49 research outputs found

    Top 30 genes significantly more highly expressed in the RPE compared to the IE.

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    <p>The genes that are in bold were shown to be enriched in the human RPE [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0182983#pone.0182983.ref026" target="_blank">26</a>]. Asterisks mark the genes that might be present in our dataset by contamination of the mRNA on the photoreceptor-RPE interface or may be expressed to some extent in both adjacent cell layers (also see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0182983#sec021" target="_blank">Materials and methods</a>).</p

    Top 20 significant canonical pathways of the core analysis in IPA (Ingenuity) of most highly expressed genes of the IE and the RPE.

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    <p>P-values indicate the significance of enrichment for the most highly expressed genes from our dataset. P-values were corrected for multiple testing using the Benjamini-Hochberg (B-H) false discovery rate. The upper graph (light blue bars) represents theā€“log(B-H) p-value of the RPE and the lower graph (dark blue bars) represents theā€“log(B-H) p-value of the IE. The orange line indicates the threshold of B-H corrected p<0.001.</p

    Heatmap for the expression of genes related to RPE specific functions.

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    <p>The normalized expression data are converted to heat map color using the mean and maximum values for each gene. The intensity scale of the standardized expression values ranges from dark blue (low expression) to dark orange (high expression). We added a hierarchical cluster tree that shows that the IE samples cluster together and the RPE samples cluster together.</p

    Differentially Expressed Genes in the Pre-Eclamptic Placenta: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    <div><p>Objective</p><p>To systematically review the literature on human gene expression data of placental tissue in pre-eclampsia and to characterize a meta-signature of differentially expressed genes in order to identify novel putative diagnostic markers.</p><p>Data Sources</p><p>Medline through 11 February 2011 using MeSH terms and keywords related to placenta, gene expression and gene expression arrays; GEO database using the term ā€œplacent*ā€; and reference lists of eligible primary studies, without constraints.</p><p>Methods</p><p>From 1068 studies retrieved from the search, we included original publications that had performed gene expression array analyses of placental tissue in the third trimester and that reported on differentially expressed genes in pre-eclampsia versus normotensive controls. Two reviewers independently identified eligible studies, extracted descriptive and gene expression data and assessed study quality. Using a vote-counting method based on a comparative meta-profiling algorithm, we determined a meta-signature that characterizes the significant intersection of differentially expressed genes from the collection of independent gene signatures.</p><p>Results</p><p>We identified 33 eligible gene expression array studies of placental tissue in the 3<sup>rd</sup> trimester comprising 30 datasets on mRNA expression and 4 datasets on microRNA expression. The pre-eclamptic placental meta-signature consisted of 40 annotated gene transcripts and 17 microRNAs. At least half of the mRNA transcripts encode a protein that is secreted from the cell and could potentially serve as a biomarker.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>In addition to well-known and validated genes, we identified 14 transcripts not reported previously in relation to pre-eclampsia of which the majority is also expressed in the 1<sup>st</sup> trimester placenta, and three encode a secreted protein.</p></div

    Functional networks within the meta-signature.

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    <p>To build a functional network map the 40 meta-signature genes were analyzed using STRING software. Interactions are based on information from experimental and curated protein databases, and text mining with a high confidence setting of 0.8; the resulting networks were clustered using Markov clustering.</p

    Meta signature of 4 studies on third-trimester placental tissue microRNA expression.

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    <p>MicroRNAs incorporated in the meta-signature are ordered by (1) the number of publications that reported the miRNA as differentially expressed and (2) alphabetically.</p>*<p>Results were inconsistent among studies, the majority of studies reported the result presented here.</p><p>ā€“No consensus among studies: 1 study reported upregulated expression and 1 study reported downregulated expression in pre-eclampsia.</p

    Volcano plot of DEGs.

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    <p>Volcano plot showing the standardized mean difference and the adjusted p-value for the 8,612 genes included on all platforms. The red dots represent genes differentially expressed (adjusted P<0.05) in the preeclamptic versus normotensive placenta. The symbol-marked dots indicate the five genes with the largest negative or positive standardized mean difference.</p

    Overlapping genes with previous meta-analyses.

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    <p>Venn diagram of the DEGs from the current study and the previously published studies. DEGs were extracted from the publications [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0132468#pone.0132468.ref005" target="_blank">5</a>, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0132468#pone.0132468.ref006" target="_blank">6</a>] and only genes within the gene universe of our study were included in the comparison.</p

    CREBBP/EP300 expression in individual studies.

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    <p>Forest plots for CREBBP and EP300. Squares are proportional to weights used in the meta-analysis, and the lines represent the 95% confidence interval. The diamond represents the standardized mean difference (log2 scale).</p