20 research outputs found

    Analisis Fiksi Kado Untuk Putri Ungu Dan Suri Cucu Kakek Dulhak: Tinjauan Strukturalisme

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    Growing exprience and personal success showed the children a variety of other ways to control their emotions, overcome fear, develop trust, overcoming the desire to maintain the way they are right, develop acceptable interations with peers and adults are sure to occur and not inevitable. In this case carried out by researchers, for example in the areas of socia, psychologi, and literature. In the study of literature, structuralisme is important in the study, because this principle wear every element associated with other elements. In children's literature, the outhers raise the study of how views on the structure of the literary work litertaure contains exploration of the truth of humanity. Litertaure also offers a shred story that stimulates the readers to do something. Reader especially children developing new fantasy arrives and receive children developing new fantasy arrives and receive all kinds of stories off, whether the story makes sense or not. As a literary work certainly want to convey a meaning that contain human values. As children who are able to give readers an understanding based on the growth and development of children

    Correlation of mastering effective sentences and learning motivation to writing skills of explanation text for high school students

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    This article aims to describe and describe the relationship between effective sentence mastery and student motivation to write explanatory text skills. The results of data processing using multiple regression to the explanatory text writing variable (Y) resulted in a multiple regression coefficient (b) of 0.094 for effective sentence mastery (X1) and 0.791 for learning motivation (X2) and a constant (a) of 50.547. Thus, the form of the correlation between the three variables can be expressed by the multiple regression equation Ẏ = 50.547 + 0.094X1 + 0.791 X2. The results of the data obtained in the form of a correlation that has a significant value between effective sentence mastery and learning motivation on explanatory text writing skills at the coefficient of determination R2 = 0.375, effective sentence mastery and learning motivation affect explanatory text writing skills by 37.5%.Â

    Hubungan Gaya Belajar Terhadap Keterampilan Menulis Esai Kelas XI SMAN 9 Padang

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    The aim of this study is to examine the correlation between the learning preferences and essay writing abilities among 11th-grade students at SMA Negeri 9 Padang in class XI F7 for the learning style questionnaire trial and class XI F5 for the learning style questionnaire test and essay writing skill test using a random sample with a total of 32 students. This research employs a quantitative approach utilizing the correlation method to investigate potential associations between the two variables, namely learning style variables and essay writing skills variables. The results of this study are that in the data requirements test, the data normality test and homogeneity test are carried out. The normality test for the two data obtained a value of 0.427> 0.05 for learning style and 0.068> 0.05 for essay writing skills so that the two variables are normally distributed. Furthermore, for the data homogeneity test, a value of 0.218> 0.05 was obtained so that the data was homogeneous. Then, the result of this research hypothesis is 0.002< 0.05, it can be inferred that a connection exists between the learning style and essay writing skills of class XI students of SMA Negeri 9 Padang

    Mengembangkan Keterampilan Sosial Dalam Kehidupan Melalui Model Pembelajaran IPS Di Sekolah Dasar

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    Education can be interpreted as a process of forming the character of students and the results of education are indeed to create educated humans and have good character. Basically, social studies learning in elementary school studies theories about social science which aims to shape the personality and character of good Indonesian children. Social studies education is a discipline that is directed at the learning process that teaches students to care about conditions in society and provide solutions to social problems that exist in the surrounding environment. By developing social skills in elementary schools with this learning, students are able to master social skills which include interpersonal skills, collaboration/collaboration skills, interactive communication and global awareness. It is hoped that students will be able to implement this social studies learning in everyday life so that the creation of a good social and national life according to the objectives of social studies learning it self.Education can be interpreted as a process of forming the character of students and the results of education are indeed to create educated humans and have good character. Basically, social studies learning in elementary schools studies theories about social science which aims to shape the personality and character of good Indonesian children. Social studies education is a discipline that is directed at the learning process that teaches students to care about conditions in society and provide solutions to social problems that exist in the surrounding environment. By developing social skills in elementary schools with this learning, students are able to master social skills which include interpersonal skills, collaboration/collaboration skills, interactive communication and global awareness. It is hoped that students will be able to implement this social studies learning in everyday life so that the creation of a good social and national life according to the objectives of social studies learning itself


