinear ferromagnetic order in a >21 kOe magnetic field at 5 K. The ferromagnetic gapped state is fundamentally different from that of known dilute magnetic semiconductors such as (Ga,Mn)As and (Cd,Mn)Te (Tmag < 180 K), the spin-gapless semiconductor Mn2CoAl (Tmag ~720 K), and the ferromagnetic insulators EuO (Tmag ~70 K) and Bi3Cr3O11 (Tmag ~220 K). It is also qualitatively different from known ferrimagnetic insulator/semiconductors, which are characterized by an antiparallel spin arrangement. Our finding of the ferromagnetic semiconductivity of Ba2NiOsO6 should increase interest in the platinum group oxides, because this new class of materials should be useful in the development of spintronic, quantum magnetic, and related devices
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