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    Asosiasi Pengajar Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (APBIPA) awal mulanya berdiri pada November 1999 setelah penyelenggaran konferensi Internasional pengajaran BIPA (KIPBIPA) ke-3 di IKIP Bandung. Seiring perkembangan waktu, APBIPA berubah menjadi Asosiasi Pengajar dan Pegiat Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (APPBIPA) pada rapat pengurusan APPBIPA pada periode 2015-2019 yang diselenggarakan di Jakarta. APPBIPA adalah organisasi profesi yang beranggotakan pengajar BIPA dan pegiat BIPA  baik di Indonesia maupun luar Indonesia. Misi utama APPBIPA adalah memartabatkan bahasa Indonesia dan memperkenalkan bahasa dan budaya Indonesia kepada orang asing. Dalam rangka perayaan hari jadi ke-21 APPBIPA pusat mengikutsertakan seluruh cabang (dalam dan luar negeri) untuk berpartisipasi dan berkolaborasi dalam rangka pesta akademia 21 tahun APPBIPA. APPBIPA Sumatera Barat berkolaborasi dengan APPBIPA Bali untuk mengikuti lomba pengajaran bahasa dan lomba pengajaran budaya dan pengetahuan umum tentang Indonesia dengan tema “Lingkungan hidup” untuk tingkatan pemelajar B1

    Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan bagi Siswa dalam Perubahan Sosial di Masyarakat

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    Pendidikan kewarganegaraan merupakan pengetahuan wajib dalam dunia pendidikan, dari jenjang sekolah sampai perguruan tinggi. tujuan pendidikan kewarganegaraan yang paling utama adalah menciptakan civics inteliegence. Hakikatnya pendidikan kewarganegaraan adalah upaya sadar dan terencana untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa bagi warga Negara dengan menumbuhkan jati diri dan moral bangsa sebagai landasan pelaksaan hak dan kewajiban dalam bela Negara, demi kelangsungan kehidupan dan kejayaan bangsa dan Negara. Bukan hanya menguatkan moral untuk berbangsa dan bernegara. tujuan pendidikan kewarganegaraan adalah mampu meningkatkan kecerdasan dalam kewarganegaraan secara intelektual, sosial, dan emosional serta kecerdasan kewargaan secara spiritual. Visi mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKn) adalah berorientasi pada terbentuknya masyarakat demokratis yang lebih dikenal dengan masyarakat madani (civil society). PKn paradigma baru berupaya memberdayakan warga Negara melalui proses pendidikan agar mampu berperan serta aktif dalam sistem pemerintahan yang demokratis. Berdasarkan pada visi mata pelajaran PKn tersebut, maka dapat dikembangkan misi mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan paradigma baru, yaitu membentuk warga negara yang baik (good citizenship), yaitu menciptakan kompetensi siswa agar mampu berperan aktif dan bertanggung jawab bagi kelangsungan pemerintahan demokratis melalui pengembangan pengetahuan karakter dan keterampilan warga negara. &nbsp

    Learning Foreign Language Towards Its Media and Identity To Motivate Student’s Personal Growth

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    Over the past few years, motivational research on language learning has focused on how learners see language knowledge as a medium and part of their inherent identity. This article presents a study that explores the significance of personal growth as a motivator for Indonesian university students learning Arabic and English. The research employs qualitative interviews to collect data and thoroughly examines the role of personal growth in student motivation. In analysis methods, the study emphasizes its comprehensive approach to investigating personal growth's role in student motivation while thoroughly examining the collected information.  Next, this article will present the main findings and argue that personal growth and the desire of Indonesian students to broaden their horizons strongly motivate them to further their education in Saudi Arabia. Finally, the article ends by finding that language and culture courses should be designed around relevant topics related to students' experiences and memories, thus allowing reflection and course content to present new ideas to students who sometimes might challenge their views

    Pengaruh Mesin Pengolahan Greding Kopi Terhadap Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Petani Kopi Di Kelompok Tani Mukti Cipanjalu Jawa Barat

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    The coffee plant is a source of foreign exchange country of the plantation sector .One in west java coffee producing the areas are the palintang, cipanjalu village, cilengkrang sub district , bandung regency .With the modern coffee machine tool for bringing positive impacts in this area, because it can enhance productivity coffee, that he was high on the market. Taken with melakukkan surveys and interviews in the area. The machine used in processing coffee one is greding coffee serves homogenize coffee beans in terms of size. This will enhance the economic value of coffe

    Pengaruh Mesin Pengolahan Greding Kopi Terhadap Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Petani Kopi Di Kelompok Tani Mukti Cipanjalu Jawa Barat

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    The coffee plant is a source of foreign exchange country of the plantation sector .One in west java coffee producing the areas are the palintang, cipanjalu village, cilengkrang sub district , bandung regency .With the modern coffee machine tool for bringing positive impacts in this area, because it can enhance productivity coffee, that he was high on the market. Taken with melakukkan surveys and interviews in the area. The machine used in processing coffee one is greding coffee serves homogenize coffee beans in terms of size. This will enhance the economic value of coffe